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  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:杨辉主编
  • 出 版 社:太原:山西科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2001
  • ISBN:7537718466
  • 标注页数:395 页
  • PDF页数:423 页

第一编 语言 Part One Language 2

第一章 语言的概念 Chapter One Concept of Language 2

第一节 概述 Section One Introduction 2

一、语言基本形态 Basic Form of Language 2

二、语言的要求 Language Requirement 3

三、语言的学习 Language Study 5

第二节 语言的基本功能 Section Two Basic Functions of Language 6

一、语言是人优于动物的重要特征 Language--an Important Feature of Man Being Superior to Animals 6

二、文字是文明储存的宝库 Language--Treasure of Civilization 7

三、语言是生活方式的表现 Language--Manifestation of Life Style 8

四、语言的沟通功能 Communicative Function of Language 8

第三节 语言的社会性 Section Three Social Nature of Language 9

一、语言是为社会生活服务 Social Service of Language 9

二、语言的社会性反映在人与人之间的关系 Interrelationship between Language and Society 10

三、语言是社会现象 Social Phenomena of Language 10

第二章 语言的基本知识 Chapter Two Basic Knowledge of Language 12

第一节 语法与修辞 Section One Grammar and Rhetoric 12

一、语法及语法单位 Grammar and Its Unit 12

二、修辞 Rhetoric 14

第二节 逻辑知识 Section Two Knowledge of Logic 17

一、逻辑 Logic 17

二、概念 Concept 18

三、判断 Judgement 20

四、推理 Inference 21

五、思维的基本规律 Basic Regularity of Thinking 23

第三节 语言形式的多样性 Section Three Multi-forms of Language 24

一、实用语言 Practical Language 24

二、艺术语言 Art Language 24

三、幽默语言 Humorous Language 25

四、称呼语言 Addressing Language 26

第四节 语言交流的艺术 Section Four Artistry of Language Communication 26

一、语言的艺术性是人类交往的前提 Artistry of Language--the Premise of Communication 27

二、语言交流的一般要求 General Requirement of Language Communication 27

三、语言交流中的忌讳 Taboos of Language Communication 29

四、语言交流中的修养 Cultivation of Language Communication 30

第五节 写作知识 Section Five Writing Knowledge 35

一、主题 Subject 35

二、素材 Material 36

三、结构 Structure 36

四、表达方式 Expression 37

五、语言文字 Spoken and Written Language 37

第六节 口语 Section Six Spoken Language 38

一、口语的形式 Formation of Spoken Language 38

二、口语的特点 Characteristic of Spoken Language 39

三、口语训练方法简介 Brief Introduction to Oral Training 40

第二编 护士的语言修养与技巧 Part Two Cultivation and Skill of Nurse Language 44

第一章 当代护士语言交流趋势 Chapter One Current Tendency of Contemporary Nurse Language Communication 44

第一节 交流出现多种语言同时并存 Section One Coexistence of Various Language in Communication 44

一、国际形势要求护士语言多样化 Nurse Language Diversity--Requirement of International Sitration 44

二、我国国情要求护士语言多样化 Nurse Language Diversity--Requirement of State of Country 45

三、历史证明发达国家得益于语言交流多样化 Developed Countries Benefiting Considerably From Language Communication Diversity 45

第二节 交流更具灵活性、个性 Section Two Flexibility and Personality of Communication 46

一、素质教育造就的高素质、个性化人才增多 Quality-Based Education--Creation of Individuals with High Qualities and Talents 46

二、社会发展带来护理问题多样化 Variety of Nursing Problems with Development of Society 47

第三节 心理护理将日益受到重视 Section Three More Attention to Psychological Nursing 47

一、现代社会特征决定了心理问题增多 Modern Social Features--Magnitude of Mental Problems 47

二、国内外心理护理现状表明加强心理护理是世界趋势 World Tendency Both Home and Abroad--Reinforcement of Psychological Nursing 48

第四节 交流途径、场所增多 Section Four More Ways of Communication 50

一、网络化时代创造新的交流途径 Network--New Way of Communication 50

二、广泛开展社区服务、上门提供心理护理 Development of Community Service and Supply of Psychological Nursing to Patients 51

