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北京紫禁城  英文版

北京紫禁城 英文版PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:刘畅著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787302290889
  • 标注页数:375 页
  • PDF页数:388 页

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标签:紫禁 英文版

Part Ⅰ Illustrating the Layout of the Forbidden City 2

Chapter Ⅰ Before the Forbidden City 6

【1】The Takeover 8

【2】Book of Experiences 18

【3】Direct Models of the Forbidden City in Beijing 26

【4】Zhu Di's Plan 34

Chapter Ⅱ The Ideal City 38

【1】A Theory 40

【2】A Set of Grids 51

【3】Calculation and Collation 58

Chapter Ⅲ The Vicissitudes of the Ideal City 68

【1】The Young Emperor's Task 70

【2】The Old Man's Foresight 91

Part Ⅱ Illustrating Construction 100

Chapter Ⅳ My Quatrevingt-treize 104

【1】Structures According to Mr.Zhao 106

【2】Construction According to Another Mr.Zhao 109

Chapter Ⅴ The Hall of Supreme Harmony,a Double-eave Principal Hall 114

【1】Two Groups of Troublesome Data 116

【2】A Coincidental Square? 125

【3】Why 7.459zhang? 129

【4】Liang Jiu's Mistake? 133

Chapter Ⅵ The Hall of Exuberance Flower,a Single-eave Hall 139

【1】1/4 zhang 140

【2】1/4 chi 144

【3】1/4 cun 148

Chapter Ⅶ The Pavilion of Embodying Benevolence and the Pavilion of Spreading Righteousness,Two Han-style Pavilions 152

【1】Zhang Xisheng 156

【2】Zhang Xisheng's Design of Pavilion of Embodying Benevolence 160

【3】Zhang Xisheng didn't Know Much about Pavilion of Spreading Righteousness 166

Chapter Ⅷ Pavilion of the Rain of Flowers,a Tibetan-style Pavilion 174

【1】On the Tibetan Style 176

【2】The Structure and Decoration of the Pavilion of the Rain of Flowers 184

Chapter Ⅸ The Corner Tower 194

【1】Design Starts from the Plan:Corner Cross 196

【2】The Expression of the Pediment of the Corner Tower 204

Part Ⅲ Illustrating Interior Design 214

Chapter Ⅹ From the Old House of Nurgaci to the Palace of Earthly Tranquility 222

【1】1587 224

【2】1627 228

【3】1656 230

Chapter Ⅺ The Hall of Mental Cultivation 232

【1】The Imperial Kitchen,the Bed Chamber,the Classroom and the Household Workshop 234

【2】A Place for Industrious Reign 240

【3】The Owner Has the Say 246

【4】Regency and Emperorhood 251

Chapter Ⅻ From Banmu Yuan to Juanqin Zhai 256

【1】Banmu Yuan,the Half-Acre Garden 258

【2】Studio of Esteemed Excellence 263

【3】Juanqin Zhai,the Studio of Exhaustion of Diligent Service 267

Chapter ⅩⅢ Studio of Cleansing Fragrance 272

【1】“The Present Cannot be Compared with the Past” 274

【2】Those Enclosed Small Chambers 280

【3】Unveiling the Interior Theatre 283

Chapter ⅩⅣ Pavilion of Met Expectations 286

【1】Ambiguity of the“Bright Hall” 288

【2】Li Zhiying 294

【3】Handicraft in South China 298

Chapter ⅩⅤ Palace for Nurturing Joy 306

【1】Its Present Conditions 308

【2】The Labyrinth Was Not Built in A Day 312

【3】Not A'Labyrinth at First 320

Chapter ⅩⅥ Palace of Peaceful Longevity 324

【1】The Forty Happy Years of the Qianlong's Mother 328

【2】The Renovation Long Awaited by Emperor Jiaqing 332

【3】The Owner Reluctant to Move into the Palace 336

Chapter ⅩⅦ From Palace of Eternal Spring to the Palace of Accumulated Purity 342

【1】The Heritage of Emperor Xianfeng 344

【2】The Balance Between the Eastern Palace and the Western Palace 351

【3】The Lost Theatre 354

List of Illustrations 362

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