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当代句法理论通览  英文版

当代句法理论通览 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载



Introduction F 1

Preface by Halliday F 9

ⅠDerivation versus Representation 9

王宗炎序 F 10

1.Explaining Morphosyntactic Competition JOAN BRESNAN 11

Preface by Chomsky F 13

沈家煊序 F 20

导读 F 23

Contributors F 31

2.Economy Conditions in Syntax CHRIS COLLINS 45

3.Derivation and Representation in Modern Transformational Syntax HOWARD LASNIK 62

4.Relativized Minimality Effects LUIGI RIZZI 89

Ⅱ Movement 111

5.Head Movement IAN ROBERTS 113

6.Object Shift and Scrambling H?SKULDUR THRáINSSON 148

7.Wh-in-situ Languages AKIRA WATANABE 203

8.A-Movements MARK R.BALTIN 226

Ⅲ Argument Structure and Phrase Structure 255

9.Thematic Relations in Syntax JEFFREY S.GRUBER 257

10.Predication JOHN BOWERS 299

11.Case HIROYUKI URA 334

12.Phrase Structure NAOKI FUKUI 374

13.The Natures of Nnonconfigurationality MARK C.BAKER 407

14.What VP Ellipsis Can Do, and What it Can t, but not Why KYLE JOGNSON 439

Ⅳ Functional Projections 481

15.Agreement Projections ADRIANA BELLETTI 483

16.Sentential Negation RAFFAELLA ZANUTTINI 511

17.The DP Hypothesis: Identifying Clausal Properties in the Nominal Domain JUDY B.BERNSTEIN 536

18.The Structure of DPs: Some Principles, Parameters, and Problems GIUSEPPE LONGOBARDI 562

Ⅴ Interface with Interpretation 605

19.The Syntax of Scope ANNA SZABOLCSI 607

20.Deconstructing Binding ERIC REULAND and MARTIN EVERAERT 634

Ⅵ External Evaluation of Syntax 697

22.Syntactic Change ANTHONY S.KROCH 699

23.Setting Syntactic Parameters JANET DEAN FODOR 730

21.Syntactic Reconstruction Effects ANDREW BARSS 760

Bibliography 768

Index 825

文库索引 861

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