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新时代大学英语视听教程  1

新时代大学英语视听教程 1PDF格式文档图书下载


图书介绍:本书按主题编写,College Experiences、Fabulous Trips、Top Universities、Meaningful Careers、Precious Love and Friendship、Sports Activities、Excellent Health、Happy Families、Financial Problems和 Moral Virtues十个单元构成。每一单元包含两大部分。第一部分为引入部分,由听写(Dictation)、主题讨论(Discussion)和视频观看(Video Watching)构成。第二部分为听力实践部分。此部分包含各种听力技巧的详细讲解和大量的听力实践练习,包括短对话(Short Conversations)、长对话(Long Conversations)、新闻报道(News Reports)和学术演讲(Lectures)。

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Unit One College Experiences 1

Section A 2

Part One Lead in 2

Part Two Video Watching 2

Section B 5

Part One Listening Skills:Directions 5

Part Two Listening Practice 6

Unit Two Fabulous Trips 12

Section A 13

Part One Lead in 13

Part Two Video Watching 13

Section B 16

Part One Listening Skills:Places 16

Part Two Listening Practice 18

Unit Three Top Universities 24

Section A 25

Part One Lead in 25

Part Two Video Watching 25

Section B 28

Part One Listening Skills:Numbers 28

Part Two Listening Practice 31

Unit Four Meaningful Careers 36

Section A 37

Part One Lead in 37

Part Two Video Watching 37

Section B 40

Part One Listening Skills:Professions 40

Part Two Listening Practice 42

Unit Five Precious Friendship and Love 48

Section A 49

Part One Lead in 49

Part Two Video Watching 49

Section B 52

Part One Listening Skills:Comparison and Contrast 52

Part Two Listening Practice 54

Unit Six Sports Activities 61

Section A 62

Part One Lead in 62

Part Two Video Watching 62

Section B 65

Part One Listening Skills:Plans and Actions 65

Part Two Listening Practice 66

Unit Seven Excellent Health 73

Section A 74

Part One Lead in 74

Part Two Video Watching 74

Section B 76

Part One Listening Skills:Cause and Effect 76

Part Two Listening Practice 79

Unit Eight Happy Families 85

Section A 86

Part One Lead in 86

Part Two Video Watching 86

Section B 89

Part One Listening Skills:Attitude 89

Part Two Listening Practice 91

Unit Nine Financial Problems 97

Section A 98

Part One Lead in 98

Part Two Video Watching 98

Section B 101

Part One Listening Skills:Requests 101

Part Two Listening Practice 103

Unit Ten Moral Values 109

Section A 110

Part One Lead in 110

Part Two Video Watching 110

Section B 113

Part One Listening Skills:Implications&Inferences 113

Part Two Listening Practice 115

Keys 122

Transcripts 139

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