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  • 购买点数:20
  • 作 者:唐玉秀等主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:学苑出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7507712699
  • 标注页数:701 页
  • PDF页数:749 页


Introduction 1

Chapter 1 A General Introduction to the Meridians 7

Part Ⅰ Meridians and Points 7

Section 2 The Composition of the Meridians System 8

Section 1 Development of the Theory of the Meridians 8

1.The Twelve Regular Meridians 9

2.The Eight Extra Meridians 13

3.The Fifteen Collaterals 14

4.The Twelve Divergent Meridians 15

6.The Twelve Cutaneous Regions 17

5.The Twelve Muscle Regions 17

Section 3 The Gen,Jie,Biao,Ben,Qijie and the Four Seas of the Meridians 18

1.Physiological Function of the Meridians 21

Section 4 Physiological Functions of the Meridians System and Clinical Application of the Theory of the Meridians 21

2.Clinical Application of the Theory of the Meridians 22

2.Large Intestine Meridian 23

1.Lung Meridian 23

Section 5 The Courses of the Twelve Regular Meridians and Their Principal Symptoms 23

3.Stomach Meridian 25

4.Spleen Meridian 26

5.Heart Meridian 27

6.Small Intestine Meridian 28

7.Bladder Meridian 29

8.Kidney Meridian 30

9.Pericardium Meridian 31

10.Triple Energizer Meridian 32

11.Gallbladder Meridian 33

12.Liver Meridian 35

2.Conception Vessel 36

1.Governor Vessel 36

Section 6 The Course,Principal Symptoms and Crossing Acupoints of the Eight Extra Meridians 36

3.Thoroughfare Vessel 37

5.Yin Link Vessel 38

4.Belt Vessel 38

6.Yang Link Vessel 39

8.Yang Heel Vessel 40

7.Yin Heel Vessel 40

Section 7 Acupoints,Courses,Principal Indications and Treatment of Fifteen Collaterals 41

Section 2 The Development and Classification of Acupoints 46

Section 1 The Essential Concept of Acupoints 46

Chapter 2 An Introduction to Acupoints 46

Section 3 The Nomenclature of Acupoints 47

Section 4 The Properties of Acupoints 48

1.Five Shu Points 49

Section 5 The Concept and Classification of Specific Points 49

2.Yuan-(Primary)Points and Luo-(Connecting)Points 52

(1)Yuan-(Primary)Points 53

(2)Luo-(Connecting)Points 54

(1)Back-(Shu)Points 55

3.Back-(Shu)Points and Front-(Mu)Points 55

(2)Front-(Mu)Points 56

4.Eight Converging Points 57

5.Xi-(Cleft)Points 58

7.Eight Confluent Points and Crossing Points 59

6.Lower He-(Sea)Points 59

Section 6 Methods of Locating Acupoints 65

1.LU 1 Zhongfu 70

Section 1 The Acupuncture Points of Lung Meridian 70

Chapter 3 The Fourteen Meridians'Acupuncture Points and the Extraordinary Points 70

