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通用英语会话 增订新版本

通用英语会话 增订新版本PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:20
  • 作 者:钱歌川
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 标注页数:0 页
  • PDF页数:316 页

第一部 实用社交会话 1

第一编 会话入门 1

Ⅰ 会话入门语句 1

1.Oh,yes. 1

2.Hello 1

3.Good morning 2

4.I beg your pardon 3

5.Not at all 3

6.Excuse me 3

7.I beg your pardon? 4

8.How do you do? 4

9.How are you? 4

Ⅱ 初步会话 5

1.早晨见面,互相介绍 5

2.那位女士是谁? 5

3.你会打网球吗? 6

4.父亲与玛琍的会话 7

5.借铅笔 8

6.你认识Henry吗? 8

7.玛琍介绍亨利和Tom见面 9

8.Alice受Brown的招待后告辞时 10

Ⅲ 会话的礼貌 11

Ⅳ 入门篇用语 11

第二编 简易会话的短句 18

1.Tank you. 18

2.Not at all. 19

3.I'm sorry. 20

4.Excuse me. 21

5.I beg your pardon. 22

6.Do you speak English? 22

7.I quite understand. 24

8.Please say it again. 25

9.I think so. 25

10.How do you do?How are you? 27

11.That's fine. 28

12.I don't know. 29

13.Let me see. 30

14.Yes.No. 30

15.That's a good idea. 31

16.How about?(What about?) 32

17.Please don't trouble. 33

18.I don't mind. 34

19.Look out! 35

20.Never mind! 35

21.That'll do. 36

22.Would you do me a favour? 37

23.Hurry up! 38

24.It's no good. 38

25.Just a minute please. 39

26.It'll do you good. 39

27.What can I do for you? 40

28.What is the fime? 41

29.Are you ready? 41

30.Come in.This way please. 42

第三编 简易会话的常用字 44

How 44

What 50

Which 57

Why 59

Here 61

There 62

Think 64

That 66

Thing 68

第四编 简易会话的文法运用 71

Be 71

Can 73

Have 75

……'s 77

-ing 78

Do 80

Did 82

Shall,Will 84

……er,……est 86

Have done 88

Have been 89

Passive and Active 91

第五编 成语会话 93

应对 93

Good和Bad 98

Some和Any 101

Go和Come 103

Keep 105

See和Look 107

Catch 109

Get 110

Let 111

Want 112

第六编 自由会话 114

Chilin's Trip 114

The Summer Vacation 116

Doctor and Patient 119

Examination 121

Sports and Music 123

Reunion 125

The Hotel 127

Being Useful in the House 129

第七编 实用会话 132

Section 1.Shopping 132

(1)Shopping dressing 132

(2)At the watch-maker's 134

(3)At the grocery store 136

(4)At the Butcher's 138

(5)At the Optician's 140

(6)At the Chemist's(Druggist's) 142

Section 2.Travel by Train 144

Section 3.Asking the way 145

Section 4.Telephone 147

Section 5.Radio 148

Section 6.Movies 149

Section 7.Camera 150

Section 8.Swimming 151

Section 9.Airways 152

第八编 访问(A visit) 155

Section 1.At the Door在门口 156

Section 2.At the Parlour在客厅 157

Section 3.Visiting a Friend访友 158

Section 4.A Lady and a Gentleman士女和绅士 160

第九编 介绍(introduction) 162

Section 1.introduction a friend为友介绍 162

Section 2.introduction oneself自己介绍 164

Section 3.With a letter of introduction有介绍信 165

第十编 用餐(At Table) 167

Section 1.Breakfast早餐 168

Section 2.Lunch午餐 170

Section 3.Afternoon Tea下午茶 172

Section 4.Dinner正餐 177

第十一编 购物(Shopping) 183

Section 1.At the Stationer's在文具店 184

Section 2.At the Bookseller's在书店 187

Section 3.At the Shoemaker's在皮鞋店 190

Section 4.At the Tailor's在洋服店 192

Section 5.At the Jeweller's在珠宝店 195

第十二编 旅行(Travelling) 200

Section 1.At the Station在车站 200

Section 2.At a Hotle在旅馆 209

Section 3.Travelling by Steamer轮船旅行 211

Section 4.Travelling by an Air-liner飞机旅行 214

Section 5.The Custom House税关 214

第十三编 邮电(Post and Telegraph) 216

Section 1.Post and Parcel信件和包裹 216

Section 2.Post orders邮政汇兑 218

Section 3.Telegram电报 218

Section 4.Telephone电话 220

第十四编 健康和疾病(Health and Sickness) 222

Section 1.With a Dentist牙科医生 222

Section 2.With an Oculist眼科医生 223

Section 3.With a Doctor内科医生 224

Section 4.In a Hosptital在医院中 224

第十五编 娱乐(Amusements) 226

Section 1.A Concert音乐会 226

Section 2.At the Dancing-Room在舞厅 227

Section 3.Picnic郊游 229

Section 4.Mountaineering登山 230

Section 5.The Rcces赛马 230

Section 6.The Cinema电影 231

第二部 商用会话 233

第一编 基本语句 233

A.店员用句 233

B.顾客用句 234

C.物品之选择 235

D.物品之推荐 236

E.价钱的贵贱 237

F.讨价还价 239

G.包装及配送 240

H.新做(衣物等) 241

I.修理 242

K.什么时候可以好? 244

第二编 运用实例 247

A.衬衫 247

B.领带——讨价还价 250

C.衣领——尺寸大小、质料等 253

D.手帕、手套、襪子等 256

第三编 店面会话 260

1.在家具店 260

2.在百货店 263

3.在照相馆 266

4.在理发店 268

5.在日用杂货店 271

6.在照相机店 277

7.电器用品店 281

8.接洽商务 289

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