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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:许淑清等编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7561117205
  • 标注页数:345 页
  • PDF页数:362 页

前言 1

教你一招 1

Section Ⅰ Social Formulas 社交习俗 10

Unit 1 How do you do? My name s… 您好,我是……(介绍) 10

Part A Introducing oneself 自我介绍 10

Part B Introducing Someone 介绍别人 12

Unit 2 Hello! Are you a friend of… 你好!你是……的朋友吗?(与陌生人交谈) 16

Part A Greeting Someone 打招呼 22

Unit 3 How nice to see you again! 真高兴又见到你!(问候) 22

Part B Asking How Someone Is 问候别人? 24

Unit 4 Good luck with… 祝你好运……(祝福) 30

Part A Giving General Good Wishes 一般性祝愿 30

Part B Giving Good Wishes on Special Occasions 特别的祝福 34

Unit 5 I d like to invite you to… 我想邀请你……(邀请) 38

Part A Inviting and Accepting 邀请和接受邀请 39

Part B Inviting and Refusing 邀请和拒绝邀请 42

Part A Offering Tings and Aceepting 主动提供东西,并被接受 48

Unit 6 Would you care for…?你想……吗?(提供某物) 48

Part B Offering Things and Declinging 主动提供东西,不被接受 50

Unit 7 I m Really grateful to you 非常感谢您(感谢) 54

Part A Thanking 致谢 54

Part B Replying to Thanks 回答别人的谢意 58

Unit 8 What a nice… you ve got! 您的……真不错!(恭维) 60

Unit 9 I must congratulate you on… 祝贺您……(祝贺) 66

Paat A Congratulating 祝贺 66

Part B Replying to Congratulations 回复祝贺 68

Unit 10 I must apologize for… 我因……而向你致歉(道歉) 72

Part A Making Apologies 致歉 72

Part B Replying to Apologies 回答致歉 76

Section Ⅱ Communication with Somebody 交流 82

Unit 1 Are You with Me? 听懂了吗?(询问别人是否理解) 82

Part A Asking Whether Somebody Has Understood You 询问别人是否理解 82

Part B Checking Whether You ve Understood 核实你的理解是否正确 84

Part C Saying You Didn t Get It. 表示没听懂 86

Unit 2 Say it again 再说一遍(重述) 90

Unit 3 Um, let me see 让我想一想(考虑一会) 94

Unit 4 What I Mean is… 我的意思是……(解释) 98

Unit 5 Take…for example… 以……为例,……(举例) 102

Section Ⅲ Attitudes 态度 106

Unit 1 Are you certain about…?你确定……吗?(肯定性) 106

Part A Asking If Someone Is Sure about Something 询问某人是否确信某事 106

Part B Saying You Are Sure 表示肯定 108

Part C Saying You Are Not Sure表示不肯定 112

Unit 2 IS it possible to…?……有可能……吗?(可能性) 116

Part A Possibility 有可能 116

Part B Likelihood and Probability 很可能 118

Part C Impossibility and Improbability 不可能或不大可能 120

Unit 3 I m most curious about… 我非常想知道……(好奇) 124

Unit 4 I believe… 我相信……(相信与不相信) 128

Part A Belief 相信 128

Part B Disbelief 不相信 130

Unit 5 I am very optimistie… 我非常乐观……(乐观) 134

Unit 6 I am not too happy about… 我对……不乐观。(悲观) 136

Unit 7 How very amazing! 真令人吃惊!(惊奇) 140

Unit 8 I fear that… 我非常害怕……(恐惧和担心) 144

Unit 9 I m very pleased with… 我对……感到非常高兴。(高兴) 148

Unit 10 I m very excited by… ……我非常激动。(激动) 152

Unit 11 Oh, that s a relief. 哟,那就好办了。(宽慰) 156

Unit 12 I am disappointed at… 我……很失望。(失望) 160

Unit 13 I am fed up with… 我对……厌烦透了。(厌烦) 162

Unit 14 I m extremely displeased… 我确实对……非常生气。(生气和恼怒) 166

Unit 15 Are you interested in…? 你对……感兴趣吗?(兴趣) 172

Part A Showing Interest 表示感兴趣 172

Part B Not being Interested 表示不感兴趣 174

Unit 16 Very sorry to hear… 很遗憾听说……(同情) 178

