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旅游实践英语 上PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:吴云编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7563714073
  • 标注页数:216 页
  • PDF页数:233 页

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Unit 1 Planning Your Tourism Career 旅游生涯规划  1

Preview Travel Departments 旅游部门 1

Dialog Ⅰ What Are You Going to Do after Graduation 你毕业后打算做什么 2

Dialog Ⅱ I'm Interested in Waiting on Dining Guests 我愿意在餐厅工作 3

Dialog Ⅲ I'm Going to Be a Tour Guide 我想做导游 4

Reading Ⅰ A Job Advertisement 招聘广告 7

Reading Ⅱ An Application Letter 一封求职信 9

Listening Ⅰ A Job Interview on Hotel DJ 面试饭店舞池主持人 11

Listening Ⅱ A Tourist Career Interview 旅游生涯访谈 12

Speaking Ⅰ How to Talk about Plans 谈论计划 13

Speaking Ⅱ Your Self-Assessment 自我评价 16

Simulated Writing How to Write a Résumé 写简历 16

Unit 2 Holiday Booking 度假预订  20

Preview Types of Tours 旅游类型 20

Dialog Ⅰ Giving Information about Holiday Booking 旅游咨询 21

Dialog Ⅱ An FIT Holiday Booking 散客旅游预订 23

Dialog Ⅲ A Group Travel Reservation 团队旅游预订 25

Reading Ⅰ A Travel Advertisement 一则旅游广告 28

Reading Ⅱ A Letter on a Cruise Reservation 一封游轮预订信 30

Reading Ⅲ A Letter on a Travel Reservation 一封旅游预订信 31

Listening Ⅰ At the Travel Agency 在旅行社 33

Listening Ⅱ Giving Travel Information 旅游咨询 34

Listening Ⅲ Your Eco-Friendly Tour Company 生态环保型旅游公司 35

Speaking Ⅰ How to Receive Holiday Bookings 接待假日旅游预订 36

Speaking Ⅱ Your Favorite Modes of Travel 你的理想的旅游方式 38

Simulated Writing How to Write a Letter of Confirmation 写确认信 39

Unit 3 Travel Suppliers 旅游供应商  44

Preview Types of Travel Suppliers and Their Functions 旅游供应商类型与其功能 44

Dialog Ⅰ Booking a Charter Flight 包机预订 45

Dialog Ⅱ Making Rooms Arrangements with a Hotel 安排饭店订房 47

Dialog Ⅲ Arranging a Fam Trip to a Destination 安排景点考察 48

Dialog Ⅳ Attendant Service in the Air Cabin 航空乘客服务 50

Reading Ⅰ A Case of Passport and Visa Requirement 办理护照与签证要求 53

Reading Ⅱ A Hotel Confirmation Voucher 饭店(预订)确认凭证 54

Listening Ⅰ Air Passenger Reception and Seat Arrangement 航班乘客接待与引座 57

Listening Ⅱ Arranging a Trip for a Business Traveler 安排公司差旅服务 58

Speaking Ⅰ How to Make Airline Reservations 航班预订 59

Speaking Ⅱ What Incentive Travel Groups Want 奖励旅游团的需求 61

Simulated Writing How to Write a Reservation Fax Memo 写预订传真与备忘录 62

Unit 4 Meeting Guests 迎接客人  64

Preview Modes of Transport 交通方式 64

Dialog Ⅰ Meeting Guests at the Airport 接机服务 65

Dialog Ⅱ Meeting the Guest at the Railway Station 接站服务 66

Dialog Ⅲ On the Way to the Hotel 至饭店途中 67

Reading Ⅰ Introducing Domestic Tourist Resources 国内旅游资源介绍 69

Reading Ⅱ Welcome Speech by the Local Guide 地陪导游欢迎词 70

Listening Ⅰ At the Airport Representative Desk 在机场代表接待处 73

Listening Ⅱ Looking for Airport Shuttle Service Agent 找机场班车服务处 75

Speaking Ⅰ How to Meet Guests 迎宾服务 76

Speaking Ⅱ Message on the way to the Hotel 至饭店途中讲解词 78

Simulated Writing How to Write a Welcome Speech 写欢迎词 79

Unit 5 Hospitality Industry 旅游接待业  82

Preview Players of Hospitality 旅游接待部门 82

Dialog Ⅰ Giving Information about Hotels 饭店咨询 83

Dialog Ⅱ An Interview on Waitress 面试女服务员 85

Dialog Ⅲ A Talk with the Head Cook 与厨师长的谈话 87

Reading Ⅰ Hilton Brand 希尔顿(饭店)品牌 88

Reading Ⅱ Hyatt Hotels 凯悦(国际)饭店 90

Reading Ⅲ Hospitality Job Listing:Catering Manager 接待业工作岗位:餐饮经理 91

Listening Ⅰ Hotel Service 饭店服务 95

Listening Ⅱ Talking about Traveling Experiences 谈论旅游经历 97

Speaking Ⅰ How to Introduce Hospitality Facilities 介绍接待业设施 98

Speaking Ⅱ Levels of Positions in Hospitality 接待业工作结构 99

