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  • 购买点数:16
  • 作 者:马登阁 杨联萍编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7563705929
  • 标注页数:526 页
  • PDF页数:535 页

Contents 目录 1

Ⅰ.Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases(介词与介词短语) 1

1.Prepositions of Time(时间介词) 1

2.Prepositions of Place(地点介词) 17

3.Other Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases(其他介词与介词短语) 40

Ⅱ.Verbs(动词) 72

1.Some Problem Verbs(一些动词的辨析) 72

2.Verb Tenses and Aspects(动词的时、体) 83

3.Some Difficult Verbs and Their Uses(难用动词释疑) 109

4.Infinitives,-ing Participles,-ed Participles(不定式,-ing分词,-ed分词) 142

Ⅲ.Modal Auxiliaries(情态助动词) 171

Ⅳ.Nouns and Noun Phrases(名词与名词短语) 197

1.Count and Non-count Nouns,Singular and PluralNouns(可数名词、不可数名词、名词的单、复数) 197

2.Gender and Cases(名词的性与格) 214

3.Some Difficult Nouns and Their Uses(一些名词的辨析) 222

Ⅴ.Pronouns(代词) 238

Ⅵ.Adjectives and Adjectival Phrases(形容词与形容词短语) 247

1.Comparison(比较) 247

2.Some Difficult Adjectives and Their Uses(难用形容词释疑) 261

Ⅶ.Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases(副词与副词短语) 304

Ⅷ.Conjunctions and Conjunctives(连词与连接性词语) 342

Ⅸ.Articles(冠词) 370

Ⅹ.Numerals and Numbers(数词与数字) 385

Ⅺ.Concord(一致性) 396

Ⅻ.The Passive Voice(被动态) 418

ⅩⅢ.The Subjunctive(虚拟式) 436

ⅩⅣ.Tag Questions(附加疑问句) 464

ⅩⅤ.Negation(否定) 473

ⅩⅥ.Clauses(各种分句) 496

ⅩⅦ.Exclamatory Sentences(感叹句) 512

ⅩⅧ.Imperative Sentences(祈使句) 518

主要参考书目 526

