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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:李式鸾编著
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:1998
  • ISBN:7506233169
  • 标注页数:307 页
  • PDF页数:317 页

1 The Quest for Health:Your Own Responsibility 1

2 Psychological Fitness:Mens Sana in Corpore Sano(Healthy Mind in Healthy Body) 13

3 Stress:The Hassles of Daily Living 27

4 Nutrition:Eating to Live vs.Living to Eat 39

5 Nutrients:The Building Blocks of Good Health 51

Review of Medical Terms,Chapters1-5 67

6 Dieting and Exercise:Two Sides to the Same Coin 69

7 Exercise:Lifelong Enjoyment 83

8 Sharing Your Life:The Intimate Relationship 97

9 Family:New Definition for the 90 s 109

10 Sexual Health:Choices,Risks,Consequences 123

Review of Medical Terms,Chapters6-10 143

11 Pregnancy and Parenting:A Responsibility by Choice 145

12 Sexual Harassment:Unwelcomed Sex 157

13 Drugs:Misuse and Abuse 169

14 Self-Care:You Are Your Own Best Doctor 183

15 Complete Physical Examination:What to Expect 195

Review of Medical Terms,Chapters11-15 211

16 Alcohol:Know Your Limits 213

17 Smoking:Self-Induced Health Risk 227

18 Avoiding Accidents:Better Safe than Sorry 239

19 Pollution:Understanding Environmental Hazards 255

20 Crime and Vioence:Increasingly Urgent Problems 271

Review of Medical Terms,Chapters16-20 287

Appendix A: A Few Words about Medical Terms 287

Appendix B: Prefixes,Word Roots,and Suffixes Found in this Book 290

Index 293

