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  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:吴敏 张传儒 张琴编著 成肇智翻译
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海中医药大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7810107887
  • 标注页数:249 页
  • PDF页数:269 页



Part One General lntroduction 2

Chapter One Outline 2

Contents 2

上篇 总论 3

目录 3

一、概述 3

Chapter Two Diagnostic Essentials 4

二、诊断要点 5

Nephritis 8

Chapter Three TCM Understanding of 8

三、中医对肾炎的认识 9

Part Two Typical Therapies 18

Chapter One Treatment of Acute Nephritis 18

一、急性肾炎的治疗 19

中篇 特色疗法 19

Section One Internal Therapy 22

(一)内治疗法 23

Section Two External Therapy 36

(二)外治疗法 37

Therapy 44

Section Three Acupuncture-Moxibustion 44

(三)针灸疗法 45

Section Four Massage Therapy 46

(四)推拿疗法 47

Section Five Dietary Therapy 48

(五)饮食疗法 49

Chapter Two Treatment of Chronic Nephritis 54

二、慢性肾炎的治疗 55

Section One Internal Therapy 58

(一)内治疗法 59

Section Two External Therapy 86

(二)外治疗法 87

Section Three Acupuncture-Moxibustion 96

Therapy 96

Section Four Massage Therapy 96

(三)针灸疗法 97

(四)推拿疗法 97

Section Five Dietary Therapy 98

(五)饮食疗法 99

Chapter Three Treatment of Main Symptoms ofNephritis 114

Section One Edema 114

三、肾炎常见证候的治疗 115

(一)水肿 115

Section Two Proteinuria 126

(二)蛋白尿 127

Section Three Hematuria 134

(三)血尿 135

Section Four Lumbar Soreness and Lumbago 146

(四)腰痛、腰酸 147

Section Five Nausea and Vomiting 152

(五)呕吐、泄泻 153

Section One Adjusting Daily Life 156

Chapter Four Regimen for Nephritis 156

四、肾炎的摄生调护 157

(一)注意生活起居 157

Focus 158

Section Three Avoiding Overstrain 158

Section Two Radical Cure of Infectious 158

(二)根治感染病灶 159

(三)避免过度劳累 159

Section Four Complying with the Dietary 160

Suitableness and Restraint 160

(四)掌握饮食宜忌 161

Section One Academic Thought 166

Experience 166

Chapter One Dr.Zou Yunxiang s Clinic 166

Celebrated Senior TCM Physicians 166

Part Three Therapeutic Experience of 166

下篇 名老中医治验 167

一、邹云翔老中医治验 167

(一)病机新识 167

Experience 170

Section Two Diagnostic and Therapeutic 170

(二)诊疗特色 171

Section Three Effective Cases 178

(三)验案举隅 179

Section One Academic Thought 184

Experience 184

Chapter Two Dr.Shi Zhensheng s Clinic 184

二、时振声老中医治验 185

(一)病机新识 185

Experience 188

Section Two Diagnostic and Therapeutic 188

(二)诊疗特色 189

Section Three Effective Cases 192

(三)验案举隅 193

Chapter Three Dr.Xu Songnian s Clinic 200

Section One Academic Thought 200

Experience 200

三、徐嵩年老中医治验 201

(一)病机新识 201

Experience 202

Section Two Diagnostic and Therapeutic 202

(二)诊疗特色 203

Section Three Effective Cases 210

(三)验案举隅 211

Index 216

索引 217

