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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:陈石 孙芳
  • 出 版 社:合肥:安徽教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7533601580
  • 标注页数:185 页
  • PDF页数:205 页

一、名词 1

1.Brown s picture和a picture of Brown 1

2.可不可以说He is an English? 1

3.a teacher of English和an English teacher 2

4.many furnitures为什么不对? 3

5.可不可以说a very good news? 3

6.可不可以说productive plan? 4

7.lost of works to do为什么不对? 4

8.work与job 5

9.party的含义是什么? 5

10.The Brown s指什么? 6

11.New words and expressions中expressions指什么? 6

12.Dear和My dear 6

13.experience与experiences 7

14.英语“一群鸟”怎么说? 8

15.community一词的含义 9

16.Food production和production of food 10

17.alley,path,lane和way 10

18.mistake,error,blunder,fault和defect 11

19.resources,reserves和deposits 12

20.salary和wage 12

21.help,assistance和aid 13

22.remains,rest和remainder 14

二、代词 15

23.let s与let us 15

24.代词it可否出现在它所代表的名词前? 15

25.代词所有格可否出现在它所代替的名词前面? 16

26.this和that;these和those 17

27.代词that在比较句中的用法 17

28.可不可以说That is all that I want to know 18

29.This is the girl whom I sat next to her.错在哪里? 19

30.Who do you think she is looking for? 19

31.With who did you talk? 20

32.He carried a stick in right hand.错在哪里? 20

33.We had the same difficulty as theirs.对吗? 21

34.Three of us sisters与three of our sisters 22

35.They complained of nothing与They did not complain of anything. 22

36.none和no one 23

37.All these books are not mine.与None of these books are mine. 23

38.可不可以说My wife and myself are? 24

39.可不可以说I and she…? 25

40.能不能说One must do his best? 26

41.可不可以说This is what I have heard. 26

42.each other与one another 27

43.A Young vanguard whose duty it was…中it代表什么? 28

44.可不可以说What day is today? 29

45.回答What is this?和what is that?用什么作主语? 29

46.What radar is is clear...和what he emphasized is...中what指什么? 29

47.能不能说She has been drawing.It is nearly done? 30

48.能不能说The letter...too long to read it? 31

49.形式宾语it能否省去? 31

50.There are two windows...They_face south.空格中填什么不定代词? 31

51.they是否用对了? 32

三、冠词 33

52.a university还是an university? 33

53.a MS还是an MS? 33

54.U.S.作定语用时前面可否加定冠词? 34

55.north和the north 34

56.dinner和the dinner 35

57.room和a room 35

58.1,00 feet a second中的a是什么意思? 36

59.a和the可否放在形容词之后? 36

60.a book,one book,any book和the book 38

61.more than a week和more than one week 38

62.a most interesting story和the most interesting story 39

63.能不能说He took her by hand? 39

64.可不可以说most of students here speak English? 40

65.go to school和go to the school 41

66.Never did girl of her age...中girl前面要不要加a? 41

67.Teacher is very much pleased...句中teacher前面要不要冠词? 42

68.Black History前面加不加冠词? 42

69.They are busiest today.busiest前面不要定冠词吗? 43

70.如何理解We are of an age? 43

四、形容词和副词 45

71.Chinese和China s 45

72.如何理解the unemployed? 45

73.She is taller than any girl in the class.是否正确? 47

74.可不可以说This is the shortest of the two streets? 47

75.hardly bigger than 47

76.“be no+名词”与“be not+名词” 48

77.可不可以说Is there tea in the cup? 49

78.yes和no应如何译成汉语? 49

79.可否说This book is very worth reading? 49

80.You didn t answer the question wisely.如何翻译? 50

81.iron and steel company还是steel and iron company? 50

82.part of,a part of和most part of 52

83.keep和hold 52

84.possible和probable 53

85.be sure of,be sure to和be sure that 53

86.satisfy one s requirements whole中whole是什么词类? 54

87.“some+名词”与“any+名词” 54

88.no longer与no more 55

89.yet和still 56

90.busy with中with 56

91.能不能说The boy sat quietly? 57

92.just和just now 57

93.more than的几种用法 58

94.ago和before 59

95.wrong side out是什么意思? 60

