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  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:卢欣编著
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787561148747
  • 标注页数:252 页
  • PDF页数:259 页



Chapter1 Trade Negotiations贸易洽谈 1

Unit 1 Establishing Trade Relations建立贸易联系 2

Unit 2 Making Inquiries询盘 6

Unit 3 Making An Offer发盘 9

Unit 4 Terms of Payment付款条件 13

Unit 5 Packing包装 17

Unit 6 Modes of Transportation运输方式 21

Unit 7 Shipping Affairs装运事务 25

Unit 8 Urging on Delivery催交货物 30

Unit 9 Asking for Payments索要货款 34

Unit 10 Asking for a Refund请求退款/货 40

Unit 11 Maintaining Cooperation保持合作 44

Unit 12 Insurance商谈保险 48

Unit 13 Claim and Arbitration索赔与仲裁 52

Chapter 2 Fighting for Business商海搏击 57

Unit 1 Agency Negotiation代理洽谈 58

Unit 2 Flexible Trade Modes灵活贸易方式 65

Unit 3 Customer Service客户服务 71

Unit 4 Business Meetings商务会议 79

Unit 5 Business Phones商务电话 86

Chapter 3 Marketing市场营销 103

Unit 1 Sales Market销售市场 104

Unit 2 Sales Situation销售状况 111

Unit 3 Sales Strategy销售策略 118

Chapter 4 Business Strategies运筹帷幄 129

Unit 1 Management Strategy经营方略 130

Unit 2 Management Status经营状况 135

Unit 3 Strategic Flexibility策略灵活性 141

Unit 4 Enterprise Management企业管理 152

Chapter 5 In the Workplace身在职场 161

Unit 1 Playing Host尽地主之谊 162

Unit 2 Dining Guests宴请宾客 172

Unit 3 Trifles in Workplace办公锁事 178

Unit 4 Work Attendance职场考勤 185

Unit 5 Gossip in Workplace职场闲谈 191

Unit 6 Ebb and Flow in Workplace职场风云 198

Chapter 6 Situational English身临其境 205

Unit 1 At the Bank在银行 206

Unit 2 At the Trade Fair在交易会 217

Unit 3 At the Customs在海关 224

Unit 4 At the Factory在工厂 231

Unit 5 At the Hotel在酒店 238

Unit 6 At the Airport在机场 246

