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中学英语拓展阅读丛书  自然科学系列  第3册

中学英语拓展阅读丛书 自然科学系列 第3册PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:周岐灵等注释
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7544606936
  • 标注页数:105 页
  • PDF页数:126 页

1 A Our Solar System 1

1 B Is There Life on Mars? 3

2 A A Journey Through the Eye 5

2 B Eye Care Through the Ages 7

3 A Herbs:Plants of Many Uses 9

3 B The Art of Herb Gardening 11

4 A Early Discoveries in Electricity 13

4 B What Causes Static Electricity? 15

5 A What Makes a Hurricane? 17

5 B The Day of the Hurricane 19

6 A Where Have All the Grasslands Gone? 21

6 B Hunting Buffalo:A Way of Life 23

7 A Arachnids 25

7 B Spiders That Lasso Their Prey 27

8 A Training to Be an Astronaut 29

8 B Disappointments and Triumphs of Female Astronauts 31

9 A What Good Is Sleep? 33

9 B Helpful Hints for Falling Asleep 35

10 A HoW Sedimentary Rock Forms 37

10 B Fossils:A Record of Life on Earth 39

11 A Surviving the Tides 41

11 B Getting the Salt out of Salt Water 43

12 A The Invention of the Camera 45

12 B Preparing for the Science Fair 47

13 A Simple and Compound Machines 49

13 B Bicycles on the Move 51

14 A The Spectrum of Light 53

14 B Recipe for a Rainbow 55

15 A Recycling Can Reduce Pollution 57

15 B Fighting Air Pollution 59

16 A Exploring the Undersea World 61

16 B Snorkeling 63

17 A The Endangered Everglades 65

17 B Protecting Wild Animals 67

18 A A Meal of Wild Forest Plants 69

18 B The Origin of Corn 71

19 A What Is Sound? 73

19 B Pleasant and Unpleasant Sounds 75

20 A Climate and the Change of Seasons 77

20 B Repairing the Ozone Layer 79

21 A Earthquakes 81

21 B Not Aftershocks After All 83

22 A Dinosaurs:All Shapes and Sizes 85

22 B Are Birds Related to Dinosaurs? 87

23 A Energy and Motion 89

23 B The Science of Kickball 91

24 A Sayings About Animals 93

24 B An Unusual Bird and Its Unforgettable Food 95

25 A Life Cycles of Wildflowers 97

25 B Searching for Desert Wildflowers 99

附录 101

Answer Key 101

Reading Rate 103

Comprehension Score 104

Comprehension Skills Profile 105

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