2.LU 2 Yunmen 71

4.LU 4 Xiabai 72

3.LU 3 Tianfu 72

7.LU 7 Lieque 73

6.LU 6 Kongzui 73

5.LU 5 Chize 73

10.LU 10 Yuii 74

9.LU 9 Taiyuan 74

8.LU 8 Jingqu 74

Section 2 The Acupuncture Points of Large Intestine Meridian 75

11.LU 11 Shaoshang 75

4.LI 4 Hegu 76

3.LI 3 Sanjian 76

1.LI 1 Shangyang 76

2.LI 2 Erjian 76

5.LI 5 Yangxi 77

9.LI 9 Shanglian 78

8.LI 8 Xialian 78

6.LI 6 Pianli 78

7.LI 7 Wenliu 78

12.LI 12 Zhouliao 79

11.LI 11 Quchi 79

10.LI 10 Shousanli 79

14.LI 14 Binao 80

13.LI 13 Shouwuli 80

16.LI 16 Jugu 81

15.LI 15 Jianyu 81

19.LI 19 Kouheliao 82

18.LI 18 Futu 82

17.LI 17 Tianding 82

Section 3 The Acupuncture Points of Stomach Meridian 83

20.LI 20 Yingxiang 83

3.ST 3 Juliao 84

2.ST 2 Sibai 84

1.ST 1 Chengqi 84

6.ST 6 Jiache 85

5.ST 5 Daying 85

4.ST 4 Dicang 85

8.ST 8 Touwei 86

7.ST 7 Xiaguan 86

10.ST 10 Shuitu 87

9.ST 9 Renying 87

14.ST 14 Kufang 88

13.ST 13 Qihu 88

11.ST 11 Qishe 88

12.ST 12 Quepen 88

18.ST 18 Rugen 89

17.ST 17 Ruzhong 89

15.ST 15 Wuyi 89

16.ST 16 Yingchuang 89

22.ST 22 Guanmen 90

21.ST 21 Liangmen 90

19.ST 19 Burong 90

20.ST 20 Chengman 90

24.ST 24 Huaroumen 91

23.ST 23 Taiyi 91

28.ST 28 Shuidao 92

27.ST 27 Daju 92

25.ST 25 Tianshu 92

26.ST 26 Wailing 92

32.ST 32 Futu 93

31.ST 31 Biguan 93

29.ST 29 Guilai 93

30.ST 30 Qichong 93

36.ST 36 Zusanli 94

35.ST 35 Dubi 94

33.ST 33 Yinshi 94

34.ST 34 Liangqiu 94

38.ST 38 Tiaokou 95

37.ST 37 Shangjuxu 95

40.ST 40 Fenglong 96

39.ST 39 Xiajuxu 96

43.ST 43 Xiangu 97

42.ST 42 Chongyang 97

41.ST 41 Jiexi 97

1.SP 1 Yinbai 98

Section 4 The Acupuncture Points of Spleen Meridian 98

44.ST 44 Neiting 98

45.ST 45 Lidui 98

3.SP 3 Taibai 99

2.SP 2 Dadu 99

6.SP 6 Sanyinjiao 100

5.SP 5 Shangqiu 100

4.SP 4 Gongsun 100

8.SP 8 Diji 101

7.SP 7 Lougu 101

11.SP 11 Jimen 102

10.SP 10 Xuehai 102

9.SP 9 Yinlingquan 102

14.SP 14 Fujie 103

13.SP 13 Fushe 103

12.SP 12 Chongmen 103

17.SP 17 Shidou 104

16.SP 16 Fuai 104

15.SP 15 Daheng 104

20.SP 20 Zhourong 105

19.SP 19 Xiongxiang 105

18.SP 18 Tianxi 105

Section 5 The Acupuncture Points of Heart Meridian 106

21.SP 21 Dabao 106

3.HT 3 Shaohai 107

2.HT 2 Qingling 107

1.HT 1 Jiquan 107

5.HT 5 Tongli 108

4.HT 4 Lingdao 108

8.HT 8 Shaofu 109

7.HT 7 Shenmen 109

6.HT 6 Yinxi 109

Section 6 The Ac upuncture Points of Small Intestine Meridian 110

9.HT 9 Shaochong 110

3.SI 3 Houxi 111

2.SI 2 Qiangu 111

1.SI 1 Shaoze 111

6.SI 6 Yanglao 112

5.SI 5 Yanggu 112

4.SI 4 Wangu 112

10.SI 10 Naoshu 113

9.SI 9 Jianzhen 113

7.SI 7 Zhizheng 113

8.SI 8 Xiaohai 113

13.SI 13 Quyuan 114

12.SI 12 Bingfeng 114

11.SI 11 Tianzong 114

17.SI 17 Tianrong 115

16.SI 16 Tianchuang 115

14.SI 14 Jianwaishu 115

15.SI 15 Jianzhongshu 115

19.SI 19 Tinggong 116

18.SI 18 Quanliao 116

2.BL 2 Cuanzhu 118

1.BL 1 Jingming 118

Section 7 The Acupuncture Points of Bladder Meridian 118

6.BL 6 Chengguang 119

5.BL 5 Wuchu 119

3.BL 3 Meichong 119

4.BL 4 Qucha 119

9.BL 9 Yuzhen 120

8.BL 8 Luoque 120

7.BL 7 Tongtian 120

12.BL 12 Fengmen 121

11.BL 11 Dazhu 121

10.BL 10 Tianzhu 121

15.BL 15 Xinshu 122

14.BL 14 Jueyinshu 122

13.BL 13 Feishu 122

17.BL 17 Geshu 123

