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后拉登时代国际反恐斗争的基本态势和战略  下

后拉登时代国际反恐斗争的基本态势和战略 下PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:19
  • 作 者:何秉松主编 刘艳萍副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国民主法制出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:7516201930
  • 标注页数:653 页
  • PDF页数:660 页

1.The basic situation and strategy of the international fight against terrorism in post osama bin laden era 1

2.Trends of Worldwide Terrorism—Brazil's Challenges and Response 43

3.Myth and Reality of the Global Terrorist Threat 50

4.Terrorism in Western Europe:Events Data 63

5.War on Terror:Erosion of Civil Liberties 70

6.Criminal Law as a Counterterrorism Tool—On the Limits of the Legitimacy of Criminal Law within the Global Strategy for Fighting Terrorism 93

7.State Terror and Civilian-Military Dictatorship in Brazil—Rightful Resistance Is NotTerrorism 101

8.Media and Terrorism—Primeiro Comando da Capital(PCC)and ItsIdentification as a Brazilian Terrorist Organization 110

9.Terrorism within the Brazilian Experience and the Concept of a Terrorist Act 119

10.Expanding Criminal Laws by Means of Predating Criminal Responsibility—Punishing Planning and Organizing Terrorist Attacks as a Means to Optimize Effectiveness of Fighting Against Terrorism 133

11.Rightto Resistance and Terrorism—TheExample of Germany 154

12.Criminal Involvement in Terrorist Associations—Classification and Fundamental Principles of the German Section 129a StGB 168

13.The EuropeanInf luence on German Anti-Terrorism Law 189

14.Substantive Provisions of German Law Criminalizing Forms of Terrorism in the Global Era 198

15.European Evolutions on Terrorism 211

16.Terrorism on the Internet 224

17.The Relationship between Terrorism and Criminal Law 242

18.Terrorist Attacks against the Natural Environment A Phantom or a Real Danger 255

19.The Criminal Ofience of Terrorism 263

20.Problems of Terrorism Definition in Russian Criminal Law 284

21.Definition of Terrorism at National and International Levels of the Legal Regulation 292

22.Extremism as a Forerunner of Terrorism in Contemporary Russia 303

23.Terrorism as a Form of Extremism 312

24.Attempt to Define the Conflict of 2011 in Macedonia 326

25.Criminal Justice System in a Global World 337

26.The Association Internationale De Droit Penal and the Establishment of the International Criminal Court 341

27.The Association Internationale De Droit Penal(AIDP-IAPL)History,Principles and Strategic Considerations(2010-2014) 356

28.Counter-Terrorism in Canada:10 Years after 9/11 376

29.Organized Crime,Terrorism and Reciprocal Imputation 384

30.Anti-terrorism Legislation and Measures in South America with a Special Consideration of Argentina,Chile and Colombia 392

31.Terrorism and Criminal Law:The Slippery Slope of Prevention 407

32.Law and the War on Terror 423

33.Approach of Criminal Procedural Law to Terrorist Offences in Hungary 442

34.The Approach to Terrorist Offences by Means of Criminal Law in Hungary 450

35.The Statutory Definition of Terrorist Offences in Hungarian Criminal Law 501

36.Organised Crime and Terrorism in the Balkans—Balkan Organized Crime:Identification,Assessment and Action Plan for Dismantling 509

37.A Practical Definition of the Domain of Terrorism,Based on Frank F.Y.Huang and Xavier Raufer Theories 517

38.Seizing the Comprehensive Command of Terrorism—Solutions to Global Counter-terrorism Difficulties 546

39.Research on Definition ofInternational Terrorism 563

40.DefinitionoftheTerrorism 578

41.Discussion on New Trends in International Terrorism and Criminal Activities 597

42.Approaches to the Dilemma of Defining Terrorism 620

43.Towardthe State Capture inMexico 631

44.International Law Bases of Counteraction to Terrorism and Russian Criminal Statute 638

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