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PHP经典实例  英文

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图书介绍:你是否想要了解某个PHP编程技巧?或者你想要学习如何完成某个任务?你都可以从本书入手。这次第三版带有超过350个根据PHP 5.4和5.5修订的丰富代码实例,为生成动态网页内容提供了最新解决方案,涵盖了从使用基础数据类型到查询数据库,从调用REST API到测试和保护你的网站的方方面面。本书中的每个实例都包含了你可以自由使用的解决方案,并且阐述了这些方案是如何和为什么能够奏效的。无论你是一名有经验的PHP程序员还是刚刚从其它语言转到PHP上来,本书都是绝佳的工作资源。

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标签:实例 经典

1.Strings 1

1.1 Accessing Substrings 5

1.2 Extracting Substrings 6

1.3 Replacing Substrings 7

1.4 Processing a String One Byte at a Time 9

1.5 Reversing a String by Word or Byte 10

1.6 Generating a Random String 11

1.7 Expanding and Compressing Tabs 12

1.8 Controlling Case 14

1.9 Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings 16

1.10 Trimming Blanks from a String 17

1.11 Generating Comma-Separated Data 19

1.12 Parsing Comma-Separated Data 20

1.13 Generating Fixed-Width Field Data Records 21

1.14 Parsing Fixed-Width Field Data Records 22

1.15 Taking Strings Apart 25

1.16 Wrapping Text at a Certain Line Length 27

1.17 Storing Binary Data in Strings 29

1.18 Program:Downloadable CSV File 31

2.Numbers 35

2.1 Checking Whether a Variable Contains a Valid Number 36

2.2 Comparing Floating-Point Numbers 37

2.3 Rounding Floating-Point Numbers 38

2.4 Operating on a Series of Integers 40

2.5 Generating Random Numbers Within a Range 42

2.6 Generating Predictable Random Numbers 43

2.7 Generating Biased Random Numbers 44

2.8 Taking Logarithms 46

2.9 Calculating Exponents 46

2.10 Formatting Numbers 47

2.11 Formatting Monetary Values 49

2.12 Printing Correct Plurals 50

2.13 Calculating Trigonometric Functions 51

2.14 Doing Trigonometry in Degrees, Not Radians 52

2.15 Handling Very Large or Very Small Numbers 53

2.16 Converting Between Bases 55

2.17 Calculating Using Numbers in Bases Other Than Decimal 56

2.18 Finding the Distance Between Two Places 58

3.Dates and Times 61

3.1 Finding the Current Date and Time 63

3.2 Converting Time and Date Parts to an Epoch Timestamp 66

3.3 Converting an Epoch Timestamp to Time and Date Parts 68

3.4 Printing a Date or Time in a Specified Format 69

3.5 Finding the Difference of Two Dates 72

3.6 Finding the Day in a Week,Month,or Year 74

3.7 Validating a Date 76

3.8 Parsing Dates and Times from Strings 77

3.9 Adding to or Subtracting from a Date 80

3.10 Calculating Time with Time Zones and Daylight Saving Time 81

3.11 Generating a High-Precision Time 83

3.12 Generating Time Ranges 84

3.13 Using Non-Gregorian Calendars 85

3.14 Program:Calendar 88

4.Arrays 95

4.1 Specifying an Array Not Beginning at Element 0 98

4.2 Storing Multiple Elements per Key in an Array 99

4.3 Initializing an Array to a Range of Integers 101

4.4 Iterating Through an Array 101

4.5 Deleting Elements from an Array 104

4.6 Changing Array Size 106

4.7 Appending One Array to Another 108

4.8 Turning an Array into a String 110

4.9 Printing an Array with Commas 111

4.10 Checking if a Key Is in an Array 113

4.11 Checking if an Element Is in an Array 113

4.12 Finding the Position of a Value in an Array 115

4.13 Finding Elements That Pass a Certain Test 116

4.14 Finding the Largest or Smallest Valued Element in an Array 117

4.15 Reversing an Array 118

4.16 Sorting an Array 119

4.17 Sorting an Array by a Computable Field 120

4.18 Sorting Multiple Arrays 123

4.19 Sorting an Array Using a Method Instead of a Function 124

4.20 Randomizing an Array 125

4.21 Removing Duplicate Elements from an Array 126

4.22 Applying a Function to Each Element in an Array 127

4.23 Finding the Union,Intersection,or Difference of Two Arrays 129

4.24 Iterating Efficiently over Large or Expensive Datasets 131

4.25 Accessing an Object Using Array Syntax 133

5.Variables 137

5.1 Avoiding==Versus=Confusion 139

5.2 Establishing a Default Value 140

5.3 Exchanging Values Without Using Temporary Variables 141

5.4 Creating a Dynamic Variable Name 142

5.5 Persisting a Local Variable's Value Across Function Invocations 143

