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大学英语扩展阅读教程  2

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第一部分 技巧导航 3

一、阅读过程中的猜词技巧 3

1.利用构词法知识猜测词义 3

1)利用复合法(composition)猜测词义 3

2)利用转化法(conversion)猜测词义 3

3)利用派生法(derivation)猜测词义 4

4)利用逆成法(back formation)猜测词义 4

2.利用文章中的解释说明猜测词义 4

1)根据定义猜测词义 4

2)根据同位语猜测词义 5

3)根据定语从句猜测词义 5

4)根据重述猜测词义 5

5)根据举例猜测词义 5

3.利用词与词之间的语义关系猜测词义 6

1)根据同义关系猜测词义 6

2)根据反义关系猜测词义 6

3)根据上下义关系猜测词义 6

4.利用语篇结构猜测词义 6

1)根据一整段猜测词义 6

2)根据整篇猜测词义 7

5.利用状语从句猜测词义 7

6.利用标点符号猜测词义 7

7.利用中文提示猜测词义 8

8.利用常识和经验猜测词义 8

二、联想思维——记忆英语单词的有效方法 10

1.联想思维法的科学依据 10

2.如何利用联想思维法记忆单词 10

3.恒心和毅力是记忆单词的关键 12

三、相关资料:图式理论 13

第二部分 篇章阅读 19

UNIT 1 19

Text A Microchip,Testament to the Immense Power of Tiny Things 19

Text B Growth of Wireless Internet Opens New Path for Thieves 22

Text C Artificial Intelligence 26

UNIT 2 30

Text A Unidentified Flying Object 30

Text B Satellites Free the Mobile Phone 33

Text C For the First Time,a Spacecraft Impacts with a Comet 37

UNIT 3 41

Text A Technology to Meld Chips into Humans Draws Closer 41

Text B Ultralight Computers 44

Text C Translation Tools 48

UNIT 4 51

Text A Bunker Mentality 51

Text B Team Claims Success with Rocket Launch 54

Text C Fee-based Satellite Radio 58

UNIT 5 63

Text A Researchers Find a Genetic Link to Obesity 63

Text B Tobacco Helps Cancer Cells Evade Destruction 66

Text C Feel Blue?Go Green 69

UNIT 6 73

Text A Live or Die 73

Text B Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World? 76

Text C Animals Laughed Long Before Humans,Study Says 80

UNIT 7 84

Text A SARS Virus No Longer Such a Mystery 84

Text B Study Says Breast-Cancer Treatments Increase Survival Rates 87

Text C The Inanimate Environment 90

UNIT 8 94

Text A Perspective on Human Behavior 94

Text B More Attention on Man's Health Care 97

Text C A New Chip Design May Lead to New Sight 100

UNIT 9 104

Text A Superpills with a One-two Punch 104

Text B Diet Pills:Fen-phen and Redux 107

Text C Exercise Myths 111

UNIT 10 114

Text A Depression Study Finds Hope in Different Treatments,at Least for Some People 114

Text B While Other Threats Make the News,Heat May Be Nature's Deadliest Killer 117

Text C How Humans Are These Creatures? 121

UNIT 11 126

Text A Dead Mixer=Alcohol+Tobacco 126

Text B Health Regulation for Animals 129

Text C Gene and Giving up Smoking 133

UNIT 12 136

Text A Is the Earth Getting Hotter? 136

Text B Weather:Tornado Science,in a Land with Plenty of Experience 139

Text C Phone Firms Tapping into Rural Areas 144

UNIT 13 148

Text A World No Tobacco Day:A Chance for Smokers to Give Their Bodies a Cigarette Break 148

Text B Treatment Developed for Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms 151

Text C Food for Thought:How Vitamins(Once Spelled"Vitamines")Are Important to Health 155

UNIT 14 161

Text A Clean Energy 161

Text B Wearable Computers You Can Slip into 164

Text C Skiers Take to Man-made Slopes 168

UNIT 15 171

Text A What Happens to Bees in Winter? 171

Text B A Little Red-eyed Frog Could Hold the Key to Ending the Scourge of AIDS 174

Text C Animals"Speak"Many Strange Languages 178

UNIT 16 181

Text A New Planetary Puzzles 181

Text B Your Brain on Drugs 184

Text C The Race against Avian Flu 188

Key 192

References 206

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