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《新视野大学英语读写教程》自学辅导  预备级第1册

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Unit One 1

Section A Alfred Nobel:a Man of Peace 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔:一个致力于和平事业的人 1

目录 1

Section B Marie Curie:A Twentieth-Century Woman 玛丽·居里:20世纪的一位伟大女性 27

Section C Nobel Prize Winners 诺贝尔奖获得者 42

Unit Two 44

Section A Speaking of Men and Women... 谈论男人和女人 44

Section B Women and Change 妇女与变化 68

Section C A Woman Looks at the Future 一位女士对未来的看法 78

Section A Trying to Fit into a New Family 设法适应新家庭 81

Unit Three 81

Section B Adoption 收养子女 103

Section C The Story of an Adoptive Mother 一位母亲收养孩子的故事 111

Unit Four 113

Section A Stopping Smokingin Public Places? 公共场所应该禁烟吗? 113

Section B A Decision Made Too Late 太迟的决定 136

Section C The Future of Cigarette Makers 香烟制造商的未来 149

Unit Five 152

Section A Too Many Choices in Shopping 眼花缭乱的采购 152

Section B Advertising Everywhere 广告满天飞 171

Section C Medium or Large 中份还是大份 182

Section A The More You Give,the Happier You Become 付出越多越快乐 184

Unit Six 184

Section B Keep Alive Your Sense of Humor 保持幽默感 205

Section C Anger Doesn’t Make Things Better 大发脾气无济于事 217

Unit Seven 220

Section A Why Getting Married So Young? 为什么早婚? 220

Section B Love or Infatuation? 是爱情还是痴迷? 239

Section C Live Together First? 应该先同居吗? 253

Section A Treating Illness 256

治病 256

Unit Eight 256

Section B Headaches 头痛种种 278

Section C Food and Health 饮食与健康 289

Unit Nime 291

Section A Little Saigon 小西贡 291

Section B Thought of Myself as an American 自以为是美国人 312

Section C Migration Today 移民问题现状 325

Unit Ten 328

Section A High Technology in the House 房子里的高科技 328

Section B The Fun They Had in School 他们在学校的乐趣 347

Section C Do Computers Help You to Learn? 电脑能帮助你学习吗? 357

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