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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:廉学斌等编著
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7810737392
  • 标注页数:217 页
  • PDF页数:228 页



Unit 1 1

Part A The Evolution of Management 1

Part B Jerry Jones Talks About Owning and Managing"America's Team" 6

Unit 2 10

Part A The Managerial Functions 10

Part B Pepsi Proves It's Not to Be Tampered With 18

Unit 3 20

Part A Management Functions Begin With Planning 20

Part B What Makes for a Successful Supervisor? 27

Unit 4 29

Part A Organizing as an Essential Managerial Function 29

Part B Sanders Supermarkets Store #21:Orientation of a New Employee 33

Unit 5 36

Part A The Staffing Function and The Human Resources Department(Ⅰ) 36

Part B Intolerable Working Conditions 42

Unit 6 46

Part A The Staffing Function and the Human Resources Department(Ⅱ) 46

Part B Can Saturn's Leaders Continue the Success Story? 52

Unit 7 55

Part A Social Responsibility,Managerial Ethics and Decision Making 55

Part B Marketing Planning and Marketing Research 59

Unit 8 65

Part A Strategic Management 65

Part B Segmentation,Product Life Cycle and Setting Market Objectives 71

Unit 9 75

Part A Goods and Financial Markets 75

Part B Price and Product 81

Unit 10 86

Part A Expectations 86

Part B Distribution 90

Unit 11 94

Part A Openness in Goods and Financial Markets 94

Part B Elasticity of Demand 99

Unit 12 102

Part A Putting All Markets Together 102

Part B Rural Non-farm Income in Developing Countries 106

Unit 13 112

Part A Overall Economic Environment and Agriculture 112

Part B Patterns in RNF Activity:Inter-and Intraregional Differences 117

Unit 14 121

Part A Implications for Developing Countries'Agricultural Growth and Trade 121

Part B The Effects or RNF Activity on Farming 126

Unit 15 131

Part A Fedding the Cities(Ⅰ) 131

Part B Distribution of Non-farm Income Across Landholding Class and Overall Income Strata 137

Unit 16 143

Part A Feeding the Cities(Ⅱ) 143

Part B Urbanization 147

Unit 17 150

Part A The Development of Agriculture in Britain 150

Part B Adding a Multisectoral Perspective to Agricultral and Rural Development Policies 154

Unit 18 159

Part A The Scope of Ecology 159

Part B Policy Issue and Implications 162

参考译文 166

Keys to exercises 207

参考文献 217

