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Principles of leadership and management in law enforcement

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  • 购买点数:13
  • 作 者:by Michael L. Birzer
  • 出 版 社:CRC Press
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:
  • 标注页数:367 页
  • PDF页数:385 页

1 Introduction to the Modern Police Agency 1

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 1

Definitions 1

Chapter Objectives 1

Introduction 2

Management and Leadership 3

Evolution of the Modern Police Department 5

Early Policing 5

Early English Law Enforcement 5

Development of Established English Police Forces 7

Policing in the American Colonies 9

Policing in Urban America 10

State Police 12

Police Reform Era 12

Progressive Era 12

Professionalism 13

Wickersham Commission 13

Policing in the 1950s and Early 1960s 15

War on Crime Era 15

Community Policing 17

How Does Community Policing Affect the Role of the Police Supervisor? 19

Policing Styles 21

Watchman Style 21

Legalistic Style 22

Service Style 22

Development of Police Management Theory 23

Traditional Management Model 23

Scientific Management 23

Bureaucratic Management 23

Administrative Management 24

Leadership 24

Human Relations Model 25

Behavioral Science Model 25

Systems Theory 26

Contingency Theory 26

Human Resources Model 26

Organizational Culture 29

Questions in Review 29

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 31

Lucky or Cunning and Resourceful 31

What Is Your Opinion? And Your Justification for That Opinion? 31

End Notes 32

2 Introduction to Management Theory 35

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 35

Definitions 35

Chapter Objectives 36

Introduction 37

Management Theory 39

Scientific Management 40

Frederick Winslow Taylor 40

Henry Gantt 41

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth 43

Bureacratic Management 44

Max Weber 44

Administrative Management 48

Henri Fayol 48

Mary Parker Follett 49

Chester Barnard 50

The Humanistic Management Approach 50

The Human Relations Movement 50

Elton Mayo 50

Abraham Maslow 51

Behavioral Systems 53

Kurt Lewin 53

The Human Resources Perspective 54

Douglas McGregor 54

Rensis Likert 56

Systems Approach 57

Peter Drucker 57

W. Edwards Deming 59

Questions in Review 61

End Notes 61

Suggested Additional References and Links to the Web 62

3 Operational Management of a Police Agency 63

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 63

Definitions 63

Chapter Objectives 63

Introduction 64

Basic Functions of a Police Agency 65

Patrol Operations 65

Directed Patrol 67

Split Force Patrolling 67

Difierential Response to Calls 67

Investigation Process 68

Decoy and Sting Operations 70

Organizational Structure and Design 70

Difierentiation 71

Spans of Management 71

Structural Design 72

Structure and Community Policing 73

Organizational Development 74

Personnel 75

Job Description 75

Job Design 75

Shifts 77

Commitment 78

Questions in Review 79

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 79

What Makes People Satised with the Police? 79

What Did the Researchers Find? 80

How Can the Police Increase Public Satisfaction with the General Perception of Police Performance? 80

