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  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:杨素珍 王晋军主编
  • 出 版 社:昆明:云南大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:9787548206316
  • 标注页数:383 页
  • PDF页数:393 页



前言 1

英美文学研究 3

Making Peace: Transformation and Recuperation in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Fifth Book of Peace&Liu Xiaohong 3

Criticism and Literature—Problems in Frye’s Polemical Introduction&Xu Qinsun 20

To Be a Longbook Warrior First—On Maxine Hong Kingston’s Genre Priority and Identity Imagination as Cultural Nomads in The Woman Warrior&Zhang Caiqing Luo Hong 32

Internal Conflicts of Irene Redfield in Nella Larsens Passing&Zhao Anhai 52

On E.M.Forster’s Anti-Ethnocentric View in A Passage to India&Yang Mi 67

Nurturing and Devouring—Influence of Motherhood on Black Daughters in The Bluest Eye and Sula&Wang Jinmei 99

The Themes and Symbols of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms&Duan Zhuying 117

The Riddle of Language in Gay Chaps at the Bar&Xie Ping 133

A Love Song without Love—On T.S.Eliot’s The Love song of J.Alfred Prufrock&Guo Yanqin 139

解读《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义&张梅 155

赛博Vs.跨国公司——评小说Salt Fish Girl&刘笑元 164

社会与文化研究 175

The Development of the Images of Robin Hood and Their Cultural Implications&Wang Ling Li Dongzhu 175

The American-Jewish Interest Groups and the Special Relationship between the United States and Israel&Yang Mingguang 189

American Flappers in the 1920s—the Beautiful or the Damned&沈承英 203

19世纪美国西部印第安人的衰落&杨素珍 216

英语语言研究 231

Translating Commercial Advertisements from the Functional Equivalence Perspective&Li Jie 231

The Significance of Interaction for ESL Learners in Chinese Classroom&Meng Na 242

On Language Learning Strategies of the First-year Undergraduates&Wang Wenjun 260

Relevance Theory and Reproduction of Humor in Translation—A Case Study on the Translation of Pride and Prejudice&Liu Jukun Yang Suzhen 280

缅甸的英语状况及英语教育回顾&王晋军 300

英语中航海术语输入输出的过去与未来&杨勤勇 310

音义学研究及其在英语教学中的应用&张新峰 323

衔接手段与语篇质量&李佳 330

关于非英语专业学生学习策略的个案研究&张荣美 340

作为政治语篇的标语口号分析&董丹萍 350

严谨、客观、真诚:招商文件的文体特点及其中译英&尹可秀 362

新加坡双语教育制度&施黎辉 王晋军 372

