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郭柏灵论文集  第3卷

郭柏灵论文集 第3卷PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:郭柏灵著
  • 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7562324816
  • 标注页数:359 页
  • PDF页数:369 页

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标签:论文集 论文

1992年 1

Hirota型非线性发展方程的整体光滑解 1

Mixed Initial Boundary-Value Problem For Some Multi-dimensional Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equations Including Damping 9

Cauchy Problem for a Generalized Nonlinear Dispersive Equation 19

The Existence of Global Solution and"Blow up"Phenomenon for a System of Multi-dimensional Symmetric Regularized Wave Equations 31

1993年 45

The Landau-Lifshitz Equation of the Ferromagnetic Spin Chain and Harmonic Maps 45

一类铁磁链型方程组的Cauchy问题 67

多维铁磁链型方程组 78

广义Kuramoto-Sivashinsky型方程周期初值问题的整体吸引子 88

The Global Attractors for the Periodic Initial Value Problem of Generalized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Type Equations in Multi-dimensions 100

Periodic Boundary Problem and Cauchy Problem for the Fluid Dynamic Equation in Geophysics 118

1994年 136

Long Time Behavior for the Equation of Finite-depth Fluids 136

Finite Dimensional Behavior for Weakly Damped Generalized KdV-Burgers Equations 149

On Global Solution for a Class of Systems of Multi-dimensional Generalized Zakharov Type Equation 160

广义3axapoB方程组的初边值问题 175

1995年 186

Decay of Solutions to Magnetohydrodynamics Equations in Two Space Dimensions 186

Orbital Stability of Solitary Waves for the Nonlinear Derivative Schr?dinger Equation 199

Global Existence and Nonexistence of the solution of a forced Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equation 215

Klein-Gordon-Schr?dinger方程解的整体存在性及其渐近性 221

Nonlinear Galerkin Methods for Solving Two Dimensional Newton-Boussinesq Equations 232

On the Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equations with Magnetic Effect 244

On Inhomogeneous GBBM Equations 254

Global Smooth Solution for the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov Equations 265

Finite-dimensional Behavior for a Generalized Ginzburg-Landau Equation 271

Finite-dimensional Behavior for the Derivative Ginzburg-Landau Equation in Two Spatial Dimensions 282

Finite-dimensional Behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau Model for Superconductivity 299

Remarks on the Global Attractor of the Weakly Dissipative Benjamin-Ono Equation 307

Approximation to the Global Attractor for the Landau-Lifshitz Equation of the Ferromagnetic Spin Chain 315

Finite Difference Method for Generalized Zakharov Equations 325

Decay of Solution of a Parabolic Equation in 2-space Dimensions 341

On Smooth Solution for a Nonlinear 5th Order Equation of KdV Type 349

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