16.BL 16 Dushu 123

20.BL 20 Pishu 124

19.BL 19 Danshu 124

18.BL 18 Ganshu 124

23.BL 23 Shenshu 125

22.BL 22 Sanjiaoshu 125

21.BL 21 Weishu 125

27.BL 27 Xiaochangshu 126

26.BL 26 Guanyuanshu 126

24.BL 24 Qihaishu 126

25.BL 25 Dachangshu 126

30.BL 30 Baihuanshu 127

29.BL 29 Zhonglushu 127

28.BL 28 Pangguangshu 127

34.BL 34 Xialiao 128

33.BL 33 Zhongliao 128

31.BL 31 Shangliao 128

32.BL 32 Ciliao 128

38.BL 38 Fuxi 129

37.BL 37 Yinmen 129

35.BL 35 Huiyang 129

36.BL 36 Chengfu 129

41.BL 41 Fufen 130

40.BL 40 Weizhong 130

39.BL 39 Weiyang 130

42.BL 42 Pohu 131

46.BL 46 Geguan 132

45.BL 45 Yixi 132

43.BL 43 Gaohuang 132

44.BL 44 Shentang 132

50.BL 50 Weicang 133

49.BL 49 Yishe 133

47.BL 47 Hunmen 133

48.BL 48 Yanggang 133

54.BL 54 Zhibian 134

53.BL 53 Baohuang 134

51.BL 51 Huangmen 134

52.BL 52 Zhishi 134

57.BL 57 Chengshan 135

56.BL 56 Chengjin 135

55.BL 55 Heyang 135

59.BL 59 Fuyang 136

58.BL 58 Feiyang 136

63.BL 63 Jinmen 137

62.BL 62 Shenmai 137

60.BL 60 Kunlun 137

61.BL 61 Pucan 137

66.BL 66 Zutonggu 138

65.BL 65 Shugu 138

64.BL 64 Jinggu 138

1.KI 1 Yongquan 139

Section 8 The Acupuncture Points of Kidney Meridian 139

67.BL 67 Zhiyin 139

2.KI 2 Rangu 140

4.KI 4 Dazhong 141

3.KI 3 Taixi 141

7.KI 7 Fuliu 142

6.KI 6 Zhaohai 142

5.KI 5 Shuiquan 142

10.KI 10 Yingu 143

9.KI 9 Zhubin 143

8.KI 8 Jiaoxin 143

12.KI 12 Dahe 144

11.KI 11 Henggu 144

15.KI 15 Zhongzhu 145

14.KI 14 Siman 145

13.KI 13 Qixue 145

19.KI 19 Yindu 146

18.KI 18 Shiguan 146

16.KI 16 Huangshu 146

17.KI 17 Shangqu 146

22.KI 22 Bulang 147

21.KI 21 Youmen 147

20.KI 20 Futonggu 147

25.KI 25 Shencang 148

24.KI 24 Lingxu 148

23.KI 23 Shenfeng 148

1.PC 1 Tianchi 149

Section 9 The Acupuncture Points of Pericardium Meridian 149

26.KI 26 Yuzhong 149

27.KI 27 Shufu 149

3.PC 3 Quze 150

2.PC 2 Tianquan 150

5.PC 5 Jianshi 151

4.PC 4 Ximen 151

8.PC 8 Laogong 152

7.PC 7 Daling 152

6.PC 6 Neiguan 152

Section 10 The Acupuncture Points of Triple Energizer Meridian 153

9.PC 9 Zhongchong 153

2.TE 2 Yemen 154

1.TE 1 Guanchong 154

4.TE 4 Yangchi 155

3.TE 3 Zhongzhu 155

7.TE 7 Huizong 156

6.TE 6 Zhigou 156

5.TE 5 Waiguan 156

9.TE 9 Sidu 157

8.TE 8 Sanyangluo 157

13.TE 13 Naohui 158

12.TE 12 Xiaoluo 158

10.TE 10 Tianjing 158

11.TE 11 Qinglengyuan 158

16.TE 16 Tianyou 159

15.TE 15 Tianliao 159

14.TE 14 Jianliao 159

18.TE 18 Chimai 160

17.TE 17 Yifeng 160

21.TE 21 Ermen 161

20.TE 20 Jiaosun 161

19.TE 19 Luxi 161

1.GB 1 Tongziliao 162

Section 11 The Acupuncture Points of Gallbladder Meridian 162

22.TE 22 Erheliao 162

23.TE 23 Sizhukong 162

2.GB 2 Tinghui 163

5.GB 5 Xuanlu 164

4.GB 4 Hanyan 164

3.GB 3 Shangguan 164

8.GB 8 Shuaigu 165

7.GB 7 Qubin 165

6.GB 6 Xuanli 165

12.GB 12 Wangu 166

11.GB 11 Touqiaoyin 166

9.GB 9 Tianchong 166

10.GB 10 Fubai 166

15.GB 15 Toulinqi 167

14.GB 14 Yangbai 167

13.GB 13 Benshen 167

18.GB 18 Chengling 168

17.GB 17 Zhengying 168

16.GB 16 Muchuang 168

20.GB 20 Fengchi 169

19.GB 19 Naokong 169

22.GB 22 Yuanye 170

21.GB 21 Jianjing 170

25.GB 25 Jingmen 171

24.GB 24 Riyue 171

23.GB 23 Zhejin 171

28.GB 28 Weidao 172

27.GB 27 Wushu 172

26.GB 26 Daimai 172

