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图像与视频处理手册  上

图像与视频处理手册 上PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:18
  • 作 者:(美)博维克(Bovik A.)著
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7121023016
  • 标注页数:640 页
  • PDF页数:660 页

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SECTION Ⅰ Introduction 3

1.1 Introduction to Digital Image and Video Processing Alan C.Bovik 3

SECTION Ⅱ Basic Image Processing Techniques 21

2.1 Basic Gray-Level Image Processing Alan C.Bovik 21

2.2 Basic Binary Image Processing Alan C.Bovik 39

2.3 Basic Tools for Image Fourier Analysis Alan C.Bovik 57

2.4 Image Processing Education Umesh Rajashekar,Alan C.Bovik,Daniel Sage,Michael Unser,Lina J.Karam,and Reginald L.Lagendijk 73

SECTION Ⅲ Image and Video Processing 99

Image and Video Enhancement and Restoration 99

3.1 Basic Linear Filtering with Application to Image Enhancement Alan C.Bovik and Scott T.Acton 99

3.2 Nonlinear Filtering for Image Analysis and Enhancement Gonzalo R.Arce,Jan Bacca,and Jose L.Paredes 109

3.3 Morphological Filtering for Image Enhancement and Feature Detection Petros Maragos 135

3.4 Wavelet Denoising for Image Enhancement Dong Wei,Umesh Rajashekar,and Alan C.Bovik 157

3.5 Basic Methods for Image Restoration and Identification Reginald L.Lagendijk and Jan Biemond 167

3.6 Regularization in Image Restoration and Reconstruction W.Clem Karl 183

3.7 Multichannel Image Recovery Nikolas P.Galatsanos,Miles N.Wernick,Aggelos K.Katsaggelos,and Rafael Molina 203

3.8 Multi-Frame Image Restoration Timothy J.Schulz 219

3.9 Iterative Image Restoration Aggelos K.Katsaggelos and Chun-Jen Tsai 235

3.10 Motion Detection and Estimation Janusz Konrad 253

3.11 Video Enhancement and Restoration Reginald L.Lagendijk,Peter M.B.van Roosmalen,Jan Biemond,Andrei Rares,and Marcel J.T.Reinders 275

Reconstruction from Multiple Images 297

3.12 Local and Global Stereo Methods Yang Liu and J.K.Aggarwal 297

3.13 Image Sequence Stabilization,Mosaicking,and Superresolution Rama Chellappa,S.Srinivasan,G.Aggarwal,and A,Veeraraghavan 309

4.1 Computational Models of Early Human Vision Lawrence K.Cormack 325

SECTION Ⅳ Image and Video Analysis 325

Image Representations and Image Models 325

4.2 Multiscale Image Decompositions and Wavelets Pierre Moulin 347

4.3 Random Field Models P.Fieguth,and J.Zhang 361

4.4 AM-FM Image Models:Fundamental Techniques and Emerging Trends Joseph P.Havlicek,Peter C.Tay,and Alan C.Bovik 377

4.5 Image Noise Models Charles Boncelet 397

4.6 Color and Multispectral Image Representation and Display H.J.Trussell 411

4.7 Statistical Modeling of Photographic Images Eero P.Simoncelli 431

Image and Video Classifications and Segmentation 443

4.8 Statistical Methods for Image Segmentation Sridhar Lakshmanan 443

4.9 Multiband Techniques,Texture Classification,and Segmentation B.S.Manjunath,G.M.Haley,Wei-Ying Ma,and S.D.Newsam 455

4.10 Video Segmentation A.Murat Tekalp 471

4.11 2D and 3D Motion Tracking in Digital Video Georgios Stamou,Michail Krinidis,Evangelos Loutas,Nikos Nikolaidis,and Ioannis Pitas 491

4.12 Adaptive and Neural Methods for Image Segmentation Joydeep Ghosh 519

Edge and Boundary Detection in Images 535

4.13 Gradient and Laplacian Edge Detection Phillip A.Mlsna and Jeffrey J.Rodriguez 535

Partial Differential Equation-Based Image Processing 555

4.14 Diffusion Partial Differential Equations for Edge Detection Scott T.Acton 555

4.15 Shape Smoothing and PDEs Frédéric Guichard,Lionel Moisan,and Jean-Michel Morel 573

4.16 PDEs for Morphological Scale Spaces and Eikonal Applications Petros Maragos 587

4.17 Geometric Active Contours for Image Segmentation Vicent Caselles,Ron Kimmel,and Guillermo Sapiro 613

Algorithms for Image Processing 629

4.18 Software for Image and Video Processing K.Clint Slatton and Brian L.Evans 629

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