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  • 购买点数:14
  • 作 者:凌华倍 唐德荣编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7800043592
  • 标注页数:417 页
  • PDF页数:427 页

Lesson One Busincss Letter Writhing 第一课 商业书信的撰写 1

Layout of A Business Letter 1

Lesson Two Establishment fo Business Relations 第二课 建立业务关系 14

Useful Expressions 19

Notes to the Text 22

Useful Sentences 24

Exercises 27

Dialogue 28

Lesson Three Status Enquiry 第三课 咨询 33

Useful Expressions 37

Notes to the Text 39

Useful Sentences 41

Exercises 43

Lesson Four Enquiries and Replies 第四课 询盘及答复 46

Useful Expressions 51

Notes to the Text 54

Useful Sentences 57

Exercises 59

Dialogue 61

Lesson Five Offers and Counter——offers 第五课 发盘及还盘 66

Useful Expressions 74

Notes to the Text 78

Useful Sentences 82

Exercises 84

Dialogue 87

Lesson Six Telegram and Telex 91

Useful Expressions 103

Exercise 104

A List of some Common Abbreviations and Combinations used in Telegrams 105

Some Abbrexiations Commonly Used in Telex 109

Abbreviations of Countries and Cities Used in Telex 116

Lesson Seven Sales Promotion 第七课堂促销 124

Useful Expressions 130

Notes to the Text 133

Useful Sentences 135

Exercises 137

Dialogue 138

Lesson Eight Orders adn Their Fulfilment 第八课 定单及其执行 144

Useful Expressions 150

Notes to the Text 154

Useful Sentences 155

Exercises 157

Lesson Nine Terms of Patment 第九课 付款条件 159

Useful Expressions 164

Notes to the Text 166

Useful Sentences 169

Exercises 171

Dialogue 174

Lesson Ten L/C Amendment Extension 第十课 信用证的修改和展期 179

Useful Expressions 184

Notes to the Text 188

Useful Sentences 193

Exercises 195

Dialogue 198

Lesson Eleven Packing 第十一课 包装 205

Useful Expressions 211

Notes to the Text 214

Useful Sentences 218

Exercises 220

Dialogue 222

Lesson Twelve Insurance 第十二课 保险 228

Useful Expressions 234

Notes to the Text 238

Useful Sentences 243

Exercises 245

Dialogue 248

Lesson Thirteen Shipment 第十三课 装运 252

Useful Expressions 258

Notes to the Text 261

Useful Sentences 266

Exercises 269

Dialogue 271

Lesson Four- Agencyteen 第十四课 代理 276

Useful Expressions 285

Notes to the Text 289

Useful Sentences 292

Exercises 295

Dialogue 297

Lesson Fifteen Complaints,Claims and Adjustments 第十五课 索赔与理赔 303

Useful Expressions 307

Notes to the Text 310

Useful Sentences 314

Exercises 317

Dialogue 319

Lesson Sixteen Import 第十六课 进口 323

Useful Expressions 328

Notes to the Text 331

Useful Sentences 333

Exercises 335

Dialogue 337

Lesson Seven- Joint Venture teen 第十七课堂合营企业 340

Useful Expressions 347

Notes to the Text 351

Useful Sentences 355

Exercises 356

Dialogue 359

Lesson Eigh- Compensation Tradeteen 第十八课 补偿贸易 397

Useful Expressions 402

Notes to the Text 404

Useful Sentences 407

Exercises 411

Dialogue 414

