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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:吴定柏编注
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7810805770
  • 标注页数:350 页
  • PDF页数:358 页

1.Black Elk 1

High Horse's Courting 1

2.Benjamin Franklin 9

From The Autobiography 9

3.Philip Freneau 15

The Wild Honey Suckle 15

The Indian Burying Ground 17

4.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 21

The Secret of the Sea 21

Hymn to the Night 24

5.William Cullen Bryant 26

To a Waterfowl 26

6.Washington Irving 29

From"Rip Van Winkle" 29

7.Ralph Waldo Emerson 37

From"The American Scholar" 37

8.Henry David Thoreau 43

From Walden;or,Life in the Woods 43

9.Edgar Allan Poe 53

Annabel Lee 53

10.Walt Whitman 56

I Hear America Singing 56

Come UP from the Fields Father 58

11.Emily Elizabeth Dickinson 61

There's a Certain Slant of Light 61

Again His Voice Is at the Door 63

12.Nathaniel Hawthorne 66

From"Dr.Heidegger's Experiment" 66

13.Jack London 76

The Law of Life 76

14.Henry James 85

Paste 85

15.Mark Twain 108

The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 108

16.Stephen Crane 117

From The Red Badge of Courage 117

17.Theodore Dreiser 129

From Sister Carrie 129

18.Edwin Arlington Robinson 138

Richard Cory 138

19.Robert Frost 141

The Road Not Taken 141

20.Ezra Pound 144

In a Station of the Metro 144

A Pact 145

21.Thomas Stearns Eliot 147

The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock 147

22.Ernest Hemingway 156

In Another Country 156

23.Francis Scott Fitzgerald 166

From The Great Gatsby 166

24.John Cheever 183

The Swimmer 183

25.John Updike 199

A&P 199

26.Jack Kerouac 209

From On the Road 209

27.Gary Snyder 214

Riprap 214

Piute Creek 216

Meeting the Mountains 218

28.Katherine Anne Porter 220

Theft 220

29.Alice Walker 230

Everyday Use 230

30.Isaac Bashevis Singer 242

The Son from America 242

31.Saul Bellow 251

A Father-To-Be 251

32.Langston Hughes 266

The Negro Speaks of Rivers 266

33.Ralph Ellison 269

From Invisible Man 269

34.Toni Morrison 276

From Song of Solomon 276

35.William Faulkner 287

A Rose for Emily 287

36.Vladimir Nabokov 301

Signs and Symbols 301

37.Eugene Gladstone O'Neill 309

From Long Day's Journey into Night 309

Glossary of Literary Terms 340

