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大学英语  精读  第2册

大学英语 精读 第2册PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:董亚芬总主编 翟象俊主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7810462245
  • 标注页数:305 页
  • PDF页数:314 页

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Unit One 1

Text:Is There Life on Earth? 1

Study Practice 7

Reading Activity 14

Skill:Reading Attack Skill Ⅰ Using Word Part Clues for Word Meanings 15

Passage:Fresh Air Will Kill You 16

Guided Writing 19

Part Ⅰ Skill:Coherence 19

PartⅡParagraph Writing 19

Text:The Dinner Party 21

Unit Two 21

Study Practice 25

Reading Activity 33

Skill:Reading Attack Skill Ⅱ(Follow-up) More Prefixes and Suffixes 33

Passage:An Important Lesson 34

Guided Writing 36

Part Ⅰ Skill:Combining Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions and 36

Conjunctive Adverbs 36

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 37

Unit Three 38

Text:Lessons from Jefferson 38

Study Practice 44

Skill:(Reviewing Work) 53

Passage:The American Ideal of a Great Leader 53

Reading Activity 53

Guided Writing 58

Part Ⅰ Skill:Developing a Paragraph from the Topic Sentence 58

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 58

Revision Exercises 1 59

Unit Four 64

Text:My First Job 64

Study Practice 69

Reading Activity 77

Skill:Reading Comprehension Skill Ⅲ Making Inferences While Reading 78

Passage:Black Boy 78

Relative Pronouns 83

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 83

Part Ⅰ Skill:Combining Sentences with Subordinating Conjunctions or 83

Guided Writing 83

Unit Five 84

Text:The Professor and the Yo-Yo 84

Study Practice 91

Reading Activity 99

Skill:Reading Beyond the Lines 99

Passage:Alfred Nobel—A Man of Contrasts 99

Guided Writing 103

Part Ⅰ Skill:Rearranging Sentences in Logical Order 103

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 103

Test Yourself:Test Paper 1 104

Text:The Making of a Surgeon 117

Unit Six 117

Study Practice 122

Reading Activity 130

Skill:Reading for Implied Meanings 130

Passage:A Doctor on Night-call 130

Guided Writing 133

Part Ⅰ Skill:Parallelism 133

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 134

Unit Seven 135

Text:There's Only Luck 135

Study Practice 140

Skill:Reading Comprehension Skill Ⅳ Drawing Conclusions While Reading 148

Reading Activity 148

Passage:38 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police 149

Guided Writing 153

Paragraph Writing 153

Unit Eight 154

Text:Honesty:Is It Going out of Style? 154

Study Practice 161

Reading Activity 171

Skill:Review of Drawing Conclusions While Reading 171

Passage:A Question of Honor 171

Guided Writing 176

Part Ⅰ Skill:Transition Ⅰ 176

Part Ⅱ Paragraph Writing 177

Revision Exercises 2 178

Text:What Is Intelligence,Anyway? 183

Unit Nine 183

Study Practice 188

Reading Activity 196

Skill:Reading Comprehension Skill Ⅴ Understanding Figurative Language 196

Passage:Angels on a Pin 197

Guided Writing 201

Part Ⅰ Skill:Transition Ⅱ 201

Part ⅡParagraph Writing 202

Unit Ten 203

Text:Profits of Praise 203

Study Practice 210

Skill:A General Review of Reading Skills 219

Reading Activity 219

Passage:My Wonderful Lousy Poem 220

Guided Writing 224

Paragraph Writing 224

Test Yourself:Test Paper 2 225

Supplementary Readings in Popular Science 237

Appendix Ⅰ:Key to Revision Exercises 1 246

Key to Revision Exercises 2 248

AppendixⅡ:Key to Test Paper 1 251

Key to Test Paper 2 253

Appendix Ⅲ:Key to Exercises in Supplementary Readings 255

Appendix Ⅳ:Glossary 257

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