96.a Comrade Wang是否用对了? 60

97.the deceased有无所有格? 61

98.more than的译法 61

99.famous与well-known 62

100.如何理解strong一词? 62

101.The city of London proper 63

102.sometime,sometimes和some time 63

103.outdoor的用法 64

104.farther和further 64

105.continuous和continual 65

106.certainly和surely 65

107.high和highly 66

五、动词 68

A.时态、语态及其他 68

108.go to bed和get to bed 68

109.Have you…?和Do you have? 70

110.ain t是由什么词组成的? 70

111.如何理解It won t do you any good中的do? 70

112.Have you ever met him?和 Did you ever meet him? 71

113.Listen,hear与look,see 71

114.seem与appear 72

115.如何理解The meat cuts tender? 73

116.如何使用have got? 74

117.I d like to...,I want...和I wish to 74

118.get talking与get talked 74

119.used to与be used to 75

120.如何理解taste sour? 77

121.There is a film tonight.和There will be a film tonight. 77

122.There remains…和There are shown 78

123.undergo等动词的用法 80

124.“去过”、“已到”和“住在” 80

125.可不可以说Xiao Li has joined the army for three years? 81

126.带can,may,must的一般疑问句作否定式答句时应注意些什么? 81

127.Sound will travel faster…中Will属什么时态? 82

128.能不能说Let s get in the wheat before the sun will set? 84

129.报刊标题中的一般现在时用法 84

130.Are you coming this evening?和Will you come this evening? 85

131.I read…yesterday和I waw reading yesterday 85

132.填had arrived还是其他? 86

133.可不可以说Go get a doctor? 86

134.…has been proved wrong和…proved wrong 86

135.为什么只能用I wish I had not told him that? 87

136.accept和receive 88

137.gleam,glitter,glow和dazzle 88

138.谓语动词的单数和复数 89

139.find的译法 90

140.reduce,contract,condense和compress 91

141.respected,respectful和respectable 91

142.Our university has been founded for 30years错在哪里? 92

143.torn down,destroyed,ruined和exterminated 92

144.Get up and dress your clothes quickly是否对? 93

145.反意疑问句前、后部分都用肯定式可以吗? 94

146.I wonder和I wondered 95

147.不定式的主动语态与被动语态 95

148.The house is surrounded by trees是被动语态吗? 97

149.take it(things)easy这一短语怎样解释? 97

B.动词不定式 98

150.Did you see him switch off…中switch前面要不要to? 98

151.help me grow和help me to grow 99

152.too excited to speak和too excited not to speak 99

153.如何解释too…to…结构? 100

154.to be precise是什么成分? 101

155.如何理解The question is difficult to answer中的 to answer? 101

156.动词make,have后面的不定式什么时候不带to?什么时候带to? 102

157.necessary后面的动词不定式 102

158.sink,leak,disintegrate如drift 104

159.如何理解It is kind of you to say so? 104

160.I d like some more paper to write.错在哪里? 105

161.“so as+动词不定式”和“so…as+动词不定式” 106

162.Never have I known some insects benefit mankind,句中benefit是不是动词不定式? 107

163.He was to have left home last night,如何理解? 107

164.There is no denying the fact 108

165.如何理解Why not do it now? 109

166.如何区分几种“to be+动词不定式”结构? 109

C.动名词和分词 110

167.I hate to smoke和I hate smoking 110

168.stop to think和stop thinking 111

169.动名词和动词不定式用作表语时是否可以互换? 112

170.keep smoking和keep on smoking 113

171.I avoid meeting him but failed.错在哪儿? 114

172.in,on,after后面接动名词所表示的时间概念 114

173.The room wants cleaning 115

174.Don t you mind the light being turned? 116

175.可不可以说He enjoys to read novels? 117

176.可不可以说He hoped visiting our school some day? 118

177.如何理解These trees are machine-planted? 118

178.现在分词和过去分词同作表语,意义上有无不同? 119

179.repaired,being repaired,to be repaired作定语时的区别 120

六、介词 122

180.at night,in the night,on the night和by night 122

181.owing to和due to 122

182.in the morning和on the morning 124

183.be made from和be made of 124

184.in the east of,to the east of和on the east of 125

185.能不能说I ll finish this work two weeks later? 126

186.I shall make the experiment in a week和I made the experiment in a week 126