第二章 护士交谈礼仪与修养 Chapter Two Manners and Cultivation of Nurse Communication 52

第一节 语言在护理工作中的重要性 Section One Importance of Language in Nursing 52

一、语言是护理工作中的重要工具 Language-Important Means in Nursing 52

二、护理工作中语言的双重功能 Language-Dual Functions in Nursing 53

三、掌握语言的艺术性是精神文明建设的需要,是开展整体护理的保证 Good Command of Language--Demand for Construction of Spiritual Civilization and Guarantee of Whole--level Nursing 54

四、语言是护理美的体现 Language--Manifestation of Beauty in Nursing 54

第二节 护士的修养 Section Two Cultivation of Nurses 55

一、品德修养 Morality Cultivation 55

二、知识修养 Knowledge Cultivation 56

三、语言修养 Language Cultivation 57

四、文学修养 Literature Cultivation 61

第三节 护士的仪表礼仪 Section Three Manners of Nurses 62

一、着装礼仪 Dressing 62

二、仪容仪表 Appearance 63

三、举止礼仪 Behavior 64

四、礼仪与风度 Proprieties and Deportment 65

第四节 护士的交谈礼仪 Section Four Communication Proprieties of Nurses 66

一、谈话的态度 Attitude of Communication 67

二、谈话的分寸 Sense of Communication 68

三、谈话的内容 Content of Communication 68

四、谈话的技巧 Skills of Communication 69

第五节 接待各类病人的礼仪 Section Five Proprieties of Receiving Various Patients 72

一、接待门诊病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving Clinic Patients 72

二、接待急诊病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving Emergency Patients 73

三、接待住院病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving in Patients 74

四、接待手术病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving Operated Patients 75

五、接待老年病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving Elderly Patients 76

六、接待儿童病人的礼仪 Proprieties of Receiving Child Patients 77

第六节 电话礼仪 Section Six Phone Proprieties 78

一、通话时礼貌待人 Polite Language over the Phone 79

二、通话时注意社会公德 Paying Attention to Social Morality over the Phone 79

三、通话时注意时间 Taking Notice of Calling Time 80

四、通话内容要简明 Concise Expression On the Phone 80

五、通话时碰到特殊情况也应注意礼仪 Keeping Courtesy in Mind under Unexpected Circumstances 81

第三章 护士语言沟通的艺术 Chapter Three Art of Nurse Linguistic Communication 82

第一节 沟通 Section One Communication 82

一、沟通的概念 Concept of Communication 83

二、沟通的类型 Types of Communication 87

第二节 护理工作中的沟通 Section Two Communication in Nursing 89

一、护士的人际关系 Interrelationship among Nurses 89

二、护患之间的沟通 Communication between Nurses and Patients 90

三、医护之间的沟通 Communication between Doctors and Nurses 103

四、护士内部之间的沟通 Communication among Nurses 105

五、护士与医技科室人员之间的沟通 Communication between Nurses and Staff in Different Departments 107

六、护士与医院其他人员的沟通 Communication between Nurses and Other Members in Hospital 108

第三节 护患沟通的技巧 Section Three Techniques of Communication between Nurses and Patients 109

一、护患沟通的特点 Characteristic of Communication between Nurses and Patients 109

二、语言沟通的技巧 Skills in Linguistic Communication 111

三、非语言沟通的技巧 Skills in Nonlinguistic Communication 118

第四章 护士处世语言技巧 Chapter Four Language Skills in Treating People and Conducting Oneself 123

第一节 克服首次交往中羞怯的技巧 Section One Skills in Overcoming Timidity during First Contact 123

第二节 迎刃化解问题和有效的劝解艺术 Section Two Techniques for Quick Solution to Problems and Effective Mediation 125

第三节 学会让人体面地下台阶 Section Three Skills in Getting People out of Embarrassing Situation 127

第四节 避开使人难堪的话题 Section Four Avoiding Embarrassing Topics 128

第五节 故意示弱是消除嫉妒的妙方 Section Five A Wonderful Way of Eliminating Jealousy--Avoiding Showing-off 130

第六节 消除隔阂的桥梁 Section Six Self-Criticism--a Bridge for Eliminating Misunderstanding 131

