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幽默英语  1

幽默英语 1PDF格式文档图书下载


  • 购买点数:10
  • 作 者:白帝主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:大众文艺出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7801711882
  • 标注页数:217 页
  • PDF页数:225 页

Stammering Parrot/结巴鹦鹉 1

Flight Insurance/飞行保险 3

I Am Not A Bear/我不是熊 6

The Chimney Smokes/我家烟囱有时也倒烟 9

Three Drunks/三个醉汉 12

That s Only A Mirror/只是一面镜子 14

Going To The Sun During The Nignt/夜间到太阳上去 16

Why Haven t You Put Your Trousers On?/为什么你没有穿裤子呢? 19

The Bright Young Man/一个聪明伶俐的年轻人 21

A Man Who Loves The Sound Of His Own Voice/一个喜欢夸夸其谈的人 23

Tow Lights, Four Lights, One Light/两盏灯,四盖灯,一盏灯 26

The Third Answer, The Correct Answer/第三个答案是正确的 28

Two Soldiers/两个士兵 31

Len s Cap/莱恩的帽子 34

Peter Missed Again/彼特又没打上 37

Why Take It Home/为什么要带回家 40

Drinking Milk Is Dangerous/喝牛奶危险 42

Mend Or Not?/修好了吗? 45

Mick s New Fence/米克的新栅栏 48

The Joke/笑话 51

If I Don Do Anything Else/假如我没有其他事情可做 53

A Forgetful Old Man/一个健忘的老人 56

What Is The Name, please?/请问你叫什么名字? 59

Mr.Johnson s First Travel By Air/约翰逊先生的首次空中旅行 62

A Perfectly Calm Man/一个非常镇定自若的男子 65

A Dream/一个梦 68

Not The Only One/无独有偶 71

A Walking-Stick/一个拐杖 74

A Bad Memory/坏记性 77

An Unexpected Result/出人意料的结果 79

A Gross Deception/粗鄙的骗局 82

Changeable/善变 84

A Mean Person/吝啬鬼 87

The Seventh Donkey/第七头毛驴 90

The Vacation In Florida/在佛罗里达度假 93

One Way Street/单行路 96

Absent-Minded Father/心不在焉的父亲 99

The Wrong Number/拨错号码的电话 102

I d Like Another Doctor To Come And See Me/我想让另一位医生来见我 105

The Doctor s Advice/医生的忠告 108

A Stupid Thief/一个愚蠢的小偷 111

Two Slices Aren t Enough/两片不够吃 114

The Heavy Smoker/重瘾烟民 117

The Professor s Lunch/教授的午餐 120

No Hoe/没有锄头 122

A Branch Office/分店 124

A Forgetful Actor/健忘的演员 126

Vacation/假期 128

The Disease/疾病 130

Something Cheaper/便宜的 133

The Thieves/小偷 136

The Front Door/前门 139

A Forgetful Man/健忘 141

Who Is He?/他是谁? 143

On Time/准时 145

Wonderful Science/令人惊叹的科技 147

Six Answers/六个答案 149

An Absent-minded Professor/糊涂教授 151

Regret/后悔 153

Brilliant Opinion/高见 155

A Bargain/讨价 157

The Preacher And The Snorer/牧师与瞌睡虫 159

It s Unfair/不公平 161

American Way Of Life/美国生活方式 163

The Lawyer s Trick/律师的诡计 165

Memory/记性 168

The File/存档 171

An Absent-Minded Professor/一个心不在焉的教授 173

Judge And Cow/法官和牛 175

A Piece Of Cheese/一块乳酪 178

Not On The List/没在购物单内 180

An Explanation Of Tardiness/迟到的原因 182

I Was At The Office/我以为自己己经在办公室里了 185

Proof(证明,证据,证件)/凭证 187

Tickets/票 189

My Young Looking Mother/我年轻的妈妈 191

Three Boasters/三个自夸的人 193

I Was So Far Back Already/我己经往回跑了这么远 195

An Old Mother /“年老”的母亲 197

Have Spent It All/钱都花掉了 199

A“Blind”Taxi Driver/“瞎眼”的出租车司机 202

The Secret To Sudden Wealth/暴富的秘诀 204

A Baby Or A Monkey?/孩子还是猴子? 206

It s Dangerous For Me/喝洒对我有害 209

The Coach/教练 211

Waiting To Make A Phone Call/等打电话 214

No Private Phone Call/不许打私人电话 216

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