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Unit One The Paragraph 1

Chapter 1 The Writing Process 导读1-1~导读1-2 2

Getting Started 2

Journal Writing 2

CNN? Video Activity: “The 37,000-Page Diary” 3

The Process of Writing 3

Prewriting 3

Generating Ideas 4

Invention Techniques 4

Brainstorming 4

Freewriting 5

WH- Questions 6

Clustering 6

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 8

Planning 8

Drafting 8

Revising 8

Editing 9

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Paragraph 导读2—1~导读2—4 12

Getting Started 12

CNN?Video Activity: “Learning to Read and Write” 12

What Is a Paragraph? 13

The Topic of a Paragraph 13

Prewriting: Planning 14

The Topic Sentence 17

Improving the Topic Sentence 19

Recognizing the Topic Sentence 21

Formulating the Topic Sentence 24

Prewriting: Generating Ideas 24

Support 25

Prewriting: Planning 25

Unity 28

Coherence 30

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 34

Composition Skills 35

Revision 35

Peer Review 35

Revision Checklist for the Paragraph 35

Chapter 3 The Narrative Paragraph 导读3—1~导读3—2 37

Getting Started 37

CNN?Video Activity: “Messages for Princess Diana of England” 37

Video Follow-up: Discussion Questions 37

Readings: Personal Reflections 38

Reading 1: From “My American Journey” 38

Reading 2: “The Best Part” 39

Reading 3: “The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl” 41

Writing 44

Present Narration 44

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 46

Composition Skills 48

Coherence 48

Adverbials of Time and Sequence 48

Grammar Review 48

Past Narration 49

Composition Skills 51

Coherence 51

Adverbial Clauses of Time 51

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 51

Grammar Review 52

Composition Skills 52

Revision 52

Peer Review 52

Revision Checklist for the Narrative Paragraph 53

Chapter 4 The Descriptive Paragraph 导读4—1~导读4—6 55

Getting Started 55

Video Follow-up: Freewriting 55

Readings: Important People, Important Places 55

Reading 1: “Uncle Kwok” 56

Reading 2: From “Beyond the Sun” 59

Writing 61

Description of a Place 62

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 65

Activities 65

Composition Skills 65

Coherence 65

Adverbs of Place 65

Modification: Specific Details 66

Grammar Review 67

Description of a Person 68

Composition Skills 71

Coherence 71

Adjective Clauses 71

Grammar Review 73

Composition Skills 74

Revision 74

Peer Review 74

Revision Checklist for the Descriptive Paragraph 74

Chapter 5 The Expository Paragraph 导读5—1~导读5—6 76

Getting Started 76

Video Follow-up: Creating Pictographs 76

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 76

Readings: Arts and Entertainment 76

Reading 1: From “Survival” 77

Reading 2: “Jackie Chan” 80

Writing 82

Support of the Generalization 84

Specific Details 84

Examples 88

Illustrations and Anecdotes 92

Composition Skills 93

Coherence 93

Organization of Details and Examples 93

Transitional Words and Phrases 96

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 100

Grammar Review 100

Revision 101

Peer Review 101

Revision Checklist for the Expository Paragraph 101

Unit Two The Essay 103

Chapter 6 Introduction to the Essay导读6—1~导读6—6 104

Getting Stalled 104

CNN?Video Activity: “A Case of Plagiarism of Romance Novels” 104

Video Follow-up: Gathering Information about the Consequences of Plagiarism 104

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 105

Introduction to the Essay 105

The Thesis Statement 105

The Introduction 108

Prewriting: Planning 109

The Developmental Paragraphs 112

Prewriting: Planning 113

The Conclusion 121

The Outline 124

Prewriting: Planning 124

Composition Skills 126

Revision 126

