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群星照耀欧洲  中欧法律和司法合作项目学术论文精选  中英文本

群星照耀欧洲 中欧法律和司法合作项目学术论文精选 中英文本PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:18
  • 作 者:朱卫国主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7503639571
  • 标注页数:641 页
  • PDF页数:671 页

欧洲城堡还是国际穷竭——平行进口中的商标知识产权保护 白显月 1

Fortress Europe or International Exhaustion——With Specific Emphasis on Trade Mark Rights in the Case of Parallel Importation Bai Xianyue 17

欧盟竞争法离中国的兼并收购有多远 陈立彤 38

How Far is the EU's Competition Law from Chinese Mergers&Acquisitions? Chen Litong 51

欧共体竞争法执行的分散趋势 戴雪晴 66

Decentralized Enforcement of EC Competition Law Dai xueqin 79

论欧盟法院的先行裁决 范明志 112

On Preliminary Rulings Fan Mingzhi 128

欧盟上市公司强制要约收购规则之政策性矛盾分析 梁峰 152

Mandatory Takeover Bid Rule:Is It Possible for the Thirteenth Directive on Company Law Concerning Takeovers to have Its Cake and Eat It? Liang Feng 175

欧盟中小企业的立法对中国中小企业立法的启示 王凌军 205

The Enlightenment of EU Legislation Regarding Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Relation to that of China Wang Lingjun 217

欧盟是如何迎接数字时代对版权的挑战的 吴伟光 239

What are the Responses of the EC to the Challenges of Digital Age on the Copyright Wu Weiguang 276

三个对于中国电信立法有借鉴意义的欧盟电信法规问题 徐丽巍 327

The Significance of the Three Main Issues of EC Telecommunication Industry Regulation in Relation to China's New Enactment of the Telecommunication Law Xu Liwei 345

作为中国企业,如何应对欧盟的反倾销? 杨东 373

How to Face the Anti-dumping Challenges in the EU,as Chinese Exporters? Yang Dong 405

论欧洲法院在欧洲一体化进程中的作用 曾二秀 450

The Role of the European Court of Justice in the Process of European Integration Zeng Erxiu 468

论关贸总协定在欧共体法中的直接效力 张智勇 496

On the Direct Effect of GATT in the EC Legal Order Zhang Zhiyong 524

辅助原则解释 朱卫国 565

On Subsidiarity Zhu Weiguo 596

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