第七节 请求他人帮忙的艺术 Section Seven Art of Asking for Help 133

第八节 开玩笑的学问 Section Eight Skill in Playing a Joke 136

第五章 打动人心的交际语言 Chapter Five Touching Social Language 138

第一节 巧妙运用寒暄的功能 Section One Cleverly Making Use of Greeting 138

第二节 对谁都要有得体的称呼 Section Two Art of Giving Appropriate Addressing 140

第三节 说“不”字的技巧 Section Three Techniques for Saying “NO” 143

第四节 “谢谢”的巧妙用法 Section Four Clever Use of “Thanks” 145

第五节 催款时的语言技巧 Section Five Language Techniques for Pressing for Debts 147

第六节 安慰--雪中送炭 Section Six Consolation--Providing Timely Help 148

第七节 称赞的技巧 Section Seven Skills in Praise 150

第六章 学会巧妙地区别语言 Chapter Six Learning How to Distinguish Meaning of Words 153

第一节 护士必须掌握批评的艺术 Section One Mastering Skills of Criticism By Nurses 153

第二节 忠言不逆耳的艺术 Section Two Art of Good Advice Not Jarring on the Ear 155

第三节 语言激将的艺术 Section Three Skills in Prodding People into Action 157

第四节 礼貌中断对方谈话的技巧 Section Four Skills for Politely Interrupting the People s Conversation 159

第七章 学会机智的应变技巧 Chapter Seven Learning How to Wisely Adjust to Changing Circumstances 162

第一节 自嘲在交谈中的妙用 Section One Wisely Use of Self-Satire in Conversation 162

第二节 应付“揭短”的技巧 Section Two Skills in Dealing with “Raking up Faults” 165

第三节 巧妙运用罗唆的技巧 Section Three Skills in Cleverly Making Use of Talktiveness 166

第四节 巧妙拒绝别人的技巧 Section Four Skils in Declining Offers 168

第八章 掌握高超的语言技巧 Chapter Eight Commanding Super Language Skills 172

第一节 运用形象性语言技巧 Section One Skills in Using Vivid Language 172

第二节 运用典故以理服人 Section Two Skills in Convince People with Literary Quotations 173

第三节 使旧话题生出新意的技巧 Section Three Skills in Creating New Meanings From Old Topics 175

第四节 以名篇名句达到语言的升华技巧 Section Four Skills in Language Distillation with Good and Old Sayings 177

第五节 运用诙谐语言和歇后语 Section Five Skills in Using Humors and Proverbs 178

第六节 运用对比、比喻的技巧 Section Six Skills in Using Contrast and Figurative Expressions 180

第七节 设问与反问的艺术 Section Seven Art of Putting Forward Questions and Rhetorical Questions 182

第九章 提高护士语言的感染力 Chapter Nine Raising Influence of Nurse Language 185

第一节 态势语言的妙用 Section One Clever Use of Body Language 185

一、非语言的语言 Non-Spoken of Language 186

二、态势语言的基本特征 Basic Features of Body Language 187

三、常用态势语言的含义 Meanings of the Often Used Body Language 190

四、态势语言的正确使用 Correct Use of Body Language 192

五、空间语言与物体语言 Space Language and Object Language 194

第二节 提高自身语言素质 Section Two Increasing Nurses Own Language Quality 197

一、培养讲话的自信心 Developing Self-Confidence in Speech 198

二、赋于讲话之生命力--生动形象 Bestowing Vitality to Speech 201

三、注意讲话的语气和语调 Paying Attention to Tone and Intonation of Speech 203

四、讲话的速度与节奏 Speed and Rhythm of Speech 207

五、讲话的音量 Volume of Speech 209

六、与病人共同感受自己的讲话 Sharing Feelings Delivered by Speech with Patients 210

七、掌握“开好头”的技巧 Mastering Skills in Opening A Conversation 215

八、掌握精炼、简洁、明快的说话艺术 Art of Concise,Brief and Vivid Speech 218

第三节 准确掌握通用的语言技巧 Section Three Skills in Correct Commanding Common Language 221

一、巧妙掌握说话的时机 Art of Choosing Right Moment for Talking 221

二、把话说明白的学问 Skill in Making Oneself Understood 224

三、对病人别用质问的语气说话 Avoiding Interrogative Tone to Patients 228

四、掌握讲话精华的艺术 Art of Uttering Essence of Speech 232

五、应掌握高明的插话技巧 Skills in Wisely Cutting in During Conversation 235

第十章 心理护理会谈的技巧 Chapter Ten Talking Skills in Psychological Nursing 238

一、护士在心理护理工作中的角色 Nurses Roles in Psychological Nursing 238

二、心理护理会谈技巧 Talking Skills in Psychological Nursing 239

第三编 护士用语 Part Three Nurse Terms 248

第一章 护理操作用语 Chapter One Phrases of Nursing Operation 248

第一节 操作用语的组成 Section One Formation of Operational Phrases 248

一、操作前解释 Explaination before Operation 249

二、操作中指导 Guidane in Operation 249

三、操作后嘱咐 Hand-over after Operation 250

第二节 常用护理操作用语 Section Two Special Terms of Nursing Operation 251

一、体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压的测量 Measurement of Temperature,Pulse,Respiration and Blood Pressure 251

