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学生英语水平与中外合作办学成效研究  英文版

学生英语水平与中外合作办学成效研究 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:9
  • 作 者:韩建侠著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787313114037
  • 标注页数:195 页
  • PDF页数:215 页

查看更多关于学生英语水平与中外合作办学成效研究 英文版的内容


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background and Aims of the Study 1

1.2 Significance of the Study 3

1.3 Organization of the Book 4

Chapter 2 Defining Bilingual Instruction in Chinese Education Discourse 6

2.1 Bilingual Education in Western Countries 6

2.1.1 Definitions of Bilingual Education in Western Countries 6

2.1.2 Types of Bilingual Programs in Western Countries 7

2.1.3 Examples of Bilingual Programs 11

2.2 Bilingual Instruction in China 18

2.2.1 Definitions of Bilingual Instruction in China 19

2.2.2 Types of Bilingual Instruction in China 21

2.2.3 Support for Bilingual Instruction 24

2.2.4 Development of BIUL in Modern China 29

2.2.5 CFCR Projects 32

2.3 Summary 36

Chapter 3 The Underlying Philosophy of Bilingual Education 37

3.1 Definitions of Language Proficiency 37

3.2 Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency 41

3.3 Common Underlying Proficiency 46

3.4 Entry/Exit Criterion:The Thresholds Theory 49

3.5 Language Proficiency and Academic Achievements 54

Chapter 4 Research Design 60

4.1 Research Questions 60

4.2 Subjects 62

4.3 Instruments 67

4.3.1 Instruments for Testing Improved Language Proficiency 68

4.3.2 Instruments for Testing Academic Achievements 71

4.3.3 Other Supplementary Instruments 72

4.4 Procedures 73

4.4.1 Selection Procedures 74

4.4.2 Test Procedures 74

4.4.3 Analysis Procedures 75

Chapter 5 Data Analysis 78

5.1 Results of the Between-group Comparisons 78

5.1.1 Results of the Comparisons in the Academic Gains 78

5.1.2 Results of Comparisons in the Improved English Proficiency 87

5.1.3 Summary 93

5.2 Results of the Within-group Comparisons 94

5.2.1 Results of Comparisons in the Academic Gains 95

5.2.2 Results of Comparisons in the English Proficiency 115

5.3 Confirmation of the Threshold Proficiency 126

5.4 Summary 130

Chapter 6 Discussions 131

6.1 Summary of the Major Results 131

6.2 Discussion for the Between-group Comparisons 132

6.2.1 Discussion of the Academic Results 132

6.2.2 Discussion of the English Proficiency 135

6.3 Discussion for the Within-group Comparisons 139

6.3.1 Discussion of the Academic Results 139

6.3.2 Discussion of the English Proficiency 144

6.4 Discussion of the Confirmation of the Threshold Level of English Language Proficiency 146

Chapter 7 Conclusions 148

7.1 Summary of the Findings 148

7.2 Implications of the Study 150

7.3 Limitations of the Study 153

7.4 Recommendations for Future Research 153

7.5 Concluding Remarks 154

Appendices 158

Appendix 1 Mathematics Proficiency Test 158

Appendix 2 English Proficiency Test 160

Appendix 3 Chemistry Proficiency Test 173

Appendix 4 Self-assessment Questionnaire 178

Appendix 5 Self-report on Learning Difficulties 182

Appendix 6 Guidelines for the Diary 183

References 184

Index 193

查看更多关于学生英语水平与中外合作办学成效研究 英文版的内容
