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杜甫诗选  图文典藏本  中英文本

杜甫诗选 图文典藏本 中英文本PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:许渊冲编著
  • 出 版 社:石家庄:河北人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7202037661
  • 标注页数:105 页
  • PDF页数:116 页

查看更多关于杜甫诗选 图文典藏本 中英文本的内容


目录望岳  2

Gazing on Mount Tai  3

兵车行  4

Song of the Conscripts  5

赠李白  8

To Li Bai  9

饮中八仙歌(选四)  10

Songs of Eight Immortal Drinkers(Excerpts)  11

前出塞  12

Song of the Frontier  13

丽人行  14

Satire on Fair Ladies  15

自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字(节选)  18

On the Way From the Capital to Fengxian(Excerpt)  19

月夜  20

A Moonlit Night  21

悲陈陶  22

Lament on the Defeat at Chentao  23

春望  24

Spring View  25

哀江头  26

Lament Along the Winding River  27

羌村(其一)  28

Coming Back to Qiang Village  29

独立  30

Alone I Stand  31

赠卫八处士  32

For Wei the Eighth  33

新安吏  34

A Recruiting Sergeant at Xin'an  35

石壕吏  36

The Pressgang at Stone Moat Village  37

潼关吏  38

Officer at the Western Pass  39

新婚别  40

Lament of the Newly Wed  41

垂老别  42

Lament of an Old Man  43

无家别  44

Lament of a Homeless  45

佳人  46

A Fair Lady  47

梦李白  48

Dreaming of Li Bai  49

月夜忆舍弟  50

Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night  51

病马  52

To My Sick Horse  53

野望  54

Dim Prospect  55

蜀相  56

Temple of the Premier of Shu  57

江村  58

The Riverside Village  59

客至  60

For a Guest  61

漫兴  62

Written at Random  63

春夜喜雨  64

Happy Rain on a Spring Night  65

茅屋为秋风所破歌  66

My Cottage Unroofed by Autumn Gales  67

赠花卿  70

To General Hua  71

江畔独步寻花  72

Strolling Alone among Flowers by Riverside  73

戏为六绝句(其二)  74

A Playful Quatrain  75

闻官军收河南河北  76

Recapture of the Regions North and South of the Yellow River  77

登楼  78

On a Tower  79

绝句二首  80

A Quatrain  81

绝句  82

A Quatrain  83

旅夜书怀  84

Mooring at Night  85

八阵图  86

The Stone Fortress  87

秋兴  88

Ode to Autumn  89

咏怀古迹  90

Thoughts on a Historic Site  91

阁夜  92

Night in My Bower  93

登高  94

On the Height  95

江上  96

On the River  97

江汉  98

On River Han  99

登岳阳楼  100

On Yueyang Tower  101

小寒食舟中作  102

Boating after Cold Food Day  103

江南逢李龟年  104

Coming Across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangze River  105

查看更多关于杜甫诗选 图文典藏本 中英文本的内容