Part A Expressing Sympathy 表示同情 178

Part B Being Unsympathetic 表示不同情 180

Unit 17 Cheer up 别难过(安慰) 182

Part A Likes 喜欢 186

Unit 18 Do you like…?你喜欢……吗?(喜欢与不喜欢) 186

Part B Dislikes 不喜欢 190

Unit 19 I d prefer… 我宁愿……(偏爱) 194

Unit 20 Don t you agree? ……你不同意吗?(同意与不同意) 196

Part A Asking for Agreement 询问某人是否同意 196

Part B Part Agreement 部分同意 200

Part C Agreement 同意 202

Part D Disagreement 不同意 204

Unit 21 What do you think of…? 你认为……怎么样?(表明观点) 208

Part A Asking for Someone s Opinions 询问别人的观点 208

Part B Expressing Opinions 表明观点 212

Unit 22 We are delermined to… 我们决心……(决心和决定) 214

Part A Determination 决心 214

Part B Decision 决定 216

Unit 23 Could I ask if you approve of…?请问你赞成……吗?(赞成与不赞成) 220

Part A Asking If Somebody Approves 询问某人是否赞成 220

Part B Approval 赞成 222

Part C Disapproval 不赞成 224

Section Ⅳ Actions 行为 228

Unit 1 Excuse me, could you…? 对不起,您能……吗?(帮助) 228

Part A Requesting Help 请求帮助 228

Part B Offering and Accepting Help 提供和接受帮助 230

Part C Declining 谢绝帮助 232

Part D Refusing to Help 拒绝帮助 234

Unit 2 Ary you able to…? 你能……吗?(能力) 236

Unit 3 Can I……please? 请问我可以……吗?(允许) 240

Part A Giving Permission 允许 240

Part B Refusing Permission 不允许 244

Unit 4 Do I really have to…? 我必须……吗?(责任) 246

Unit 5 I advice you strongly to… 我劝你该……(劝告) 250

Part A Asking for Advice 听取劝告 250

Part B Giving Advice 提出劝告 252

Unit 6 I warned you of… 我曾经警告你……(警告) 256

Unit 7 May I suggest…? 我可以提个……建议吗?(建议) 258

Unit 8 Don t let this get you down 不要为此灰心丧气(鼓励) 262

Unit 9 I am not at all satisfied with… 我对……不满意(抱怨) 264

Unit 10 You were quite rude… ……是很无理的。(谴责) 270

Unit 11 …or I ll kick you out. ……,否则我就把你们踢出去(威胁) 274

Unit 12 I m perfectly willing… 我非常愿意……(愿意和不愿意) 276

Part A Expressing Willingness 表示愿意 276

Part B Expressing Unwillingness 表示不愿意 280

Unit 13 May I make an appolntment with…?我可以与……约个时间吗?(约会) 282

Part A Requesting an Appointment 请求约会 282

Part B Agreeing and Disagreeing an Appointment 同意或不同意赴约 286

Part C Agreeing on Time 商定时间 288

Part D Changing or Canceling an Appointment 改变或取消约会 290

Unit 14 I m stilling hesitating 我仍在犹豫不决。(犹豫与意向) 294

Part A Hesitation 犹豫 294

Part B Intention 意向 296

Unit 15 Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么嗜好吗?(嗜好) 298

Part A Asking the Way 问路 302

Unit 16 Is this the right way to…?这是去……的路吗?(问路) 302

Part B Giving Direction 指路 306

Part C Thanks 感谢 308

Part D Answers 回答 308

Unit 17 How much is it? 多少钱一个?(买东西和讨价还价) 310

Part A Shopping 买东西 310

Part B Bargaining 讨价还价 312

Part A Describing People s Appearance 描述人的外表 318

Unit 18 What did(does)he look like? 他长得什么样子?(描述人) 318

Part B Describing People s Quality 描述人的性格 320

Unit 19 How are you getting on with…?……怎么样?(描绘事物) 324

Unit 20 Compared to… 与……相比较。(比较) 326

Unit 21 …Promise(sth)……to(sb)… …答应……(许诺) 332

Unit 22 Coutd you tell me… 你能告诉我……吗?(请求) 334

Part A Making a request 提出请求 334

Part B Auswers 回答 336

附录一 Mosaic: Witty saying 机智表达法集锦 340

附录二 Conversation taboos in English 英语会话中的禁忌语 344

