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交互式英语教程  精彩的故事  3

交互式英语教程 精彩的故事 3PDF格式文档图书下载



1 Against the Odds 1

Story 1: How a Power Drill Saved a Life 一把电钻如何救了一条命 2

Story 2: He s Alive! 他还活着! 10

2 The Wave of the Future 19

Story 1: X-Sports X(另类)运动 20

Story 2: Page Me! 请传呼我! 28

3 Looking Good 38

Story 1: The Most Beautiful Women in the World 世界上最漂亮的女人 40

Story 2: Getting Pierced 穿刺 50

4 Outer Space 60

Story 1: Crumbs from Heaven 来自苍穹的碎屑 62

Story 2: Who s Out There? 谁在那儿? 70

5 A New Beginning 84

Story 1: A Lucky Time to Get Married 结婚的吉日良辰 86

Story 2: Creating Harmony 创造和谐 94

6 Heroes 105

Story 1: Never Stop Moving 永不停止运动 106

Story 2: Search-and-Rescue Mom 搜寻援救妈妈 115

7 Technoworld 125

Story 1: The World Is Getting Smaller 世界正变得越来越小 127

Story 2: The Machine That Knows Your Face 能识别人脸的机器 135

8 Paradise Lost 147

Story 1: Can You Copyright Paradise? 你能获得天堂的版权吗? 149

Story 2: The Last Frontier 最后的边远地区 157

9 How Do You Feel? 167

Story 1: Has the Cat Got Your Tongue? 你为什么不吭声? 169

Story 2: A Prescription for Mozart 莫扎特处方 178

10 Making a Difference 189

Story 1: Diving for Treasures 潜水寻宝 191

Story 2: Do You Speak My Language? 你会讲我的语言吗? 198

Answer Key 211

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