Peer Review 126

Revision Checklist for the Essay 126

Chapter 7 The Example Essay 导读7—1~导读7—4 128

Getting Started 128

CNN?Video Activity: “The Lost Language of the Wanino Tribe” 128

Video Follow-up: Sharing Your own Experiences 128

Readings: The Power of Culture and Language 128

Reading 1: “IHow Unwritten Rules Circumscribe Our Lives” 129

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 132

Reading 2: “Americanization Is Tough on Macho” 133

Writing 137

Number of Examples 137

Choice of Examples 140

Composition Skills 143

Coherence 143

Organization of Examples 143

Transitions Between Paragraphs 143

Transitions to Introduce Examples 144

Repetition of Key Words and Phrases 147

Grammar Review 150

Revision 152

Peer Review 152

Revision Checklist for the Example Essay 152

Chapter 8 The Comparison and Contrast Essay 导读8—1~导读8—6 154

Getting Started 154

CNN? Video Activity: “Workplace Communication:Gender Differences” 154

Video Follow-up: Brainstorming 154

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 155

Readings: Styles of Communication 155

Reading 1: “Conversational Ballgames” 155

Reading 2: “Intimacy and independence” 159

Writing 163

Points of Comparison 164

Emphasis on Comparison or Contrast 165

Patterns of Organization 165

Composition Skills 173

Coherence 173

Transitions for Comparison and Contrast 173

Grammar Review 180

Revision 181

Peer Review 181

Revision Checklist for the Comparison and Contrast Essay 182

Chapter 9 The Classification Essay 导读9—1~导读9—6 184

Getting Started 184

Readings: Advertising and Consumers 185

Reading 1: “Weasel Words” 186

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 194

Reading 2: “Motivation” 194

Writing 197

The Principle of Classification 198

Making the Classification Complete 200

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 201

Organizing the Classification Essay 201

Introducing the Categories 202

Composition Skills 205

Introductory Paragraphs 205

The Turnabout 205

Coherence 207

Transitions for Classification 207

Grammar Review 209

Revision 210

Peer Review 210

Revision Checklist for the Classification Essay 210

Chapter 10 The Process Analysis Essay 导读10—1~导读10—6 213

Getting Started 213

CNN?Video Activity: “Profile of a Communications Software Company” 213

Video Follow-up: Using the Internet 213

Readings: The World of the Internet 213

Reading 1: “The Life of e-mail” 213

Reading 2: “A Brief History of the Internet and the World Wide Web” 216

Writing 224

Planning the Process Analysis Essay 224

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 226

Organizing the Process Analysis Essay 227

Composition Skills 233

Introductory Paragraphs 233

The Dramatic Entrance 233

Coherence 235

Participial Phrases 235

Grammar Review 236

Revision 237

Peer Review 237

Revision Checklist for the Process Analysis Essay 237

Chapter 11 The Cause-and-Effect Analysis Essay 读11—1~导读11—8 239

Getting Started 239

Video Follow-up: Using Campus Resources 239

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Internet 239

Readings: Academic Achievement 240

Reading 1: “Surfing’s Up and Grades Are Down” 240

Internet Activi:Composition Skills and the Internet 243

Reading 2: “Why They Excel” 246

Writing 250

Multiple Causes → Effect 251

Organizing the Causal Analysis Essay 254

The Thesis Statement for the Causal Analysis Essay 255

A Problem in Reasoning 258

Cause —→ Multiple Effects 259

Organizing the Effect Analysis Essay 260

The Thesis Statement for the Effect Analysis Essay 262

The Causal Chain 264

Composition Skills 267

Introductory Paragraphs 267

The Dramatic Entrance 267

The Relevant Quotation 270

Coherence 272

Transitions and Expressions for Cause and Effect 272

