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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:邓之宇 张立玉编著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787307053465
  • 标注页数:173 页
  • PDF页数:184 页



Chapter 1 Internet and World Wide Web 1

Section A E-Business Essentials 1

The ABC of Internet and World Wide Web 1

Section B Online Reading Material 4

The Internet and Business 4

Section C Online Surfing 12

What We Will Need to Get Started 12

Section D Supplementary Reading 14

E-English Rules the Waves 14

Chapter 2 Electronic Business Basics 16

Section A E-Business Essentials 16

Defining E-Business 16

Section B Online Reading Material 19

Power at Last 19

Section C Online Surfing 24

An E-mail Account 24

Section D Supplementary Reading 28

What's the Meaning of @ in the E-mail Address 28

Chapter 3 Business-to-Business E-Business 29

Section A E-Business Essentials 29

Defining Business-to-Business E-Business 29

Section B Online Reading Material 31

How Business-to-Business Works 31

Section C Online Surfing 35

Search Engines and Directories 35

Section D Supplementary Reading 39

Google Is Adding Major Libraries to Its Database 39

Chapter 4 Business-to-Consumer E-Business 43

Section A E-Business Essentials 43

Defining Business-to-Consumer E-Business 43

Section B Online Reading Material 46

Understanding B2C E-Business 46

Section C Online Surfing 50

Web Address and Domain Names 50

Section D Supplementary Reading 54

From a Librarian to America's Richest Man 54

Chapter 5 E-Business Web Site 55

Section A E-Business Essentials 55

Reviewing Web Hosting Vocabulary 55

Section B Online Reading Material 58

Usability of the E-Business Web Site 58

Section C Online Surfing 63

Visiting Online Stores 63

Section D Supplementary Reading 66

Big Media,Little Blogosphere 66

Chapter 6 Marketing Strategy for E-Business(Ⅰ) 69

Section A E-Business Essentials 69

Identifying Marketing Issues 69

Section B Online Reading Material 72

E-Marketing Planning 72

Section C Online Surfing 77

Online Advertising:Banner Ads 77

Section D Supplementary Reading 79

China Promises Internet Bounty 79

Chapter 7 Marketing Strategy for E-Business(Ⅱ) 82

Section A E-Business Essentials 82

Market Research for E-Business 82

Section B Online Reading Material 84

Applying the Marketing Mix to E-Business 84

Section C Online Surfing 90

Online Forms 90

Section D Supplementary Reading 93

How Auction Sites Work Online 93

Chapter 8 Electronic Payments 94

Section A E-Business Essentials 94

Electronic Payments 94

Section B Online Reading Material 98

E-payment on the World Wide Web 98

Section C Online Surfing 106

E-Bank 106

Section D Supplementary Reading 108

Gates:China Will Become Biggest User of Broadband 108

Chapter 9 Security Issues 109

Section A E-Business Essentials 109

Security Requirements and Threats 109

Section B Online Reading Material 113

A Security Plan for E-Business 113

Section C Online Surfing 116

Upgrade Security Guard 116

Section D Supplementary Reading 120

Why eBay Is Buying Skype 120

Chapter 10 Customer Service Strategies 124

Section A E-Business Essentials 124

Customer Service 124

Section B Online Reading Material 126

Supporting Customers Online 126

Section C Online Surfing 133

Discussion Forums and Chat Rooms 133

Section D Supplementary Reading 135

The Finer Points of E-mail Etiquette 135

阅读材料参考译文 138

参考书目 173

