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词汇、语义学和语言教育  英文版

词汇、语义学和语言教育 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载



Introduction 1

Preface by Haliday F 11

王宗炎序 F 12

Part 1 Semantics 13

1 Semantic features and semantic feature analysis 14

Features 14

Preface by Chomsky F 15

Features in synonyms and antonyms 19

沈家煊序 F 22

Features in definitions 23

Semantic features and grammar 24

导读 F 25

Evaluation of semantic feature analysis 28

Research and application 31

Preface F 33

2 Semantic field analysis 33

Semantic fields 33

Acknowledgments F 35

Semantic field displays 37

Evaluation of semantic field analysis 41

Research and application 44

Core meanings 47

3 Core meanings and prototype theory 47

Prototypes 52

Fuzzy categories,levels,and prototypes 58

Research and application 61

4 Relational models in semantics 64

Types of relations 65

Relational models 71

Relational models in dictionaries 75

Applying relational models 77

Research and application 83

Pervasiveness of figurative language 86

5 Semantics of figurative language 86

Categorizing figurative language 88

Metaphor as a universal process 92

Acquisition of metaphor 99

Literary and conceptual metaphor 102

Social models and metaphor 105

Metaphors of teaching and learning 107

Research and application 112

6 Semantic space across languages 115

Universal categories 116

Acquisition and error analysis 124

Error analysis,loan translation,and cognates 127

Predicting difficulty 131

Research and application 138

Scripts 145

7 Script semantics and conceptual structure 145

Scripts and semantics 151

Script semantics,language teaching,and testing 156

Thematic and conceptual structure theory 158

Summary of Part I 163

Research and application 164

Part Ⅱ Lexicon 169

8 Adding to the lexicon 170

Borrowing 170

Coinage 175

Names of people and places 176

Conversion 179

Shifts 181

Research and application 185

Compounding 189

9 Processes in word building 189

Acquisition of compounds 193

Reduplication 196

Phrasal lexicon 199

Idioms and proverbs 202

How large can a lexical unit be? 206

Clipping 208

Initialization and acronyms 210

Blends 211

Research and application 213

Part Ⅲ Lexical cases and morphology 217

10 Word classification 218

Nouns 219

Verbs 222

Adjectives 228

Adverbs 230

Pronouns 234

Conjunctions 238

Prepositions 243

Articles and demonstratives 247

Research and application 254

11 Morphology and derivations 261

Identifying morphemes 261

Classifying morphemes 264

Derivations 268

Derivational prefixes 271

Derivational suffixes 275

Other derivational processes 279

Research and application 281

12 Inflectional morphology 285

Inflections 285

Morpheme acquisition studies 288

Errors in inflections and derivations 294

Morphophonemic change 296

Research and application 298

Part Ⅳ Vocabulary choice and discourse use 301

13 Variation in vocabulary choice 302

Geography 302

Gender 307

Age 309

Occupation 312

Education 314

Group and individual choices 316

Formality 319

Research and application 325

14 The vocabulary of communication signals and speech acts 328

Communication signals 328

The lexicon of speech acts and speech events 348

Research and application 363

Part Ⅴ Vocabulary learning and vocabulary teaching 367

15 General vocabulary learning and learner strategies 368

General issues 368

Five essential steps in vocabulary learning 372

Learner compensation strategies 392

Research and application 397

16 Vocabulary pedagogy and teacher strategies 401

Unplanned vocabulary adjustments and teaching 401

Planned vocabulary adjustments and teaching 405

Research and application 423

Conclusion 426

References 427

文库索引 449

Index 457

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