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谢少文论著选辑  祝贺谢老九秩华诞

谢少文论著选辑 祝贺谢老九秩华诞PDF格式文档图书下载



我的治学之路 1

A Study of the well-felix reaction 6

The cultivation of mexican and European typhus rickettsiae in the chorio-allantoic membrane of the c 13

Isolation of typhus rickettsia from infected animals on zinsser agar-tissue media 21

Studies on typhus vaccine prepared from agar-tissue culture 29

斑疹伤寒之接种预防 38

Prevention of Typhus Fever by Vaccination Samuel H.ZIA. 39

Studies on typhus fever epidemic occurring in a poor house. Ⅲ. Control measures,with special refere 41

Further studies of a differential medium for the isolation of V.cholerae 45

布氏杆菌病(波浪热)治疗之近期发展 50

大脑皮层活动和传染及免疫的关系 58

近年来免疫学的进展及趋向 67

Hog Lymphocyte E Rosette formation and its effect on changes in endogenous lymphocyte cAMP levels 70

E 玫瑰花形成与猪淋巴细胞内的cAMP水平的变化--影响因素 74

医院中发生感染的条件致病菌 79

神经、激素与免疫 84

抗受体的自身免疫病——现代免疫研究进展的一个侧面 91

肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)研究进展 94

论文题录 100

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