Simulated Writing How to Write a Hotel Brochure 撰写饭店宣传手册 100

Preview Room Types and Bed Sizes 客房类型与床位规格 104

Unit 6 Hotel Reservations 饭店客房预订  104

Dialog Ⅰ An FIT Room Reservation 散客预订 105

Dialog Ⅱ A Corporate Room Reservation 公司预订 107

Dialog Ⅲ A Guaranteed Reservation 有保证预订 108

Reading Ⅰ Process of Room Reservations 客房预订程序 110

Reading Ⅱ A Room Reservation Fax 客房预订传真 112

Listening Ⅰ Booking Rooms on the Phone 电话预订客房 114

Listening Ⅱ Room Overbooking 客房超额预订 115

Speaking Ⅰ How to Handle Guest Room Reservations 接待客房预订 116

Speaking Ⅱ Hotel Facilities 饭店设施 119

Simulated Writing How to Write a Confirmation Fax on Room Reservation 写客房预订确认传真 120

Unit 7 Hotel Check-in 饭店入住登记  123

Preview Room Status Definitions 房态定义 123

Dialog Ⅰ Checking in Guests Attending a Conference 参会客人入住登记 124

Dialog Ⅱ Checking in Guests with Reservations 有预订客人入住登记 125

Dialog Ⅲ Checking in Walk-in Guests 无预订客人入住登记 127

Dialog Ⅳ Checking in Guests with a Group Reservation 团队预订入住登记 128

Reading Ⅰ Process of Hotel Guest Registration 基本入住登记程序 130

Reading Ⅱ A Sample Registration Card 入住登记卡范例 131

Listening Ⅰ Hotel Check-in(1) 饭店入住登记服务(1) 133

Listening Ⅱ Hotel Check-in(2) 饭店入住登记服务(2) 135

Speaking Ⅰ How to Check in Guests 为客人办理入住登记 136

Speaking Ⅱ Whom a Hotel Can Refuse to Receive 饭店拒收哪些客人 138

Simulated Writing How to Write E-mail Letters 写电子邮件 139

Unit 8 Housekeeping Service 客房服务 141

Preview Names of Hotel Guest Room Facilities 饭店客房设施 141

Dialog Ⅰ Escorting the Guest into the Guest Room 陪送客人进房 142

Dialog Ⅱ Turn-Down Service in the Guest Room 开夜床服务 144

Dialog Ⅲ Taking the Room Service Order 客房送餐服务 145

Dialog Ⅳ Claiming for Damage of Room Facilities 客房设施损坏索赔 146

Reading Ⅰ Procedure for Some Housekeeping Services 客房服务部分程序 147

Reading Ⅱ The Laundry Price List 洗衣价格单 149

Listening Ⅱ Cleaning the Guest Room 客房清洁服务 152

Listening Ⅰ The Wake-Up Call Service 叫醒服务 152

Speaking Ⅰ How to Serve Occupying Hotel Guests 为住店客人服务 154

Speaking Ⅱ Changing Rooms 换房服务 156

Simulated Writing How to Write Message Notes 写留言条 157

Unit 9 Concierge Service 礼宾服务  159

Preview Posts at the Concierge 159

礼宾服务岗位名称 159

Dialog Ⅰ Bellman Service 行李员服务 160

Dialog Ⅱ Helping with Flight Ticket Booking 代订机票 161

Dialog Ⅲ Booking Theater Tickets for Guests 代订戏票 163

Dialog Ⅳ Renting a Car for Guests 代客租车 164

Reading Ⅰ Why Hire Hotel Concierges 雇用礼宾员的理由 166

Reading Ⅱ An Exhibition Promotion Letter 招展信函 167

Listening Ⅰ Arranging a Tour of the City 安排城区旅游 170

Listening Ⅱ Confirming the Flight Ticket 确认机票 171

Speaking Ⅰ How to Provide Concierge Services 礼宾服务用语 172

Speaking Ⅱ What a Concierge May Be Asked to Do 礼宾员职责 174

Simulated Writing How to Write a Thank-You Letter 写感谢信 175

Unit 10 Food Beverage Service 餐饮服务 177

Preview Methods of Cooking 烹饪方法 177

Dialog Ⅰ Booking a Table at a Restaurant 预订餐桌 178

Dialog Ⅱ Taking an à la Carte Order for Chinese-Style Food 中餐零点服务 180

Dialog Ⅲ Taking an Order for Western-Style Food 181

西餐零点服务 181

Dialog Ⅳ Serving the Buffet Dinner 冷餐宴会服务 183

Reading Ⅰ Food Beverage Event Order 餐饮服务任务单 185

Reading Ⅱ A Dinner Menu 餐饮菜单 187

Listening Ⅰ At the Café(1) 咖啡吧服务(1) 190

Listening Ⅱ At the Café(2) 咖啡吧服务(2) 191

Speaking Ⅰ How to Receive Restaurant Customers 餐厅接待用语 192

Speaking Ⅱ Handling Guest Complaints about Food Beverage 餐饮投诉处理 195

Simulated Writing How to Write a Function Order Sheet 餐饮预订服务单 196

Glossary(C—E) 199

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