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高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材  商务英语函电

高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材 商务英语函电PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:王燕主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787562929673
  • 标注页数:298 页
  • PDF页数:308 页

查看更多关于高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材 商务英语函电的内容


General Knowledge of Business English Correspondence商务英语函电基础知识 1

第一单元 商务英语函电简介 3

Unit 1 Introduction to Business English Correspondence 4

Part Ⅰ Functions of Business English Correspondence 4

Part Ⅱ Structural Parts and Styles of Business English Correspondence 5

Part Ⅲ Essential Qualities of Business English Correspondence 21

Summary 35

Exercise 35

第二单元 电子邮件写作 38

Unit 2 E-mail Writing 40

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction of Electronic Commerce & E-mail 40

Part Ⅱ Business E-mail Writing 42

Summary 50

Exercise 50

Trade Preparation交易准备 53

第三单元 建立贸易关系 55

Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations 57

Part Ⅰ Channels to Find New Customers 57

Part Ⅱ Letters for Establishing Business Relations 58

Summary 77

Exercise 78

第四单元 资信调查 82

Unit 4 Status Enquiry 83

Part Ⅰ Channels to Make Status Enquiries 83

Part Ⅱ Status Enquiry Letters & Replies 85

Summary 101

Exercise 102

Trade Consultation交易磋商 105

第五单元 询价与回复 107

Unit 5 Enquiry and Reply 108

Part Ⅰ Introduction to Enquiry 108

Part Ⅱ Enquiry & Replies 109

Summary 126

Exercise 127

第六单元 促销 130

Unit 6 Sales Promotion 131

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 131

Part Ⅱ Sales Promotion Letters 132

Summary 143

Exercise 144

第七单元 报价、报盘与还盘 147

Unit 7 Quotation, Offers and Counter-offers 148

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 148

Part Ⅱ Quotations,Offers & Counter-offers and Sample Letters 149

Summary 160

Exercise 161

第八单元 订单、接受和回绝 163

Unit 8 Order, Acceptance or Refusal 164

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 164

Part Ⅱ Orders,Acceptance & Refusals and Sample Letters 165

Summary 174

Exercise 175

Contract Signing合同订立 177

第九单元 售货确认书及购货合同 179

Unit 9 Sales Confirmation and Purchase Contract 180

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 180

Part Ⅱ Sales Confirmation & Purchase Contract and Specimens 181

Summary 192

Exercise 192

Fulfillment & Management of a Contract合同执行及后期管理 195

第十单元 支付 197

Unit 10 Terms of Payment 198

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 198

Part Ⅱ Terms of Payment & SpecimenLetters 201

Summary 213

Exercise 215

第十一单元 包装 217

Unit 11 Packing 218

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 218

Part Ⅱ Packing and Sample Letters 219

Summary 227

Exercise 227

第十二单元 保险 230

Unit 12 Insurance 231

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 231

Part Ⅱ Insurance and Sample Letters 233

Summary 239

Exercise 240

第十三单元 运输 243

Unit 13 Shipment 244

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 244

Part Ⅱ Shipment and Sample Letters 245

Summary 256

Exercise 257

第十四单元 投诉、索赔与理赔 259

Unit 14 Complaint, Claim and Settlement 260

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 260

Part Ⅱ Complaint,Claim & Settlement and Sample Letters 261

Summary 270

Exercise 271

第十五单元 代理 274

Unit 15 Agency 275

Part Ⅰ Brief Introduction 275

Part Ⅱ Agency Letters & Samples 276

Summary 284

Exercise 285

Supplementary Knowledge拓展知识 287

附录Ⅰ 销售合同(Sales Contracts) 289

附录Ⅱ 商务报告撰写(Business Report Writing) 293

参考文献 298

查看更多关于高职高专商务英语类专业规划教材 商务英语函电的内容