5.6 Sharing Variables Between Processes 145

5.7 Encapsulating Complex Data Types in a String 152

5.8 Dumping Variable Contents as Strings 153

6.Functions 159

6.1 Accessing Function Parameters 160

6.2 Setting Default Values for Function Parameters 161

6.3 Passing Values by Reference 163

6.4 Using Named Parameters 164

6.5 Enforcing Types of Function Arguments 165

6.6 Creating Functions That Take a Variable Number of Arguments 166

6.7 Returning Values by Reference 169

6.8 Returning More Than One Value 171

6.9 Skipping Selected Return Values 172

6.10 Returning Failure 173

6.11 Calling Variable Functions 174

6.12 Accessing a Global Variable Inside a Function 177

6.13 Creating Dynamic Functions 178

7.Classes and Objects 181

7.1 Instantiating Objects 185

7.2 Defining Object Constructors 186

7.3 Defining Object Destructors 187

7.4 Implementing Access Control 188

7.5 Preventing Changes to Classes and Methods 191

7.6 Defining Object Stringification 192

7.7 Requiring Multiple Classes to Behave Similarly 193

7.8 Creating Abstract Base Classes 197

7.9 Assigning Object References 199

7.10 Cloning Objects 200

7.11 Overriding Property Accesses 203

7.12 Calling Methods on an Object Returned by Another Method 207

7.13 Aggregating Objects 208

7.14 Accessing Overridden Methods 212

7.15 Creating Methods Dynamically 214

7.16 Using Method Polymorphism 215

7.17 Defining Class Constants 217

7.18 Defining Static Properties and Methods 219

7.19 Controlling Object Serialization 222

7.20 Introspecting Objects 224

7.21 Checking If an Object Is an Instance of a Specific Class 228

7.22 Autoloading Class Files upon Object Instantiation 231

7.23 Instantiating an Object Dynamically 232

7.24 Program:whereis 233

8.Web Fundamentals 237

8.1 Setting Cookies 238

8.2 Reading Cookie Values 240

8.3 Deleting Cookies 240

8.4 Building a Query String 241

8.5 Reading the POST Request Body 242

8.6 Using HTTP Basic or Digest Authentication 243

8.7 Using Cookie Authentication 247

8.8 Reading an HTTP Header 250

8.9 Writing an HTTP Header 251

8.10 Sending a Specific HTTP Status Code 252

8.11 Redirecting to a Different Location 253

8.12 Flushing Output to the Browser 255

8.13 Buffering Output to the Browser 255

8.14 Compressing Web Output 257

8.15 Reading Environment Variables 258

8.16 Setting Environment Variables 258

8.17 Communicating Within Apache 259

8.18 Redirecting Mobile Browsers to a Mobile Optimized Site 260

8.19 Program:Website Account(De)activator 261

8.20 Program:Tiny Wiki 264

8.21 Program:HTTP Range 267

9.Forms 277

9.1 Processing Form Input 279

9.2 Validating Form Input:Required Fields 281

9.3 Validating Form Input:Numbers 283

9.4 Validating Form Input:Email Addresses 285

9.5 Validating Form Input:Drop-Down Menus 286

9.6 Validating Form Input:Radio Buttons 287

9.7 Validating Form Input:Checkboxes 289

9.8 Validating Form Input:Dates and Times 291

9.9 Validating Form Input:Credit Cards 292

9.10 Preventing Cross-Site Scripting 293

9.11 Processing Uploaded Files 294

9.12 Working with Multipage Forms 297

9.13 Redisplaying Forms with Inline Error Messages 299

9.14 Guarding Against Multiple Submissions of the Same Form 301

9.15 Preventing Global Variable Injection 303

9.16 Handling Remote Variables with Periods in Their Names 305

9.17 Using Form Elements with Multiple Options 306

9.18 Creating Drop-Down Menus Based on the Current Date 307

10.Database Access 309

10.1 Using DBM Databases 312

10.2 Using an SQLite Database 315

10.3 Connecting to an SQL Database 317

10.4 Querying an SQL Database 318

10.5 Retrieving Rows Without a Loop 321

10.6 Modifying Data in an SQL Database 322

10.7 Repeating Queries Efficiently 323

10.8 Finding the Number of Rows Returned by a Query 326

10.9 Escaping Quotes 327

10.10 Logging Debugging Information and Errors 329

10.11 Creating Unique Identifiers 331

10.12 Building Queries Programmatically 333

10.13 Making Paginated Links for a Series of Records 338

10.14 Caching Queries and Results 341

