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  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:王润华著
  • 出 版 社:文史哲出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:9789575496982
  • 标注页数:254 页
  • PDF页数:258 页

自序 1

鲁迅越界跨国新解读 7

以鲁迅为典范:日本中国现代文学研究 30

回到仙台医专,重新解剖一个中国医生的死亡:周树人变成鲁迅,弃医从文的新见解 50

从周树人仙台学医经验解读鲁迅的小说 57

从反殖民到殖民者:鲁迅与新马后殖民文学 75

林文庆与鲁迅/马华作家与郁达夫冲突的多元解读:谁是中心谁是边缘? 99

沈从文论鲁迅:中国现代小说的新传统 110

解构与建构「故事新编小说」:补写文学史的空白 123

A Journey to the Heart of Darkness: The Mode of Travel Literature in Lu Xun’s Fiction 128

Lu Xun’s Medical Studies in Japan and His Fiction:A Deconstructive Reading 149

The Beginning of Modern Chinese Fiction: The Influence of Western Literature on China’s First Modern Story 167

Madness and Death in the May Fourth Era Fiction: A Study of the Theme of Anti-Tradition in Modern Chinese Literature 189

The Impact of Dream of the Red Mansions on Lu Xun and other Modern Chinese Writers 208

The Study of Lu Xun and other Modern Chinese Writers in Japan: From Political Mirror to Scholarship 228

附录:王润华著〈鲁迅诗抄〉 251