187.southeast by east和south by east 127

188.out of有哪些用法? 127

189.如何理解…but wait? 128

190.from behind the tree和from the tree 129

191.be true of…有哪些含义? 130

192.怎样理解be pleased with,be pleased at和be pleased by? 130

193.如何理解The same is the case with us? 131

194.如何理解jump with joy和with the window open中的with? 131

195.Of all elements hydrogen is the lightest.中of短语起什么作用? 132

196.如何区分to commence with this work与to commence this work? 132

197.besides和except 133

198.except,except for和but for 133

199.in work和at work 134

200.keep off和keep off the grass 135

201.but作except解时怎样用法? 135

202.speak on和speak about 136

203.shout to和shout at 136

204.in the morning可否作“明天早晨”解释? 136

205.with的几种含义 137

206.according to和in accordance with 137

七、连接词 139

207.可不可以说There is no air and water on the moon? 139

208.如何区别or的一些用法? 139

209.rather than的几种用法 140

210.如何理解作连词用的the minute? 140

211.if和whether用法异同 141

212.when,as和while 142

213.because,since,as和for 143

214.as if后面可跟不定式和分词短语吗? 144

八、数字、倍数和分数的增减 145

215.怎样用英语表达万位以上的数字? 145

216.“今年出版的文学作品数量比去年高一倍”有几种译法? 145

217.询问时间几点几分有几种讲法? 146

218.如何理解seven meters by six? 146

219.The desk measures three feet by two和The sofa measures three feet long. 147

220.如何理解increase by twice? 148

221.This line is three times as long as that one.如何译为汉语? 149

222.A is as large again as B.和 A is half as large again as B. 149

九、句法和其他 151

223.though有几种用法? 151

224.Right or wrong—my country这句如何理解? 152

225.We love him the more应如何理解? 152

226.The more,the more.应如何分析? 153

227.如何理解How came…to…? 154

228.I did not receive the notice till last night. 154

229.It follows that…和It does not follow that…中that应如何理解? 156

230.“not so…as”和“not as…as” 157

231.no worse than和not worse than 157

232.but what…和what but 158

233.There is no rule but bas exceptions. 159

234.He had it that he had always done his best. 160

235.It seems that this test is not reliable. 160

236.The same way as that one中as的用法 161

237.if any 161

238.The reason that we love our leader is not far to seek中的that用法。 162

239.什么叫分隔现象? 163

240.She is very particular about wording,which I am not中which的用法 164

241.The thought came to me that she might be in the dormitory.中that从句的位置 165

242.能不能说Is that the factory where you visited yesterday? 166

243.Over there is the city Exhibition Hall where needs skilled painters.是否对? 166

244.Even if the wind will blow hard tomorrow…是否对? 166

245.She told me that she goes home every winter. 167

246.We would like to talk about many great changes there have been…? 167

247.Involved in the problem are some…me thods.应如何理解? 168

248.I remember that I ever promised…对不对? 169

249.The picture is beautiful.中表语部分应如何提问? 170

250.believe her和believe in her 170

251.He it was who guided my every step in the working class movement. 171

252.there is…及there to be 171

253.Smith is being a teacher. 172

254.“Mr Doctor White”的说法对不对? 173

255.what about和how about 173

256.He went out to get a newspaper.和He went out and got a newspaper. 174

257.如何解释the man in the street? 174

258.Excuse me和I m sorry. 174

259.lazy和idle 176

260.Did somebody /anybody telephone last night? 176

261.C.6,500 years是什么意思? 177

262.a thief和a burglar;steal和rob 177

263.It is…which…的强调句型 178

264.英语中的象声词 179

265.英语里哪些词可以作宾语补足语? 180

266.put a hat on和have a hat on 181

267.怎样正确使用短语in one picec? 182

268.fat和stout 182

269.Shall we tram it or bus it there? 183

270.Who breaks pays的主语是什么? 183

271.Amerind,brunch,motel是什么意思? 184

272.He s interested,is George,in all beasts and birds. 184

