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  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:弗兰西斯·培根
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7560013600
  • 标注页数:169 页
  • PDF页数:192 页



Dedication 3

1 Of Truth 5

2 Of Death 7

3 Of Unity in Religion 9

4 Of Revenge 13

5 Of Adversity 15

6 Of Simulation & Dissimulation 17

7 Of Parents & Children 20

8 Of Marriage & Single Life 22

9 Of Envy 24

10 Of Love 28

11 Of Great Place 30

12 Of Boldness 33

13 Of Goodness, & Goodness of Nature 35

14 Of Nobility 37

15 Of Seditions & Troubles 39

16 Of Atheism 45

17 Of Superstition 48

18 Of Travel 50

19 Of Empire 52

20 Of Counsel 56

21 Of Delays 60

22 Of Cunning 61

23 Of Wisdom for a Man's Self 64

24 Of Innovations 66

25 Of Dispatch 68

26 Of Seeming Wise 70

27 Of Friendship 72

28 Of Expense 78

29 Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms & Estates 80

30 Of Regiment of Health 88

31 Of Suspicion 90

32 Of Discourse 92

33 Of Plantations 94

34 Of Riches 97

35 Of Prophecies 100

36 Of Ambition 103

37 Of Masques & Triumphs 105

38 Of Nature in Men 107

39 Of Custom & Education 109

40 Of Fortune 111

41 Of Usury 113

42 Of Youth & Age 116

43 Of Beauty 118

44 Of Deformity 120

45 Of Building 122

46 Of Gardens 126

47 Of Negotiating 132

48 Of Followers & Friends 134

49 Of Suitors 136

50 Of Studies 138

51 Of Faction 140

52 Of Ceremonies & Respects 142

53 Of Praise 144

54 Of Vainglory 146

55 Of Honour & Reputation 148

56 Of Judicature 150

57 Of Anger 154

58 Of Vicissitude of Things 156

A Fragment of an Essay of Fame 161


