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  • 购买点数:12
  • 作 者:荣高棠著
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7561709153
  • 标注页数:337 页
  • PDF页数:379 页


标签:文论 体育

Contents 1

Promote Physical Culture and Sports 1

Preface 1

前言 1

发展体育运动 1

A Hopeful Beginning 5

新的开端 5

职工应该积极参加体育锻炼 9

Workers and Staff Members Should Take an Active Part in Physical Exercises 9

The Youth League Should Do Well the Work of Military Sports 11

青年团要做好军体工作 11

Some Thoughts on Paris IOC 16

从巴黎国际奥委会归来 16

The Youth League Should Give Close Attention to the Health of the Youth 18

青年团要关心青年的身体健康 18

Physical Culture Plays a Positive Role in Socialist Construction 23

体育是建设社会主义的积极因素 23

Experience and Lessons from the Sports Work in 1958 28

1958年体育工作的经验和教训 28

Several Principles of the Mass Sports Work 32

群众体育工作的几个原则 32

让祖国的幼苗茁壮地成长 35

Let the Seedings of Sportsmen Grow Up Sturdy All Over the Country 35

China s Sports Cause Is in Rapid Progress 39

飞跃前进的我国体育事业 39

培养身体健康朝气蓬勃的建设者 47

Fostering Healthy and Vigorous Builders 47

加强体育队伍的思想政治工作 52

Strengthen the Ideological and Political Work in Sports Force 52

A Magnificent Sports Meet of Unity and Fight 56

团结战斗的盛会 56

古巴见闻 60

Glimpses of Cuba 60

访“山鹰之国” 65

Impressions of“the Land of Eagle”-The People s Republic of Albania 65

坚持二分法,反对形而上学 68

Adhering to Dichotomy, Opposing Metaphysics 68

从第28届世界比赛看我国乒乓球队的成长 71

The Growth of the Chinese Ping Pong Teams as Seen in the 28th World Cup 71

Sports Should Better Serve the People 94

体育要更好地为人民服务 94

Always Remember Premier Zhou s Instructions 103

永远铭记周总理的教诲 103

Do Well in the School Physical Education 110

做好学校体育工作 110

Have the Motherland in Heart, Keep the Whole World in View, and Scale Bravely the Heights 115

胸怀祖国,放眼世界,勇攀高峰 115

关于我国重新参加奥运会的几点意见 124

My Opinions on China s Returning to IOC 124

Work with One Heart and One Mind to Do the Job of Sports 131

同心同德,搞好体育工作 131

Comrade Liu Shaoqi Paid Much Attention to the Cause of Sports 143

少奇同志关心体育事业 143

The Ideological and Political Work of the Sports Teams During the New Period 149

新时期运动队思想政治工作 149

Emancipate the Mind to Win Victories 167

解放思想,争取胜利 167

Why Can the Chinese Ping Pong Teams Keep on Florishing? 172

中国乒乓球队为什么能长盛不衰 172

Be a Qualified Sports Cadre 180

做一个合格的体育干部 180

On Physical Culture 184

体育 184

We Must Raise the Level of Our Football Game 199

一定要把足球搞上去 199

篮球界面临的任务 205

The Tasks Which Lie Ahead of the Basket-ball Circles 205

Learn from the Women Volleyball Team, and Work Arduously 212

学习女排艰苦奋斗 212

体育与宣传 222

Sports and Propaganda 222

刻苦顽强为国争光 227

Try Hard to Win the Honour for the Motherland 227

Work for All-round Development with Heath as the Top Priority 237

全面发展健康第一 237

On the Development of the Teams on the First, Second and Third Lines 240

抓好一、二、三线队伍建设 240

关于人才的几个问题 244

A Few Problems on Athletic Talents 244

An Address at the Ceremony upon Receiving the Medal from IOC 256

在接受国际奥委会勋章仪式上的讲话 256

建设中国体育运动队伍的道路 258

The Road to Building Up the Chinese Sports Teams 258

关怀、鼓舞、力量 263

Strength Comes from Concerns and Inspirations 263

一定要把田径搞上去 270

We Must Make Great Achievements in Athletic Sports 270

Both Learning and Playing 275

学与玩 275

普及与提高相结合 277

Combining Popularization with Elevation 277

青年学生要有理想和追求 280

Young Students Should Have Ideal and Pursuit 280

社会主义体育事业的开拓者——贺龙 283

He Long-A Pioneer in the Cause of Socalist Sports 283

我是亚运会的主人 298

Hostin the lth Asian Games 298

亚运会为什么能发动亿万群众 300

Why Can the 11th Asian Games Arousc Hundreds of Millions of the Masses to Action ? 300

Some Remarks on Reading 304

读书浅议 304

体育事业必须坚持党的领导 308

The Cause of Sports Shoule Be Kept under the Leadership of the Party 308

光辉题词照体坛——纪念毛主席为体育题词40周年 315

A Great Inspiration to the Chinese Sports Field in Commemeration of the 40th Anniversary of the Publishing of Chairman Mao s Inscription of Physical Culture and Sports 315

I Hope China Will Win in the Competition to Host the 2000 Olympic Games 321

希望中国争办奥运会成功 321

Appendix Biographical Notes on Rong Gaotang 327

[附录]荣高棠生平事略 327

