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闲来无事  李慧娴作品集·陶塑及装置

闲来无事 李慧娴作品集·陶塑及装置PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:8
  • 作 者:李慧娴编
  • 出 版 社:香港城市大学
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9789881521897
  • 标注页数:141 页
  • PDF页数:147 页

编者序 忙里不忘:娴里偷闲&霍康琪 12

序 陶艺人的休闲&文洁华 13

从寻常事看出不凡处——李慧娴的艺在邻里&马佩婷 14

别太快给李慧娴定型&萧竞聪·卢兆坤 16

Away from the Hustle and Bustle:the Importance of Leisure in Rosanna Li & Ankie Fok 20

Extracting the Uncommon from the Common—Rosanna's Art in the Neighbourhood&Prudence Ma 22

Let's Not Stereotype Li Wei Han & siu King Chung ·Jason Lo 24

鸳鸯冰室Yuanyang Cafe 30

男女大不同Blue or Pink? 44

男女大相同Male or Female? 48

对照Double Looks 56

扁死Die Flat 72

喜有此履2012 Soles for the Souls 2012 76

玩尽日常生活物件的李慧娴创作&凤毛 80

先人的步履·今人的足迹——从手作物的独特意义看李慧娴的纸鞋藏品&严惠蕙 84

Men and Women·This and That—an Exhibition of Rosanna Li&Rachel Ng 87

Rosanna Li's ‘Book of Three Lives’—from Figurative to Conceptual Art & Blues Wong 97

奸奸与嬲嬲GanGans&NauNaus 102

鸣谢Acknowledgements 139

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