10.15 Accessing a Database Connection Anywhere in Your Program 344

10.16 Program:Storing a Threaded Message Board 346

10.17 Using Redis 353

11.Sessions and Data Persistence 355

11.1 Using Session Tracking 356

11.2 Preventing Session Hijacking 358

11.3 Preventing Session Fixation 359

11.4 Storing Sessons in Memcached 360

11.5 Storing Sessions in a Database 361

11.6 Storing Arbitrary Data in Shared Memory 364

11.7 Caching Calculated Results in Summary Tables 367

12.XML 371

12.1 Generating XML as a String 374

12.2 Generating XML with DOM 375

12.3 Parsing Basic XML Documents 378

12.4 Parsing Complex XML Documents 381

12.5 Parsing Large XML Documents 383

12.6 Extracting Information Using XPath 389

12.7 Transforming XML with XSLT 392

12.8 Setting XSLT Parameters from PHP 394

12.9 Calling PHP Functions from XSLT Stylesheets 396

12.10 Validating XML Documents 400

12.11 Handling Content Encoding 402

12.12 Reading RSS and Atom Feeds 403

12.13 Writing RSS Feeds 406

12.14 Writing Atom Feeds 409

13.Web Automation 415

13.1 Marking Up a Web Page 416

13.2 Cleaning Up Broken or Nonstandard HTML 419

13.3 Extracting Links from an HTML File 422

13.4 Converting Plain Text to HTML 425

13.5 Converting HTML to Plain Text 426

13.6 Removing HTML and PHP Tags 426

13.7 Responding to an Ajax Request 430

13.8 Integrating with JavaScript 432

13.9 Program:Finding Stale Links 435

13.10 Program:Finding Fresh Links 438

14.Consuming RESTfulAPIs 441

14.1 Fetching a URL with the GET Method 442

14.2 Fetching a URL with the POST Method and Form Data 446

14.3 Fetching a URL with an Arbitrary Method and POST Body 448

14.4 Fetching a URL with Cookies 450

14.5 Fetching a URL with Arbitrary Headers 452

14.6 Fetching a URL with a Timeout 454

14.7 Fetching an HTTPS URL 456

14.8 Debugging the Raw HTTP Exchange 456

14.9 Making an OAuth 1.0 Request 461

14.10 Making an OAuth 2.0 Request 462

15.Serving RESTful APIs 467

15.1 Exposing and Routing to a Resource 470

15.2 Exposing Clean Resource Paths 473

15.3 Exposing a Resource for Reading 474

15.4 Creating a Resource 476

15.5 Editing a Resource 481

15.6 Deleting a Resource 483

15.7 Indicating Errors and Failures 484

15.8 Supporting Multiple Formats 486

16.Internet Services 491

16.1 Sending Mail 492

16.2 Sending MIME Mail 494

16.3 Reading Mail with IMAP or POP3 496

16.4 Getting and Putting Files with FTP 500

16.5 Looking Up Addresses with LDAP 502

16.6 Using LDAP for User Authentication 504

16.7 Performing DNS Lookups 506

16.8 Checking If a Host Is Alive 509

16.9 Getting Information About a Domain Name 510

17.Graphics 513

17.1 Drawing Lines,Rectangles,and Polygons 516

17.2 Drawing Arcs,Ellipses,and Circles 519

17.3 Drawing with Patterned Lines 521

17.4 Drawing Text 522

17.5 Drawing Centered Text 525

17.6 Building Dynamic Images 528

17.7 Getting and Setting a Transparent Color 531

17.8 Overlaying Watermarks 532

17.9 Creating Thumbnail Images 534

17.10 Reading EXIF Data 538

17.11 Serving Images Securely 539

17.12 Program:Generating Bar Charts from Poll Results 541

18.Security and Encryption 545

18.1 Preventing Session Fixation 546

18.2 Protecting Against Form Spoofing 547

18.3 Ensuring Input Is Filtered 548

18.4 Avoiding Cross-Site Scripting 549

18.5 Eliminating SQL Injection 550

18.6 Keeping Passwords Out of Your Site Files 551

18.7 Storing Passwords 552

18.8 Dealing with Lost Passwords 555

18.9 Verifying Data with Hashes 557

18.10 Encrypting and Decrypting Data 559

18.11 Storing Encrypted Data in a File or Database 561

18.12 Sharing Encrypted Data with Another Website 564

18.13 Detecting SSL 566

18.14 Encrypting Email with GPG 567

19.Internationalization and Localization 571

19.1 Determining the User's Locale 573

19.2 Localizing Text Messages 574

19.3 Localizing Dates and Times 577

19.4 Localizing Numbers 581

19.5 Localizing Currency Values 584

19.6 Localizing Images 585

19.7 Localizing Included Files 587

19.8 Sorting in a Locale-Aware Order 588

19.9 Managing Localization Resources 589