31.GB 31 Fengshi 173

30.GB 30 Huantiao 173

29.GB 29 Juliao 173

34.GB 34 Yanglingquan 174

33.GB 33 Xiyangguan 174

32.GB 32 Zhongdu 174

37.GB 37 Guangming 175

36.GB 36 Waiqiu 175

35.GB 35 Yangjiao 175

39.GB 39 Xuanzhong 176

38.GB 38 Yangfu 176

42.GB 42 Diwuhui 177

41.GB 41 Zulinqi 177

40.GB 40 Qiuxu 177

44.GB 44 Zuqiaoyin 178

43.GB 43 Xiaxi 178

1.LR 1 Dadun 179

Section 12 The Acupuncture Points of Liver Meridian 179

4.LR 4 Zhongfeng 180

3.LR 3 Taichong 180

2.LR 2 Xingjian 180

7.LR 7 Xiguan 181

6.LR 6 Zhongdu 181

5.LR 5 Ligou 181

9.LR 9 Yinbao 182

8.LR 8 Ququan 182

13.LR 13 Zhangmen 183

12.LR 12 Jimai 183

10.LR 10 Zuwuli 183

11.LR 11 Yinlian 183

Section 13 The Acupuncture Points of Governor Vessel 184

14.LR 14 Qimen 184

1.GV 1 Changqiang 185

3.GV 3 Yaoyangguan 186

2.GV 2 Yaoshu 186

7.GV 7 Zhongshu 187

6.GV 6 Jizhong 187

4.GV 4 Mingmen 187

5.GV 5 Xuanshu 187

11.GV 11 Shencdao 188

10.GV 10 Lingtai 188

8.GV 8 Jinsuo 188

9.GV 9 Zhiyang 188

15.GV 15 Yamen 189

14.GV 14 Dazhui 189

12.GV 12 Shenzhu 189

13.GV 13 Taodao 189

17.GV 17 Naohu 190

16.GV 16 Fengfu 190

20.GV 20 Baihui 191

19.GV 19 Houding 191

18.GV 18 Qiangjian 191

24.GV 24 Shenting 192

23.GV 23 Shangxing 192

21.GV 21 Qianding 192

22.GV 22 Xinhui 192

28.GV 28 Yinjiao 193

27.GV 27 Duiduan 193

25.GV 25 Suliao 193

26.GV 26 Shuigou 193

1.CV 1 Huiyin 194

Section 14 The Acupuncture Points of Conception Vessel 194

2.CV 2 Qugu 195

5.CV 5 Shimen 196

4.CV 4 Guanyuan 196

3.CV 3 Zhongji 196

8.CV 8 Shenque 197

7.CV 7 Yinjiao 197

6.CV 6 Qihai 197

12.CV 12 Zhongwan 198

11.CV 11 Jianli 198

9.CV 9 Shuifen 198

10.CV 10 Xiawan 198

15.CV 15 Jiuwei 199

14.CV 14 Juque 199

13.CV 13 Shangwan 199

19.CV 19 Zigong 200

18.CV 18 Yutang 200

16.CV 16 Zhongting 200

17.CV 17 Tanzhong 200

22.CV 22 Tiantu 201

21.CV 21 Xuanji 201

20.CV 20 Huagai 201

24.CV 24 Chengjiang 202

23.CV 23 Lianquan 202

3.EX-HN 5 Taiyang 203

2.EX-HN 3 Yintang 203

Chapter 4 Extraordinary Points 203

Section 1 Region of the Head and Neck 203

1.EX-HN 1 Sishencong 203

4.EX-HN 6 Erjian 204

8.EX-HN 10 Juquan 205

7.EX-HN 9 Neiyingxiang 205

5.EX-HN 7 Qiuhou 205

6.EX-HN 8 Shangyingxiang 205

11.EX-HN 14 Yiming 206

10.EX-HN 13 Yuye 206

9.EX-HN 12 Jinjin 206

14.EX-HN Jingbi 207

13.EX-HN Shanglianquan 207

12.EX-HN 15 Jingbailao 207

1.EX-CA Weishang 208

Section 2 The Points in the Region of the Chest and Abdomen 208

3.EX-CA Liniaoxue 209

2.EX-CA Sanjiaojiu 209

6.EX-CA Zigongxue 210

5.EX-CA Tituo 210

4.EX-CA Qimenxue 210

2.EX-B 2 Jiaji 211

1.EX-B 1 Dingchuan 211

Section 3 The Points in the Region of the Back and Lumbar 211

6.EX-B 7 Yaoyan 212

5.EX-B 5 Xiajishu 212

3.EX-B 3 Weiwanxiashu 212

4.EX-B 4 Pigen 212

9.EX-B Juqueshu 213

8.EX-B Xueyadian 213

7.EX-B 8 Shiqizhui 213

3.EX-UE 3 Zhongquan 214

2.EX-UE 2 Erbai 214

10.EX-B Jieji 214

Section 4 The Point in the Region of the Upper and Lower Extremities 214

1.EX-UE 1 Zhoujian 214

5.EX-UE 5 Dagukong 215

4.EX-UE 4 Zhongkui 215

9.EX-UE 9 Baxie 216

8.EX-UE 8 Wailaogong 216

6.EX-UE 6 Xiaogukong 216

7.EX-UE 7 Yaotongdian 216

12.EX-UE Wuhu 217

11.EX-UE 11 Shixuan 217

10.EX-UE 10 Sifeng 217

