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关于1959-1965年苏联发展国民经济的控制数字  1959年1月27日在苏联共产党第二十一次非常代表大会上的报告  英文本

关于1959-1965年苏联发展国民经济的控制数字 1959年1月27日在苏联共产党第二十一次非常代表大会上的报告 英文本PDF格式文档图书下载



Ⅰ.The Great Gains of the Soviet People 6

Ⅱ.Principal Tasks of the Seven-Year Plan of Economic Development in the U.S.S.R 22

Development of Socialist Industry and Transport 33

Development of Socialist Agriculture 50

Capital Construction and Distribution of the Productive Forces 59

Rise in the Living Standard of the Soviet People 76

Communist Upbringing and Public Education.Develop-ment of Science and Culture 90

Ⅲ.Decisive Stage in the Economic Competition Between Socialism and Capitalism and the Contemporary Inter-national Situation 107

The Seven-Year Plan and the Basic Economic Task of the U.S.S.R 107

Further Strengthening of the World Socialist System 116

The Peaceful Policy of the U.S.S.R.and International Relations 126

Communist Construction in the U.S.S.R.and the International Working-Class Movement 149

Ⅳ.New Stage in Communist Construction and Some Pro-biems of Marxist-Leninist Theory 167

Ⅴ.The Communist Party-Leading and Organizing Force of the Soviet People in the Struggle for the Triumph of Communism 202

查看更多关于关于1959-1965年苏联发展国民经济的控制数字 1959年1月27日在苏联共产党第二十一次非常代表大会上的报告 英文本的内容
