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当代美国  第2版

当代美国 第2版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:(美)邓肯 (美)戈达德著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787300102573
  • 标注页数:316 页
  • PDF页数:331 页

查看更多关于当代美国 第2版的内容


Introduction 1

1 History 6

The Rise of a Nation 9

The Rise to Power 17

From Isolation to Superpower 23

The Cold War 26

The 1990s 34

2 Land and People 37

The Land 39

The People 45

Regions 51

Immigration 70

3 Government 77

The Constitution 78

The Federal System 84

The Branches of Government 88

4 The Political System 106

The 2004 Election 106

Participatory Democracy 107

Political Parties 113

Politics 119

5 Society 131

Class 131

The American Family 136

Women 141

Race 143

Crime and Punishment 149

6 Religion,Education,and Social Policy 156

Religion 156

Education 169

Social Services 182

7 Culture 189

Diversity 189

The Rise of American Culture 191

Leisure Time 193

Print Media 197

Mass Entertainment 201

Government Activities 205

The World Wide Web 206

Sports 208

The Arts 211

Popular Music 214

8 The Economy 218

The US Domestic Economy 220

Labor Unions 224

Business and Industry 226

Government and Business 229

The Global Marketplace 235

The Dollar and the Trade Deficit 238

9 Foreign Policy 240

Separation of Powers and Foreign Policy 240

The Administration of Foreign Policy 242

History of Foreign Policy 244

The Cold War,1945-1991 247

The New World Order 252

The Bush Administration 256

10 Conclusion 268

The Home Front 269

Foreign Affairs 272

Conclusion 276

Appendix:Constitution of the United States 279

Recommended Reading 293

America on the Internet 297

Bibliography 299

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