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学术论文 1

快速凝固铝合金粉末表面氧化的研究 戴圣龙 于桂复 颜鸣皋 110

Some Recent Developments of Advanced Titanium Alloy and Nickel Base Superalloys in BIAM 117

Microanalytical Study of the Hexagonal Phase in an Yttrium-containing Low Expansion Superalloy 130

Aging Effect on Elapsed Time of Serrations in Al-Li Single Crystals 141

金属疲劳裂纹扩展规律及其微观机制 颜鸣皋 147

疲劳与断裂 147

The Transverse Bending of Single Crystals of Aluminum 16

Some Microscopic Features and Mechanisms of Fatigue Behaviour in Metals 189

Investigations on the Crack Growth Retardation Behavior and Fatigue Life Prediction in Structural Materials Yan minggao Gu mingda 213

Notes on the Prediction of the Threshold Stress Intensity Factor(△Kth)for Fatigue Crack Propagation(FCP) 221

Studies of Characteristics of Fatigue Crack Propagation at Near-threshold Range and Its Affecting Factors YAN Minggao 226

A Study of the Mechanism of Striation Formation and Fatigue Crack Growth in Engineering Alloys 244

Microscopic Studies on Fatigue Crack Propagation and Fracture Characteristic near Crack Tip Region in Engineering Alloys 255

Fatigue Crack Propagation Behaviors of Aircraft Materials under Variable Amplitude Loading 266

Some Recent Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Research in BIAM 275

主要论著目录 293

塑性变形与织构 3

A Study of Textures and Earing Behavior of Cold-rolled(87-89pct)and Annealed Copper Strips 3

金属加工织构的研究 颜鸣皋 35

冷轧铜板再结晶织构的形成 颜鸣皋 周邦新 47

铜的织构对晶粒间界内耗峰的影响 颜鸣皋 袁振民 60

Variant Selection and Its Effect on Phase Transformation Textures in Cold Rolled Titanium Sheet 66

镍基高温合金的强化 颜鸣皋 陈学印 73

先进航空材料 73

A Creep Constitutive Model of Dislocation Thermal Activation 87

Study of the New Frank-Kasper Phases in Al-Li-Cu-Mg Alloys 93

Microstructure of SiCp-reinforced A356 Cast Al Metal-matrix Composite 99