Grammar Review 273

Revision 274

Peer Review 274

Revision Checklist for the Cause-and-Effect Analysis Essay 274

Chapter 12 The Argumentative Essay 导读12—1~导读12—8 276

Getting Started 276

CNN?Video Activity: “Campus Activism” 276

Video Follow-up: Investigating Your Campus 276

Readings: Issues on Campus 277

Reading 1: “College Lectures: Is Anybody Listening?” 277

Reading 2: “Let’s Put the Excellence Back in the A” 279

Writing 281

The Argumentative Thesis: Taking a Stand 282

The Opposition: Knowing What You Are Up Against 283

Supporting and Explaining Reasons 284

Internet Activity: Composition Skills and the Interbet 288

Refuting and Conceding the Opposition 289

Organizing the Argumentative Essay 290

Composition Skills 294

Coherence Review 294

Revision 298

Peer Review 298

Revision Checklist for the Argumentative Essay 298

Unit Three Grammar Review 299

Adjectives (Ch.4) 300

Participles as Adjectives 301

Adjective Clauses Reduced to Participial Phrases 303

Adverbials (Chs.3, 4, 10) 305

Adverbs of Place 305

Adverbials of Time and Sequence 306

Prepositions in Time Expressions 307

Adverbial Clauses Reduced to Participial Phrases 310

The present participle (Verb + ing) 311

The perfect participle (Having Verb + ed) 311

The passive perfect participle (Having Been Verb + ed) 311

Adjicles (Chs.5, 9, 11) 313

Definite and Indefinite Articles 313

The Indefinite Article 313

The Definite Article 314

Articles with Quantifiers 317

Articles with Count and Non-count Nouns 321

Clauses (Chs.3, 4) 322

Adjective Clauses (Ch.4) 322

Adjective Clause Subordinators 323

Punctuation of Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Adjective 326

Adverbial Clauses of Time (Ch.3) 327

Adverbial Clauses of Comparison, Contrast, Concession (Ch.8) 331

Adverbial Clauses of Purpose (Ch.10) 335

Adverbial Clauses of Cause and Result (Ch.11) 336

Adverbial Clauses of Cause 336

Adverbial Clauses of Result 337

Noun Clauses (Ch.7) 339

As Direct Objects 339

Noun Clauses Derived from Questions as Direct Objects 340

Subjunctive Noun Clauses 342

Comparisons (Ch.8) 344

Indicators of Equality or Similarity 344

Indicators of Inequality 346

Correlative Conjunctions (Ch.9) 349

Gerunds and Infinitives (Ch.7) 352

Gerunds and Infinitives as Subjects 352

Gerunds and Infinitives as Objects 353

Gerunds as Objects of Prepositions 356

Verb/Tense System 358

The Simple Present vs.the Present Progressive (Ch.3) 358

The Simple Present Tense 359

The Present Progressive Tense 360

The Simple Past vs.the Past Progressive and Past Perfect (Ch.3) 362

The Simple Past Tense 363

The Past Progressive Tense 363

The Past Perfect Tense 363

Verb Tense Review: The Present Perfect vs.the Simple Past(Ch.5) 367

The Present Perfect Tense 367

Adverbials Used with the Present Perfect and Simple Past Tenses 369

The Passive Voice vs.the Active Voice (Ch.4) 372

The Passive Voice: Five Points to Review 373

Conditionals 376

Real Conditions (Ch.10) 376

Unreal Conditions (Ch.11) 377

Appendices 381

Appendix Ⅰ 382

Peer Review Checklist for Paragraphs 382

Peer Review Checklist for Essays 383

Appendix Ⅱ 385

Using Others’ ideas 385

Appendix Ⅲ 388

The Definite Article with Place Names 388

The Definite Article with Other Proper Nouns 389

Appendix Ⅳ 390

Punctuation Problems 390

Rules for Punctuation 391

Appendix Ⅴ 400

Rules for Capitalization 400

Appendix Ⅵ 402

Noun Plurals 402

Appendix Ⅶ 405

Subject-Verb Agreement 405

Appendix Ⅷ 409

Principal Parts of Irregular Verbs 409

Appendix Ⅸ 415

Verbs and Their Complements 415

Appendix Ⅹ 420

Sample Business Letters 420

Appendix ⅩⅠ 425

Transitions 425

Index 429

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