15.EX-LE 2 Heding 218

14.EX-UE Jianqian 218

13.EX-UE Shounizhu 218

17.EX-LE 4 Neixiyan 219

16.EX-LE Baichongwo 219

21.EX-LE 11 Duyin 220

20.EX-LE 10 Bafeng 220

18.EX-LE 6 Dannang 220

19.EX-LE 7 Lanwei 220

22.EX-LE 12 Qiduan 221

Section 1 The Structure and Specification 222

Chapter 1 Filiform Needle 222

Part Ⅱ Acupuncture and Moxibustion Techniques 222

2.Practice on a Cotton Cushion 223

1.Practice on Sheets of Paper 223

Section 2 Needle Practice 223

2.Posture of the Patient 224

1.Inspection of the Instruments 224

3.Practice on Your Own Body 224

Section 3 Preparations Prior to Acupuncture Treatment 224

3.Sterilization 225

1.Insertion 226

Section 4 Manipulation 226

2.Angle and Depth of Insertion 228

3.Manipulations and Arrival of Qi(needling sensation) 229

4.Reinforcing and Reducing Methods 232

Section 5 Management of Possible Accidents 235

5.Retaining and Withdrawing the Needle 235

2.Stuck Needle 236

1.Fainting 236

3.Bent Needle 237

5.Hematoma 238

4.Broken Needle 238

Section 6 Precautions in Acupuncture Treatment 239

1.Moxibustion with Moxa Cone 240

Section 1 Classification of Moxibustion 240

Chapter 2 Moxibustion 240

2.Moxibustion with Moxa Roll 243

4.Moxibustion with Mild Moxibustioner 245

3.Warming Needle Moxibustion 245

2.Reinforcement and Reduction with Moxibustion 246

1.Order of Moxibustion 246

Section 2 Moxibustion with Other Materials 246

1.Burning Rush Moxibustion 246

2.White Mustard Seed(Semen Sinapis Albae)Moxibustion 246

Section 3 Precautions 246

(Appendix:Cupping) 247

Section 5 Management After Moxibustion 247

Section 4 Contraindications of Moxibustion 247

1.Manipulations 251

Section 1 The Three-Edged Needle 251

Chapter 3 Other Acupuncture Therapies 251

3.Precautions 252

2.Indications 252

2.Indications 253

1.Manipulation 253

Section 2 The Cutaneous Needle 253

2.Indications 254

1.Manipulations 254

3.Precautions 254

Section 3 The Intradermal Needle 254

1.Manipulation 255

Section 4 Electro-Acupuncture 255

3.Precautions 255

2.The Actions of the Electro-Pulsation and the Indications of Electro-Acupuncture 256

3.Precautions 257

1.Commonly Used Drugs 258

Section 5 Hydro-Acupuncture 258

2.Administration 259

3.Precautions 260

Section 1 Nine Needles 261

Chapter 4 Nine Needles in the Ancient Times and the Methods Listed in Internal Classic 261

Section 2 The Nine Needling Methods 263

Section 3 The Twelve Needlings 264

Section 4 The Five Needling Techniques 265

Section 1 Locations and Indications of the Stimulating Areas 267

Chapter 5 Scalp Acupuncture 267

Section 2 Operations 270

Section 3 Indications 271

Section 4 Precautions 272

Section 1 Relations between the Auricle and Zang-fu Organs and Meridians 273

Chapter 6 Ear Acupuncture 273

Section 2 Anatomical Names of the Auricles Surface 274

Section 3 Auricular Points 276

2.Selection of Points and Manipulation of Ear Acupuncture— 291

1.Diagnosis by Auricular Points 291

Section 4 Application of Ear Acupuncture 291

Section 6 Examples of Points Prescriptions for Some Common Diseases 293

Section 5 Precautions 293

Section 1 Differentiation according to the Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy 295

