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新编商务英语听力  3  学生用书

新编商务英语听力 3 学生用书PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:虞苏美总主编 沈爱珍主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7040172143
  • 标注页数:154 页
  • PDF页数:166 页

查看更多关于新编商务英语听力 3 学生用书的内容


Unit 1 1

Part Ⅰ 2

A.EMS Set to Speed up 3

B.Background of DHL WorldWide Express 3

Part Ⅱ 4

A.Introduction of DHL-Sinotrans 5

B.Philosophy of DHL-Sinotrans 5

Part Ⅲ 6

A.DHL Is Facing Fierce Competition 7

B.UPS to Extend Its Delivery Services 8

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 8

Unit 2 11

Part Ⅰ 12

A.Sales of Real Estate on the Internet 12

B.Try E-headhunters to Look for High-tech Help 13

Part Ⅱ 14

A.A Report on the IT Industry 15

B.China Set to Ward off IT Attacks 16

Part Ⅲ 16

A.A Survey on E-life 17

B.Mail-order Multinationals Prefer Shanghai E-commerce Environment 17

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 19

Unit 3 21

Part Ⅰ 22

A.Stock 22

B.Stock Market 23

Part Ⅱ 24

A.Stock Value and Indexes 25

B.The Risk Investment 25

Part Ⅲ 26

A.Warren Buffett—Ace Stockpicker 27

B.George Soros—the Man Who Moves Market 27

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 28

Unit 4 29

Part Ⅰ 30

A.Stock Exchange 30

B.Bull Positions and Bear Positions 31

Part Ⅱ 32

A.Marketing Securities 32

B.Securities Risks 33

Part Ⅲ 34

A.How to Start an Investment 34

B.What Make Price Change? 35

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 35

Unit 5 37

Part Ⅰ 38

A.If Something Unexpected Sometimes Occurs 38

B.Insurance Is a Necessity 38

Part Ⅱ 39

A.Insurance Plans 39

B.Questions to Expect When Applying for Insurance 40

Part Ⅲ 41

A.Insurance Companies in the United States 41

B.A Case of Salvors Demanded Security 42

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 43

Unit 6 45

Part Ⅰ 46

A.Life Insuronce Basics 46

B.Property and Casualty Insurance Companies 46

Part Ⅱ 47

A.Screen Out Good Insurance Risks from Poor Ones 47

B.Health Insurance 47

Part Ⅲ 48

A.How Our Company Manages the Market 48

B.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 49

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 50

Unit 7 51

Part Ⅰ 52

A.Financial Market 52

B.Online Financiers 52

Part Ⅱ 53

A.The Problem of Inflation 53

B.Shanghai's Financial Industry 54

C.Dollars in the World Market 54

Part Ⅲ 55

A.Bank Cards' Status Show Growing Trend Among Customers 56

B.Evolution of Renminbi Exchange Rate Regime 57

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 57

Unit 8 59

Part Ⅰ 60

A.Foreign Investment(1) 61

B.Foreign Investment(2) 62

Part Ⅱ 62

A.Investment Wisdom from Warren Buffet 63

B.Investment Environment 64

Part Ⅲ 64

A.Establishing Joint Ventures 65

B.Preferential Policies 65

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 66

Test 1 67

Part Ⅰ 68

Part Ⅱ 69

Part Ⅲ 70

Part Ⅳ 71

Part Ⅴ 71

Unit 9 73

Part Ⅰ 74

A.Physical Distribution 74

B.Physical Distribution Management(PDM) 75

Part Ⅱ 76

A.Ocean Freight and Air Freight 76

B.Containerization 77

Part Ⅲ 78

A.Mode of Transportation 78

B.Shipping Goods 79

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 80

Unit 10 81

Part Ⅰ 82

A.World's Richest Billionaires 83

B.Interview with Bill Gates 83

Part Ⅱ 84

A.Stock Market's Miracle Man 84

B.Seeking the Gold Apple 85

Part Ⅲ 85

A.Good Style,Good Attitude 86

B.A Tale of Shanghai's"Aufo Doctor" 86

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 87

Unit 11 89

Part Ⅰ 90

A.The Importance of Export Trade 90

B.What Is Exporting? 91

Part Ⅱ 91

A.Export Market Research 92

B.Variables in Marketing 93

Part Ⅲ 94

A.Exporting Procedures(1) 94

B.Exporting Procedures(2) 95

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 96

Unit 12 97

Part Ⅰ 98

A.Some Special Terms in Export Trade 98

B.Importance of Export Pricing 99

Part Ⅱ 100

A.Setting Export Prices—Cost Considerations 100

B.Prices for Private Plates up at Auction 101

Part Ⅲ 102

A.Business Inquiries(1) 102

B.Business Inquiries(2) 103

C.Business Inquiries(3) 103

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 104

Unit 13 105

Part Ⅰ 106

A.Business Unusual for Private Eyes—Detective Agencies Seek Legal Trade Status 106

B.Hunting down the unfaithful 107

Part Ⅱ 108

A.Remittance Business Grows 108

B.Arbitration Thrives in China 109

Part Ⅲ 110

A.New Firm Sells Bargains 110

B.Clubs Teach Kids Investment 111

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 112

Unit 14 113

Part Ⅰ 114

A.Promotion Strategies 115

B.A Promoting Project 115

Part Ⅱ 116

A.Giving Business Presentations(Ⅰ) 117

B.Giving Business Presentations(Ⅱ) 117

Part Ⅲ 118

A.A Sales Presentation(Ⅰ) 119

B.A Sales Presentation(Ⅱ) 120

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 121

Unit 15 123

Part Ⅰ 124

A.Cross-cultural Negotiations 125

B.The Concept of"Face" 125

Part Ⅱ 126

A.Cross-cultural Negotiating Tips 127

B.Different Negotiating Styles 128

Part Ⅲ 129

A.Negotiating in Japan 130

B.A Negotiation 131

Part Ⅳ The World of Humor 132

Test 2 133

Part Ⅰ 134

Part Ⅱ 135

Part Ⅲ 135

Part Ⅳ 136

Part Ⅴ 137

Words List 138

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