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叙事研究前沿  第1辑  汉、英

叙事研究前沿 第1辑 汉、英PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:11
  • 作 者:尚必武主编 林玉珍 王安副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787513552752
  • 标注页数:260 页
  • PDF页数:268 页

查看更多关于叙事研究前沿 第1辑 汉、英的内容


中外叙事学家访谈 1

From Postmodernist Poetics to Narratology:An Interview with Professor Brian McHale&Shang Biwu 1

二十一世纪叙事学:西方视野 11

New Trajectories in Narrative Theory in the 21st Century:Diversification,Consolidation,Institutionalization,and Future Prospects&Vera Nünning & Ansgar Nünning 11

Feminist and Queer Narrative Theory in the 21st Century&Robyn Warhol 27

The Futures of Narratology:Natural and Unnatural&Brian Richardson 34

The Frontiers of the 21st Century Narratology:Interdisciplinary Challenges and Opportunities&Ruth E. Page 40

Ephemeral Narrators&Gerald Prince 46

Narratology beyond the Human&David Herman 57

中国叙事传统研究(特稿) 72

建筑空间与叙事文本——明清章回小说叙事结构新探&龙迪勇 72

叙事学前沿理论 102

“第三人称叙述者”何处寻?&赵毅衡 102

论意识形态叙事的理论特质&胡亚敏 111

想象力与抒情诗的空间意象叙事&谭君强 118

叙事性·诗性·抒情性:重审诗歌叙事学&索宇环 127

英美早期叙事学中的人物研究及意义:从亨利·詹姆斯、珀西·卢伯克到韦恩·布斯&卢普玲 136

叙事批评实践 150

图像叙事与《人间天堂》&程锡麟 150

聆听沉寂的声音:希尔兹《除非》的元小说式悖谬与女性主义思想的突围&卢红芳 160

联接历史与虚构的媒介:《爱丁堡监狱》中麦琪·野火人物形象分析&陈启 169

韦勒克、沃伦的《文学理论》对叙事学的启示&涂年根 张丽 178

Implications of Wellek and Warren's Theory of Literature for Narratology&Tu Niangen & Zhang Li 178

Western Narrative Theories in China 184

The Spread and Reception of Western Postclassical Narratologies in China&Liu Xiaojie 184

"ImpliedAuthor"Studies in China&Lin Qin 195

"Unreliable Narration"Studies in China&Zheng Hongsheng 210

Book Reviews 220

Trends and Features of Narrative Studies in Postclassical Context:A Review of Contemporary Western Narratology:Postclassical Perspectives&Bo Ling 220

A Narratological Perspective on Short Narrative Fiction:A Review of Alice Munro's Narrative Art&Lin Yuzhen 227

Mission Impossible:A Review of Real Mysteries:Narrative and the Unknowable&Wang Erlei 234

Transgeneric Tum in Narrative Studies and the Rise of Narratology in Drama:A Review of Storytelling and Drama:Exploring Narrative Episodes in Plays&Li Cheng 241

How"Consciousness"Gets Represented?A Review of The Emergence of Mind:Representations of Consciousness in Narrative Discourse in English&Liu Chunmei 249

查看更多关于叙事研究前沿 第1辑 汉、英的内容
