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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:蓝勇著
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7541505392
  • 标注页数:332 页
  • PDF页数:359 页



第一章 “天府之国”的美誉会失去吗?——从关中的崛起与衰落谈起 1

Chapter I Will the Good Reputation of the Heavenly Land of Aboundance (Sichuan Province) be Lost ?—Beginning with the Rise and Decline of :“Guan Zhong District 1

引言 1

Chapter II The Sorrows of the Green Kingdom —The Economic Development of Mankind and Changes of the Forest Distribution in Southwest China 11

第二章 绿色王国的悲哀——人类经济开发与西南森林分布变迁 11

A Summary of Forest in Southwest China before the Tang Dynasty 13

唐以前西南森林概况 13

唐宋西南森林变迁 17

Changes of forest Distribution in Southwest China in the Tang and the Song Dynasties 17

The Evolution of Forest in Southwest China in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties 46

明清西南森林演变 46

Mankind s Economic Activities and the Consumption and Wastage of Forest 53

人类经济活动与森林的耗损 53

西南森林分布变迁的宏观和微观分析 64

A Macro-and Micro-Analysis of the changes of Forest Distribution in Southwest china 64

第三章 地球不能仅剩下——西南一些野生动物的衰亡与灭绝 77

西南虎分布变迁 77

Changes in the Distribution of the Tiger Population of Southwest China 77

Chapter III The Earth Can Not Have Man as the Only Inhabitant—the Decline and Extinction of Some Wild Animals in Southwest China 77

西南蟒蛇分布变迁 93

Changes in the Distribution of the Python Population of Southwest China 93

西南灵长目动物分布变迁 100

Changes in the Distribution of the Primates Population of Southwest china 100

Changes in the Distribution of the Wild Indian Rhinocero Population of Southwest china 112

西南野生印度犀分布变迁 112

西南野生亚洲象分布变迁 120

Changes in the Distribution of the Wild Asian Elephant Population of Southwest China 120

西南大熊猫、鹿科动物、嘉鱼、孔雀、鹦鹉分布变迁 126

The Distribution of Giant Pandas, Deer, Jia Fish Peacocks and Parrots in Southwest China 126

The Reduction of the Area of Distribution of Lycheegrowing 137

Chapter IV The Gourmet s Luck that Modern Man in Southwest China Has Lost—The Southward Movement of Some Centers of Tropic and Subtropic Industrial Crops 137

荔枝种植分布的缩小 137

第四章 现代西南人失去的口福——一些热带、亚热带经济作物中心的南移 137

The Reduction of Longan-growing Areas 165

龙眼种植面积的缩小 165

The Southward Movement of Citrus-growing Centers 166

柑橘种植中心的南移 166

甘蔗种植中心的南移 176

The Southward Movement of Sugar-Cane-growing Centers 176

The Southward Movement of the Northern Demarcation of the Bajiao-Banana-growing Centers 178

芭蕉种植中心北线的南移 178

Chapter V Blue Sky and White Cloud above Our Forefathers Heads—A Study of Climatic Vicissitudes in the History of Southwest China 187

第五章 我们古人头顶的蓝天白云——西南历史气候变迁研究 187

The Climatic Vicissitudes of Southwest China in Pre-Qing Dynasty 188

西南先秦气候变迁 188

The Climatic Vicissitudes of Southwest China in the Han and the Jin Dynasties 191

西南汉晋气候变迁 191

The climate of Southwest China in the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song Dynasty 194

西南唐五代北宋气候 194

西南南宋以来气候变迁 204

The Climatic Vicissitudes of Southwest China Since the Southern Song Dynasty 204

西南历史气候变迁大势 208

The Main Trend of Climatic Vicissitudes in the History of Southwest China 208

西南历中气候变迁原因 213

The Causes of Climatic Vicissitudes in the History of Southwest China 213

第六章 不废江河万古流吗?——历史时期长江上游航道萎缩的教训 217

The Basic Facts of the Changes in the Courses of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtse River 217

Chapter VI Will the Inexhaustible river Flow Forever?—A Lesson from the Shrinkage of the Upper Courses of the Yangtse River in History 217

长江上游航道变迁的基本事实 217

长江上游航道萎缩规律探讨 226

An Approach to the Law of shrinkage of the Upper Courses of the Yangtse Rier 226

An Analysis of the Reasons for the Courses Shrinkage in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtse River 229

长江上游航道萎缩原因分析 229

Several Suggestions 237

几点建议 237

Chapter VII The Stories of Past Calamities and Present Realities—Natural and Man-made Calamities and the Economic Development of Mankind in the History of Southwest China 239

第七章 灾害的传说与现实——西南历史时期天灾人祸与人类经济开发 239

The Grim Facts of the Higher Frequency of Natural Calamities in the History of Southwest China 240

历史时期西南自然灾害频率增大的严峻事实 240

Man s Economic Activities and Matural Calamities in History 250

历史时期人类经济活动与自然灾害 250

Modern and Contemporary cities, Industries and the Mining Industry and Environmental Pollution 256

近现代城市和工矿业与环境污染 256

Chapter VIII Excessive Cultivation and Agricultural Ecology—The Re-appraisal of Slash-and-Burn Cultivation Versus Intensive Cultivation 261

The History of the Distribution of Slash-and Burn-Cultivation in Southwest China 261

西南刀耕火种分布历史 261

第八章 过度垦殖与农业生态——刀耕火种与精耕细作的重新评价 261

Treating Slash-and -Burn Cultivation Historically 268

历史地看待刀耕火种 268

Treating Intensive Cultivation Dialectically 270

辩证地看待精耕细作 270

Chapter IX Internal Machanism of Environmental Ecology and Economic Development in Southwest China 277

The First Three Steps—The Direct Ratio Period of Strengthening Economic Development and Ecological Improvement 277

经济开发的前三个阶梯——经济开发加强与生态环境优化成正比时期 277

第九章 西南经济开发与生态环境的内在机制 277

The Transitional Period after the Prosperous Times of Qianlong and Jiaqing Years in Qing Dynasty —The Turning Point from Direct Ratio to Inverse Ratio of Strengthening Development and Ecological Improvement 284

“乾嘉盛世”后的过渡时期——经济开发加强与生态环境优化成正比走向成反比的转折点 284

The Fourth Step of Economic Development—The Inverse Ratio Period of Strengthening Economic Development and Ecological Improvement 296

经济开发的第四阶梯——经济开发加强与生态环境优化成反比时期 296

Chapter X Acquisition of a Civilized Ecological Outlook 303

第十章 树立文明的生态观 303

Bibliography 313

参考文献 313

Postcript 331

后记 331