19.10 Setting the Character Encoding of Outgoing Data 591

19.11 Setting the Character Encoding of Incoming Data 592

19.12 Manipulating UTF-8 Text 593

20.Error Handling 599

20.1 Finding and Fixing Parse Errors 600

20.2 Creating Your Own Exception Classes 602

20.3 Printing a Stack Trace 605

20.4 Reading Configuration Variables 608

20.5 Setting Configuration Variables 610

20.6 Hiding Error Messages from Users 610

20.7 Tuning Error Handling 612

20.8 Using a Custom Error Handler 614

20.9 Logging Errors 615

20.10 Eliminating"headers already sent"Errors 617

20.11 Logging Debugging Information 618

21.Software Engineering 621

21.1 Using a Debugger Extension 621

21.2 Writing a Unit Test 625

21.3 Writing a Unit Test Suite 626

21.4 Applying a Unit Test to a Web Page 628

21.5 Setting Up a Test Environment 630

21.6 Using the Built-in Web Server 631

22.Performance Tuning 635

22.1 Using an Accelerator 636

22.2 Timing Function Execution 637

22.3 Timing Program Execution by Function 638

22.4 Timing Program Execution by Statement 640

22.5 Timing Program Execution by Section 642

22.6 Profiling with a Debugger Extension 644

22.7 Stress-Testing Your Website 648

22.8 Avoiding Regular Expressions 649

23.Regular Expressions 653

23.1 Switching from ereg to preg 657

23.2 Matching Words 659

23.3 Finding the nth Occurrence of a Match 660

23.4 Choosing Greedy or Nongreedy Matches 662

23.5 Finding All Lines in a File That Match a Pattern 664

23.6 Capturing Text Inside HTML Tags 665

23.7 Preventing Parentheses from Capturing Text 666

23.8 Escaping Special Characters in a Regular Expression 668

23.9 Reading Records with a Pattern Separator 669

23.10 Using a PHP Function in a Regular Expression 670

24.Files 673

24.1 Creating or Opening a Local File 677

24.2 Creating a Temporary File 678

24.3 Opening a Remote File 679

24.4 Reading from Standard Input 680

24.5 Reading a File into a String 681

24.6 Counting Lines,Paragraphs,or Records in a File 682

24.7 Processing Every Word in a File 685

24.8 Picking a Random Line from a File 687

24.9 Randomizing All Lines in a File 687

24.10 Processing Variable-Length Text Fields 688

24.11 Reading Configuration Files 690

24.12 Modifying a File in Place Without a Temporary File 692

24.13 Flushing Output to a File 693

24.14 Writing to Standard Output 694

24.15 Writing to Many Filehandles Simultaneously 695

24.16 Escaping Shell Metacharacters 696

24.17 Passing Input to a Program 697

24.18 Reading Standard Output from a Program 698

24.19 Reading Standard Error from a Program 700

24.20 Locking a File 701

24.21 Reading and Writing Custom File Types 703

24.22 Reading and Writing Compressed Files 708

25.Directories 711

25.1 Getting and Setting File Timestamps 714

25.2 Getting File Information 715

25.3 Changing File Permissions or Ownership 716

25.4 Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts 717

25.5 Deleting a File 719

25.6 Copying or Moving a File 719

25.7 Processing All Files in a Directory 720

25.8 Getting a List of Filenames Matching a Pattern 721

25.9 Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively 723

25.10 Making New Directories 723

25.11 Removing a Directory and Its Contents 724

25.12 Program:Web Server Directory Listing 725

25.13 Program:Site Search 729

26.Command-Line PHP 733

26.1 Parsing Program Arguments 735

26.2 Parsing Program Arguments with getopt 736

26.3 Reading from the Keyboard 738

26.4 Running PHP Code on Every Line of an Input File 740

26.5 Reading Passwords 742

26.6 Colorizing Console Output 744

26.7 Program:DOM Explorer 746

27.Packages 751

27.1 Defining and Installing Composer Dependencies 754

27.2 Finding Composer Packages 755

27.3 Installing Composer Packages 757

27.4 Using the PEAR Installer 760

27.5 Finding PEAR Packages 763

27.6 Finding Information About a Package 765

27.7 Installing PEAR Packages 766

27.8 Upgrading PEAR Packages 768

27.9 Uninstalling PEAR Packages 769

27.10 Installing PECL Packages 770

Index 773

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