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大学英语阶梯阅读训练  3

大学英语阶梯阅读训练 3PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:沈素萍总主编 侯宝琴本册主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:天津大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7561814534
  • 标注页数:152 页
  • PDF页数:159 页

查看更多关于大学英语阶梯阅读训练 3的内容


1.Cosmic Radiation and Van Allen Belts 1

2.Hormones and the Function 5

3.The Little People 7

4.Eskimos 11

5.Africa:Land of Problem and Promises 15

6.The Handsome and Deformed Leg 19

7.University Try New Path to Research Dollar 22

8.In the Blink of Eye 26

9.Rain Is Born 31

10.The Wisdom of Socrates 34

11.They Dared Cocaine and Lost(Ⅰ) 39

12.They Dared Cocaine and Lost(Ⅱ) 43

13.They Dared Cocaine and Lost(Ⅲ) 47

14.A Debate in Harvard University 50

15.Stephen Hawking 53

16.Running a Business from Home 58

17.Speech by British Prime Minister Mrs.Margaret Thatcher 62

18.Kings of Horror 67

19.The Beginning of the Healing Art 72

20.The Wild West s Legacy of Shame 77

21.The Spoken Word 82

22.A Harmonious Diversity 88

23.A Brief History of the Cigarette 92

24.The Other Life of an ATM Card 96

25.The Promise 99

26.Secrets From“The Millionaire Next Door” 105

27.The Education of Frank McCourt(Ⅰ) 109

28.The Education of Frank McCourt(Ⅱ) 113

29.Decline…and Back to Glory 117

30.A lot of Rubbish 121

31.What Is Your Emotional IQ? 125

32.Two Truths to Live by 130

33.The Internet 134

34.Most Popular Characters 138

Key to the Exercises 143

查看更多关于大学英语阶梯阅读训练 3的内容