二、口腔护理 Oral Cavity Nursing 253

三、皮肤过敏试验与肌肉注射 Skin Test and Muscle Injection 254

四、静脉输液法 Intravenous Injection 255

五、发口服药 Distribution of Medicine 256

六、留置胃管 Leave Gastric Tube 257

七、灌肠 Enema 258

八、导尿术 Urethral Catheterization 259

九、氧气吸入 Oxygen Inhalation Treatment 260

十、静脉输血 Venous Transfusion 260

十一、晨间护理 Morning Nursing 261

十二、晚间护理 Night Nursing 262

十三、褥疮护理 Nursing of Bed Sore 263

十四、卧床女病人洗头 Washing Head for Alinostatic Female Patient 264

十五、使用约束用具 Using Restraint Tools 264

十六、酒精擦浴 Aloohol Ruvving for Decreasing Temperatures 265

十七、皮肤准备 Skin Preparation 266

十八、吸痰术 Exsuction of Sputum 266

十九、膀胱冲洗 Irrigation of Bladder 267

二十、会阴冲洗 Irrigation of Perineum 268

二十一、肛门坐浴 Sit Bath of Anus/Hip Bath 268

二十二、体位引流 Postural Drainage 269

二十三、呼吸训练 Reapiratory Training 270

二十四、痰标本采集 Sputum Sampling 271

二十五、纤维胃镜检查术 Fibeascope Examination 272

二十六、尿糖测定 Examination of Sugar in Urine 273

二十七、胰岛素注射 Injection of Insulin 274

二十八、心电监护 Electrocardiogram Monitor 275

二十九、心导管介入检查术 Examination Cardiac Catheterization 276

第三节 日常护理工作用语 Section Three Daily Nursing Expressions 279

一、门诊 Outpatient Service 280

二、急诊 Emergency-Call 281

三、病房护士用语 Nurses Expressions in Wards 283

第二章 安慰用语 Chapter Two Consolation Phrases 290

第一节 对癌症病人的安慰性用语 Section One Consolatory Expressions to Patients with Cancer 290

第二节 对伤残病人的安慰性用语 Section Two Consolatory Expressions to the Disabled 293

第三节 对死亡病人家属的安慰性用语 Section Three Consolatory Talks to the Family of the Dead 295

第三章 护士健康教育用语 Chapter Three Nurse s Expressions in Health Education 297

第一节 健康教育 Section One Health Education 297

一、健康教育的概念 Concept of Health Education 297

二、健康教育与卫生宣教 Health and Hygiene Education 298

第二节 病人教育 Section Two Patient Education 299

一、病人教育的概念 Concept of Patient Education 299

二、病人教育的意义 Importance of Patient Education 299

三、护士在病人教育中的作用 Nurse s Roles in Patient Education 301

第三节 病人教育中的护士用语 Section Three Nurse s Expressions in Patient Education 302

一、内科常见疾病的健康教育范例 Health Educational Examples of Common Disease in Internal Medicine 302

二、外科常见疾病的健康教育范例 Health Educational Examples of Common Disease in Surgery 329

三、妇科常见疾病的健康教育范例 Health Educational Examples of Common Disease in Gynecology 337

四、儿科常见疾病的健康教育范例 Health Educational Examples of Common Disease in Paediatrics 341

五、五官科常见疾病的健康教育范例 Health Educational Examples of for Common Disease in ENT 344

附 英汉对照,医院常用会话 English-Chinese Dialogue in the Hospital 353

一、一般用语 Expressions Commonly Used in All specialties 353

二、病人常用语 Sentences Commonly Used by Petients 360

三、入院 Admission 363

四、出院 Discharge 365

五、药房 Pharmacy Room 367

六、术前准备 Before Operation 368

七、护理技术 Nursing Technique 375

八、与患者交谈 Chatting with Patients 379

九、查房 Making Ward Rounds 379

十、与患者交流 Communicating With Patients 381

十一、疾病范例 Examples of Disease 385

