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营销科学学报  2007年第3卷  第4辑  总第10辑

营销科学学报 2007年第3卷 第4辑 总第10辑PDF格式文档图书下载



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Differences in Consumer Lifestyles Across Regions in China——Findings from Shanghai,Beijing,Wuhan,Qingdao and Shenyang&Li Dongjin,Ahn Jongseok,Chen Yiming,Wu Bo 1

An Empirical Comparison of Bass,Exponential Gamma and Mixed Weibull Models:For New Product Penetration Studying&Wang Gao,Huang Jinsong 16

How Does Service Recovery Paradox Happen?The Role of Should Expectation&Rungting Tu,Ke “lan” Chen,and Cheryl C.J.Lin 28

The Studies on Relationship between Suppliers’Calculative Commitment and Their use of Control Mechanisms——Moderating Roles of Guanxi and Environment Uncertainties&Tao Lei,Liu Yi,Shen Yong 38

Expertise or Trustworthiness?Influence on Manufacturer-Distributor Relations by Manufacturer’s Corporate Image&Wang Haizhong,Zhao Ping 50

The Justification Heuristic:A Simple and Efficient Decision Process for Consumer to Purchase or Choose Indulgence&Zheng Yuhuang 63

Brand Loyalty Mechanisms Based on Nonlinear Driving Factors&Zhang Yueli,Guo Jurong 72

Empirical Research on Perceived Quality’s Effect on Brand Loyalty&Liang Sen,Nie Rui,Lu Tao 86

The Influence of Shopping Values and Shopping Orientations on Customer Satisfaction and Future Behavioral Intentions&Huawei Zhu,Rungting Tu 98

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