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地道英语  代词100句

地道英语 代词100句PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:浩瀚等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国书籍出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7506809451
  • 标注页数:242 页
  • PDF页数:258 页

CHAPTER 1人称代词的主格(单数) 2

1 I can help you.我会帮助你的。 2

2 Yor have a lovely office. 你的办公室令人愉快。 6

3 He might be at the library. 他可能在图书馆。 10

4 She studies French. 她学习法语。 14

5 I can t remember where I lost it.我不记得在哪儿丢的。 17

CHAPTER 2人称代词的主格(复数) 23

1 When are we to meet again? 我们什么时候再见面? 23

2 We believe that you will both be given the prize.我们相信你们都会获得奖金。 29

3 The children washed their hands before they ate.孩子们吃东西前洗手。 32

CHAPTER 3人称代词的宾格(单数) 37

1 I love my son as much as I loves me. 我爱我的儿子,就像我爱我自己。 37

2 I can t come myself,but I ll send someone to help you. 我不能亲自来,但我会派个人来帮你。 41

3 If I had listened to him,I d not be in such trouble now. 如果我当时听了他的话,现在就不会遇到麻烦了。 45

4 Her friend asked her whether she knew his sister or not. 她的朋友问她是否认识他妹妹。 48

5 I think it difficult to solve. 我想解决这个问题会很难。 51

CHAPTER 4人称代词的宾格(复数) 56

1 We found us too young to understand him. 我们发现我们太年轻了,以至于不能理解他。 56

2 I didn t meet you two at the party yesterday evening. 昨天的晚会上,我没有见到你们两个。 60

3 Most people considered them innocent. 多数人认为他们是清白的。 63

CHAPTER 5形容词性物主代词(单数) 68

1 I didn t go to church;nor did my sister. 我没有去教堂,我妹妹也没去。 68

2 Martha did arrange your books. 玛莎确实摆好了你的书。 72

3 You may use my pen and I ll use his pen. 你可以用我的笔,我用他的。 76

4 You ll have to meet her colleagues. 你将会见到她的同事。 79

5 The dog wagged its tail. 那狗摇它的尾巴。 82

CHAPTER 6形容词性物主代词(复数) 87

1 We have done our share. 我们已尽了我们的本分。 87

2 She s the first woman who climbed Mr.Jolmolungma in your country. 她是贵国第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的妇女。 91

3 This year,the value of their industrial output has increased by half as compared with that of last. 他们今年的工业产值比去年增加一半。 94

CHAPTER 7名词性物主代词(单数) 98

1 This bicycle is his, not mine.这辆自行车是他的,不是我的。 98

2 The book is yours. 那是你的书。 101

3 My mother is a doctor, his is a teacher. 我的母亲是位医生,他的母亲是位教师。 104

4 My watch is five minutes slow,what about hers? 我的表慢了5分钟,她的表准吗? 108

5 I love the name of the hotel.Its is Peace. 我喜欢这家旅馆的名字--和平旅馆。 111

CHAPTER 8名词性物主代词(复数) 116

1 We love the earth of ours,it s our common home. 我们爱这个地球,它是我们共同的家园。 116

2 These books are yours. 这些书是你们的。 119

3 It s a habit of theirs. 这是他们的一种习惯。 123

CHAPTER 9指示代词(单数) 128

2 Did you hurt yourself? 你伤了你自己吗? 131

3 He s teaching himself English.他自学英语 135

4 She ought to be ashamed of herself.她应当自感羞愧。 138

5 The house stands by itself in the forest. 房子孤零零地坐落在森林中。 142

6 One should not live for oneself alone. 人不应该专为自己而活着。 146

CHAPTER 10反身代词(复数) 151

1 It shall give ourselves the pleasure of calling on you. 我们将高兴地去拜访你。 151

2 You must do the exercises by yourselves.你们必须独自做这些练习。 155

3 They learn English by themselves. 他们自学英语。 158

CHAPTER 11指示代词(单数) 163

1 Look at this box. 看这个盒子。 163

2 She is the first one that wants to join the army.她是第一个想要参军的人。 167

CHAPTER 12指示代司(复数) 172

1 What are these? They are presents for you. 这是什么?是送给你的礼物。 172

2 Those who look down upon others are always looked down upon. 瞧不起别人的人,总是被别人瞧不起。 176

CHAPTER 13代词(such) 180

1 Such is life. 这就是生活。 180

1 He is the same age as his wife. 他和他的妻子同岁。 184

CHAPTER 14代词(same) 184

CHAPTER 15不定代词(all,none) 189

1 Is all(of) this money yours? 这些钱都是你的吗? 189

2 None of them has come back yet. 他们还没一个人回来。 192

CHAPTER 16不定代词(some,any) 197

1 There re some bananas in the basket. 篮子里有一些香蕉。 197

2 I want some stamps.Have you got any? 我要一些邮票,你有吗? 201

CHAPTER 17不定代词(both,either,neither) 206

1 They are both here. 他们俩都在这儿。 206

2 Either will do. 随便哪个都行。 210

3 Neither of the story is interesting.两个故事都没意思。 215

CHAPTER 18代词(each,everyone,one) 219

1 Each student has his own books. 每位学生都有自己的书。 219

2 Everyone promised that he would keep his word. 每个人都保证遵守自己的诺言。 223

3 He is one of her teachers. 他是她的一位教师。 226

CHAPTER 19相互代词(other,others) 231

1 You should care for others. 你应当关心别人。 231

CHAPTER 20不定代词(few,little) 236

1 Few of his friends were present. 他的朋友当中很少有人在场。 236

2 He is very busy and has little time.他很忙,几乎没有空闲时间 240

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