Chapter 1 Introduction 295

Part Ⅲ Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment 295

Section 2 Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 296

Section 3 Acupuncture and Moxibustion Prescription 297

2.Selection of Distant Points 298

1.Selection of Nearby Points 298

3.Selection of Symptomatic Points 299

4.Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son 300

5.Selecting Points by Earth Meridian Ebb-Flowing Rule 301

1.Stroke 304

Section 1 Internal Diseases 304

Chapter 2 Acupuncture Therapy 304

2.Sunstroke 309

3.Syncope 310

4.Common Cold 312

5.Malaria 314

6.Cough 317

7.Asthma 320

8.Epigastric Pain 325

9.Vomiting 327

10.Hiccup 330

11.Diarrhea 332

12.Constipation 335

13.Abdominal Distention 338

14.Dysentery 339

15.Prolapse Ani 342

16.Jaundice 344

17.Edema 346

18.Enuresis 348

19.Hesitancy and Obstruction 350

20.Urination Disturbance 352

21.Impotence 355

22.Spermatorrhea 357

23.Insomnia(Appendix:Poor Memory) 359

24.Palpitation and Severe Palpitation 363

25.Depressive Madness 365

26.Epilepsy 368

27.Dizziness 370

28.Melancholia 373

29.Obesity 376

30.Headache 378

31.Facial Pain 380

32.Pain in Hypochondriac Region 382

33.Lumbago 384

34.Blockage-Syndromes(Bi Syndromes) 387

35.Wry Face 389

36.Atrophy-Syndrome(Wei Syndromes) 391

1.Irregular Menstruation 394

Section 2 Gynecological and Pediatric Diseases 394

2.Dysmenorrhea 397

3.Amenorrhea 399

4.Uterine Bleeding 402

5.Morbid Leukorrhea 404

6.Prolapse of Uterus 407

7.Morning Sickness 409

8.Malposition of Fetus 411

9.Protracted Labour 412

10.Insufficient Lactation(Appendix:Delactation) 414

11.Acute Infantile Convulsion 416

12.Chronic Infantile Convulsion 417

13.Infantile Diarrhea 419

14.Children's Malnutrition 420

15.Infantile Paralysis 422

16.Mumps 424

1.Urticaria 425

Section 3 External Diseases 425

2.Acne 427

3.Erysipelas 429

4.Herpes Zoster 430

5.Boils 432

6.Breast Abscess 434

7.Intestinal Abscess 435

8.Goiter 437

9.Sprain and Contusion(Appendix:Torticollis) 439

1.Tinnitus and Deafness 442

Section 4 Diseases and Syndromes of the Eye,Ear,Nose,Throat and Mouth 442

2.Congestion,Swelling and Pain of the Eye 444

3.Rhinorrhea with Turbid Discharge 446

4.Epistaxis 447

5.Toothache 448

6.Sore Throat with Swelling 450

7.Blindness with Insidious Onset 451

8.Myopia 453

绪言 459

第二节 经络系统的组成 462

第一节 经络学说的形成 462

上篇 经络腧穴 462

第一章 经络总论 462

1.十二经脉 463

2.奇经八脉 464

3.十五络脉 465

6.十二皮部 466

5.十二经筋 466

4.十二经别 466

第三节 经络的根结、标本与气街、四海 467

2.经络学说在临床上的应用 468

1.经络的生理功能 468

第四节 经络的生理功能及经络学说在临床上的应用 468

1.手太阴肺经 469

第五节 十二经脉的循行与病候 469

2.手阳明大肠经 470

3.足阳明胃经 471

4.足太阴脾经 472

5.手少阴心经 473

6.手太阳小肠经 474

7.足太阳膀胱经 475

8.足少阴肾经 476

9.手厥阴心包经 477

10.手少阳三焦经 478

11.足少阳胆经 479

12.足厥阴肝经 480

1.督脉 481

第六节 奇经八脉的循行、病候及交会腧穴 481

2.任脉 482

4.带脉 483

3.冲脉 483

6.阳维脉 484

5.阴维脉 484

8.阳蹻脉 485

7.阴蹻脉 485

第七节 十五络脉的穴名、循行、病候及治疗 486

第三节 腧穴的命名 488

第二节 腧穴的发展与分类 488

第二章 腧穴总论 488

第一节 腧穴的基本概念 488

1.五腧穴 489

第五节 特定穴的概念和分类 489

第四节 腧穴的作用 489

2.1.原穴 490

2.原穴、络穴 490

3.1.背俞穴 491

3.背俞穴、募穴 491

2.2.络穴 491

5.郄穴 492

4.八会穴 492

3.2.募穴 492

7.八脉交会穴、交会穴 493

6.下合穴 493

第六节 腧穴的定位方法 495

1.中府 498

第一节 手太阴肺经穴 498

第三章 十四经穴和经外奇穴 498

6.孔最 499

5.尺泽 499

2.云门 499

3.天府 499

4.侠白 499

10.鱼际 500

9.太渊 500

7.列缺 500

8.经渠 500

1.商阳 501

第二节 手阳明大肠经穴 501

