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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:A.P.Cowie著 霍庆文导读
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7560030114
  • 标注页数:242 页
  • PDF页数:292 页

Introduction 1

1 The Genesis of the Learner's Dictionary 14

1.1 Introduction 14

1.2 The Vocabulary Control Movement 14

1.3 Pedagogical Grammar and the Learner's Dictionary 25

1.4 The Pioneering English Learners' Dictionaries-Theory into Practice 33

1.5 Conclusion 51

2 Phraseology and the Learner's Dictionary 52

2.1 The Legacy of H.E. Palmer and A.S. Hornby 52

2.2 The Second Interim Report on English : The Desciptive Scheme 54

2.3 Phraseology in A Grammar of English Words 56

2.4 Collocations and Idioms in the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary 59

2.5 The Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, Volume 1 65

2.6 Dictionaries of English Idioms 69

2.7 Dictionaries of Collocations 76

2.8 Conclusion 80

3 The Second Generation of Learners' Dictionaries 82

3.1 Introduction 82

3.2 The Advanced Leaner's Dictionary, Second Edition 84

3.3 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Third Edition 97

3.4 Longman Dictionary of contemporary English, First Edition 105

3.5 Conclusion 116

4 The Role of Computer in Learner Lexicography 118

4.1 Introduction 118

4.2 Learner Lexicography and the Evolution of the Machine-Readable Dictionary 119

4.3 Computer Corpora and Lexicography 121

4.4 Computer Processing of Corpus Data 125

4.5 Corpus Linguistics and Lexical Theory 128

4.6 Expanding Resources for Dictionary-Making 137

4.7 Conclusion 143

5 The Third Generation of Learners' Dictionaries 144

5.1 Introduction 144

5.2 Microstructure of Learner's Dictionaries 145

5.3 Introduction 150

5.4 Definitions 156

5.5 Style, Attitudinal, and Register Labels 162

5.6 Sense Relations and Lexical Fields 167

5.7 Conclusion 173

6.1 Introduction 175

6 Focus on the Dictionary User 175

6.2 Types of User-Related Research 177

6.3 Categories of Information and their Importance to Dictionary Users 178

6.4 Students and the FEL dictionary: Their Attitudes, Expectations, and Criticisms 182

6.5 Study Activities and Dictionary Use 185

6.6 The Reference Skills of Dictionary Users 187

6.7 The 'Bilingualized' Learner's Dictionary 192

6.8 Bilingual and Monolingual Learner's Dictionaries in the Language -Teaching Process 195

6.9 User-Related Research and the Design of Monolingual Learners' Dictionaries 197

Postscript 199

References 201

Index 217

文库索引 233