11.少商 501

5.阳溪 502

4.合谷 502

2.二间 502

3.三间 502

11.曲池 503

10.手三里 503

6.偏历 503

7.温溜 503

8.下廉 503

9.上廉 503

14.臂臑 504

13.手五里 504

12.肘髎 504

18.扶突 505

17.天鼎 505

15.肩髃 505

16.巨骨 505

1.承泣 506

第三节 足阳明胃经 506

19.口禾髎 506

20.迎香 506

4.地仓 507

3.巨髎 507

2.四白 507

7.下关 508

6.颊车 508

5.大迎 508

13.气户 509

12.缺盆 509

8.头维 509

9.人迎 509

10.水突 509

11.气舍 509

18.乳根 510

17.乳中 510

14.库房 510

15.屋翳 510

16.膺窗 510

25.天枢 511

24.滑肉门 511

19.不容 511

20.承满 511

21.梁门 511

22.关门 511

23.太乙 511

30.气冲 512

31.髀关 512

26.外陵 512

27.大巨 512

28.水道 512

29.归来 512

36.足三里 513

35.犊鼻 513

32.伏免 513

33.阴市 513

34.梁丘 513

41.解溪 514

40.丰隆 514

37.上巨虚 514

38.条口 514

39.下巨虚 514

1.隐白 515

第四节 足太阴脾经穴 515

42.冲阳 515

43.陷谷 515

44.内庭 515

45.厉兑 515

3.太白 516

2.大都 516

8.地机 517

7.漏谷 517

4.公孙 517

5.商丘 517

6.三阴交 517

13.府舍 518

12.冲门 518

9.阴陵泉 518

10.血海 518

11.箕门 518

19.胸乡 519

18.天溪 519

14.腹结 519

15.大横 519

16.腹哀 519

17.食窦 519

第五节 手少阴心经穴 520

21.大包 520

20.周荣 520

5.通里 521

4.灵道 521

1.极泉 521

2.青灵 521

3.少海 521

1.少泽 522

第六节 手太阳小肠经 522

6.阴郄 522

7.神门 522

8.少府 522

9.少冲 522

3.后溪 523

2.前谷 523

8.小海 524

7.支正 524

4.腕骨 524

5.阳谷 524

6.养老 524

14.肩外俞 525

13.曲垣 525

9.肩贞 525

10.臑俞 525

11.天宗 525

12.秉风 525

18.颧髎 526

17.天容 526

15.肩中俞 526

16.天窗 526

4.曲差 527

3.眉冲 527

19.听宫 527

第七节 足太阳膀胱经穴 527

1.睛明 527

2.攒竹 527

9.玉枕 529

8.络却 529

5.五处 529

6.承光 529

7.通天 529

11.大杼 530

10.天柱 530

17.膈俞 531

16.督俞 531

12.风门 531

13.肺俞 531

14.厥阴俞 531

15.心俞 531

22.三焦俞 532

21.胃俞 532

18.肝俞 532

19.胆俞 532

20.脾俞 532

28.膀胱俞 533

27.小肠俞 533

23.肾俞 533

24.气海俞 533

25.大肠俞 533

26.关元俞 533

34.下髎 534

33.中髎 534

29.中膂俞 534

30.白环俞 534

31.上髎 534

32.次髎 534

40.委中 535

39.委阳 535

35.会阳 535

36.承扶 535

37.殷门 535

38.浮郄 535

42.魄户 536

41.附分 536

48.阳纲 537

47.魂门 537

43.膏肓 537

44.神堂 537

45.譩譆 537

46.膈关 537

55.合阳 538

54.秩边 538

49.意舍 538

50.胃仓 538

51.肓门 538

52.志室 538

53.胞肓 538

60.昆仑 539

59.跗阳 539

56.承筋 539

57.承山 539

58.飞扬 539

65.束骨 540

64.京骨 540

61.仆参 540

62.申脉 540

63.金门 540

2.然谷 541

1.涌泉 541

66.足通谷 541

67.至阴 541

第八节 足少阴肾经 541

3.太溪 542

8.交信 543

7.复溜 543

4.大钟 543

5.水泉 543

6.照海 543

13.气穴 544

12.大赫 544

9.筑宾 544

10.阴谷 544

11.横骨 544

18.石关 545

17.商曲 545

14.四满 545

15.中注 545

16.肓俞 545

24.灵墟 546

23.神封 546

19.阴都 546

20.腹通谷 546

21.幽门 546

22.步廊 546

1.天池 547

第九节 手厥阴心包经穴 547

25.神藏 547

26.彧中 547

27.俞府 547

5.间使 548

4.郄门 548

2.天泉 548

3.曲泽 548

9.中冲 549

8.劳宫 549

6.内关 549

7.大陵 549

4.阳池 550

3.中渚 550

第十节 手少阳三焦经 550

1.关冲 550

2.液门 550

9.四渎 551

8.三阳络 551

5.外关 551

6.支沟 551

7.会宗 551

15.天髎 552

14.肩髎 552

10.天井 552

11.清冷渊 552

12.消泺 552

13.臑会 552

19.颅息 553

18.瘈脉 553

16.天牖 553

17.翳风 553

1.瞳子髎 554

第十一节 足少阳胆经穴 554

20.角孙 554

21.耳门 554

22.耳和髎 554

23.丝竹空 554

3.上关 555

2.听会 555

9.天冲 556

8.率谷 556

4.颔厌 556

5.悬颅 556

6.悬厘 556

7.曲鬓 556

14.阳白 557

13.本神 557

10.浮白 557

11.头窍阴 557

12.完骨 557

19.脑空 558

18.承灵 558

15.头临泣 558

16.目窗 558

17.正营 558

22.渊腋 559

21.肩井 559

20.风池 559

27.五枢 560

26.带脉 560

23.辄筋 560

24.日月 560

25.京门 560

32.中渎 561

31.风市 561

28.维道 561

29.居髎 561

30.环跳 561

38.阳辅 562

37.光明 562

33.膝阳关 562

34.阳陵泉 562

35.阳交 562

36.外丘 562

43.侠溪 563

42.地五会 563

39.悬钟 563

40.丘墟 563

41.足临泣 563

1.大敦 564

第十二节 足厥阴肝经穴 564

44.足窍阴 564

6.中都 565

5.蠡沟 565

2.行间 565

3.太冲 565

4.中封 565

11.阴廉 566

10.足五里 566

7.膝关 566

8.曲泉 566

9.阴包 566

1.长强 567

第十三节 督脉穴 567

12.急脉 567

13.章门 567

14.期门 567

4.命门 568

3.腰阳关 568

2.腰俞 568

7.中枢 569

6.脊中 569

5.悬枢 569

13.陶道 570

12.身柱 570

8.筋缩 570

9.至阳 570

10.灵台 570

11.神道 570

18.强间 571

17.脑户 571

14.大椎 571

15.哑门 571

16.风府 571

24.神庭 572

23.上星 572

19.后顶 572

20.百会 572

21.前顶 572

22.囟会 572

1.会阴 573

第十四节 任脉穴 573

25.素髎 573

26.水沟 573

27.兑端 573

28.龈交 573

4.关元 574

3.中极 574

2.曲骨 574

10.下脘 575

9.水分 575

5.石门 575

6.气海 575

7.阴交 575

8.神阙 575

16.中庭 576

15.鸠尾 576

11.建里 576

12.中脘 576

13.上脘 576

14.巨阙 576

22.天突 577

21.璇玑 577

17.膻中 577

18.玉堂 577

19.紫宫 577

20.华盖 577

24.承浆 578

23.廉泉 578

3.太阳 579

2.印堂 579

第四章 经外奇穴 579

第一节 头颈部 579

1.四神聪 579

9.金津 580

8.聚泉 580

4.耳尖 580

5.球后 580

6.上迎香 580

7.内迎香 580

13.上廉泉 581

12.颈百劳 581

10.玉液 581

11.翳明 581

3.利尿穴 582

2.三角灸 582

14.颈臂 582

第二节 胸腹部 582

1.胃上 582

1.定喘 583

第三节 背腰部 583

4.气门 583

5.提托 583

6.子宫穴 583

3.胃脘下俞 584

2.夹脊 584

10.接脊 585

9.巨阙俞 585

4.痞根 585

5.下极俞 585

6.腰眼 585

7.十七椎 585

8.血压点 585

5.大骨空 586

4.中魁 586

第四节 四肢部 586

1.肘尖 586

2.二白 586

3.中泉 586

9.八邪 587

8.外劳宫 587

6.小骨空 587

7.腰痛点 587

13.手逆注 588

12.五虎 588

10.四缝 588

11.十宣 588

19.阑尾 589

18.胆囊 589

14.肩前 589

15.鹤顶 589

16.百虫窝 589

17.内膝眼 589

22.气端 590

21.独阴 590

20.八风 590

第二节 针刺练习 591

第一节 毫针的构造、规格 591

中篇 刺灸方法 591

第一章 毫针刺法 591

2.选择体位 592

1.检查用具 592

1.纸垫练针法 592

2.棉球练习法 592

3.自身试针 592

第三节 针刺前的准备 592

1.进针法 594

第四节 操作 594

3.消毒 594

2.针刺的角度和深度 595

3.行针与得气 596

4.针刺补泻 598

1.晕针 599

第五节 异常情况处理及预防 599

5.留针与出针 599

4.断针 600

3.弯针 600

2.滞针 600

第六节 针刺注意事项 601

5.血肿 601

1.艾炷灸 602

第一节 常用灸法 602

第二章 灸法 602

2.艾卷灸 604

2.白芥子灸 605

1.灯草灸 605

3.温针灸 605

4.温灸器灸 605

第二节 其它灸法 605

〔附〕拔罐法 606

第五节 灸后处理 606

第三节 注意事项 606

第四节 施灸的禁忌 606

3.注意事项 610

2.适用范围 610

第三章 其它针法 610

第一节 三棱针 610

1.操作方法 610

1.操作方法 611

第二节 皮肤针 611

3.注意事项 612

2.适应范围 612

2.适应范围 612

3.注意事项 612

第三节 皮内针 612

1.操作方法 612

2.脉冲电流作用和电针的适应症 613

1.操作方法 613

第四节 电针 613

1.常用药物 614

第五节 水针 614

3.注意事项 614

3.注意事项 615

2.治疗方法 615

第一节 九针 616

第四章 古代九针和《内经》刺法 616

第二节 九刺 617

第三节 十二刺 618

第四节 五刺 619

第一节 刺激区线的定位及主治 620

第五章 头针疗法 620

第二节 操作方法 622

第四节 注意事项 623

第三节 适应范围 623

第二节 耳廓表面的解剖名称 624

第一节 耳与脏腑经络的关系 624

第六章 耳针疗法 624

第三节 耳针穴位 625

2.耳穴的选穴与操作 631

1.探查耳穴诊病 631

第四节 耳穴的应用 631

第六节 常见病症处方举例 632

第五节 注意事项 632

第二节 针灸立法 633

第一节 针灸辨证 633

下篇 针灸治疗 633

第一章 治疗总论 633

2.远部取穴 634

1.近部取穴 634

第三节 针灸处方 634

4.补母泻子法 635

3.对症选穴 635

5.子午流注纳子法取穴 636

1.中风 637

第一节 内科病症 637

第二章 治疗各论 637

3.昏厥 639

2.中暑 639

4.感冒 640

5.疟疾 641

6.咳嗽 642

7.哮喘 643

8.胃痛 645

9.呕吐 646

10.呃逆 647

11.泄泻 648

12.便秘 649

13.腹胀 650

14.痢疾 651

15.脱肛 652

16.黄疸 653

17.水肿 654

19.癃闭 655

18.遗尿 655

20.淋证 657

22.遗精 658

21.阳痿 658

23.失眠(附:健忘) 659

24.惊悸、怔忡 661

25.癫狂 662

26.痫症 663

27.眩晕 664

28.郁症 665

30.头痛 667

29.肥胖症 667

31.面痛 669

32.胁痛 670

33.腰痛 671

34.痹证 672

35.面瘫 673

36.痿证 674

1.月经不调 675

第二节 妇儿科病症 675

2.痛经 676

3.经闭 677

4.崩漏 678

5.带下 679

6.阴挺 680

7.妊娠恶阻 681

9.滞产 682

8.胎位不正 682

10.乳少(附:回乳) 683

11.急惊风 684

13.小儿腹泻 685

12.慢惊风 685

14.小儿疳积 686

1 6.痄腮 687

15.小儿瘫痪 687

1.风疹 688

第三节 外科病症 688

3.丹毒 689

2.痤疮 689

4.蛇丹 690

5.疔疮 691

7.肠痈 692

6.乳痈 692

8.瘿病 693

9.扭伤(附:落枕) 694

1.耳鸣、耳聋 695

第四节 五官科病症 695

2.目赤肿痛 696

4.鼻衄 697

3.鼻渊 697

5.牙痛 698

7.青盲 699

6.咽喉肿病 699

8.近视 700