End Notes 80

4 Leadership Approaches 83

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 83

Definitions 83

Chapter Objectives 83

Introduction 85

What Is Leadership? 86

Leadership Approaches 87

Trait Approach 87

Sir Francis Galton 87

Ralph Stogdill and Cecil Goode 88

Situational Approach 89

Contingency Approach 90

Transactional Approach 92

Leadership Styles 93

Authoritarian (Autocratic) 93

Democratic (Participative) 96

Laissez-Faire 96

Charismatic Leaders 97

Which Leadership Style and When? 99

Questions in Review 99

End Notes 100

Suggested Additional References and Links to the Web 101

5 Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation 103

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 103

Definitions 103

Chapter Objectives 104

Introduction 104

What Is Planning? 105

Traditional Planning 105

Why Plan? 107

Evolving Themes 108

The Use of Research in Planning 108

Strategic Planning 109

The Applied Strategic Planning Model 111

Planning to Plan 111

Values Scan 111

Mission Formation 113

Strategic Business Modeling 113

Performance Audit 113

Gap Analysis 114

Integrating Action Plans 114

Contingency Planning 115

Implementation 115

Types of Plans 116

Operational Plans versus Strategic Plans 116

Short-Term versus Long-Term Plans 116

Single-Use Plans 117

Other Miscellaneous Plans 117

Personnel Allocation and Staffing Plans 117

Personnel Plans 118

Training Plans 118

Budget Plans 118

Factors in Planning 119

Planning a Diverse Workforce 119

Envisioning and Planning 119

Evaluation 120

Questions in Review 121

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 122

What Does Management Expect from Subordinates? 122

End Notes 123

6 A Business Approach to Policing? 125

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 125

Definitions 125

Chapter Objectives 126

Introduction 126

Basic Elements of Total Quality Management 127

The Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle 128

Historical Development of Total Quality Management 130

A Brief on Deming, Juran, and Crosby 130

Benchmarking 132

Six Sigma 134

Applying TQM Methods in Police Organizations 135

TQM and Community Policing 136

Reengineering 138

Process Simplication 139

Technology 140

Applying Reengineering Principles to Police Organizations 140


Questions in Review 143

End Notes 143

Suggested Additional References and Links to the Web 144

7 Problem Solving 147

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 147

Definitions 147

Chapter Objectives 148

Introduction 148

Discretion 150

Managing Discretion 152

Controlling Discretion through Professionalism 153

The Nature of Decision Making 154

Group Decision Making 155

Analytical Tools for Decision Making 157

Community Policing 160

Supervision and Management in Community Policing 163

Questions in Review 166

End Notes 166

Suggested Additional References and Links to the Web 167

8 Technology and Management 169

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 169

Definitions 169

Chapter Objectives 170

Introduction 170

Police Technology 171

Historical View of Police Technology 171

The Current State of Police Technology 173

Computer-Aided Dispatch 174

Mobile Data Terminals 177

Automatic Vehicle Locator Systems 178

Automatic Vehicle Monitoring 179

Personal Locator Transmitter 180

Remote Control Information System 180

Crime Detection and Analysis Technology 180

Crime Mapping Technology 181

The Computer and Criminal Investigation 182

Evolving Weapon and Crime Control Technology 182

The Smart Gun 183

Fleeing Vehicle Tagging System 183

Disabling Net and Launcher 183

Mobile Video Recorders 184

Management and Technology 185

Human Resource Allocations 186

Training 186

Computer Crimes 187

Future Trends 188

Management Considerations 189

Organizational Issues 190

Questions in Review 190

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 191

Failure to Supervise a Police Lab in Houston, Texas 191

What Happened? 192

End Results 192

End Notes 192

9 Job-Related Issues 195

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 195

Definitions 195

Chapter Objectives 196

Introduction 196

Stress and the Police Occupation 196

A Portrait of Police Work 197

Police Stress 199

Levels of Stress 202

The Patrol Level 202

The Supervisor Level 203

Middle Management Level 203

Command Level 203

Special Case Stressors 205

Minority and Female Police Offcers 205

Family Issues 206

Organizational Stressors 206

Critical Life Events 208

End Result of Police Stress 208

Substance Abuse 208

Danger Signs 209

Police Suicide 210

Managing Stress 213

Physical Exercise 214

Proper Diet 214

Social Affiliations 214

Relaxation Techniques 214

Other Approaches to Stress Management 215

A Healthy Work Environment 215

Critical Incident Stress Debriefings 215

Policing a Multicultural Community 216

Demographics and Diversity 217

Challenges and Opportunities for Law Enforcement 217

Hate Crimes 217

Building and Supporting a Multicultural Workforce 218

Training Officers to Work in a Multicultural Society 219

Questions in Review 222

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 222

Fighting Monsters 222

End Notes 224

Suggested Further References and Links to the Web 226

10 Training and Education 229

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 229

Definitions 229

Chapter Objectives 229

Introduction 230

Why Train? 231

Legal Issues 232

Training Methods 236

Behaviorist Police Training 236

New Approaches to Police Training 238

Andragogy and Police Training 238

Training Applications 239

Cultural Diversity Training 239

Conflict Resolution and Mediation 240

Criminal Procedure 240

Community Survey 241

Experience and the Classroom 242

Training Curriculum 242

Historical Underpinnings 243

Evolving Police Training Curriculum 244

Caveats for Managers 248

The Environment of Police Training 249

Police Education 251

Questions in Review 255

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 255

City’s Insurance Rates Rise: Suit over Police Chase Is Blamed 256

Oakland Considers Video Cameras in Police Cars in Reacting to Weight of Recent Lawsuits against City Cops 256

Supreme Court Examines Police Liability for Faulty Warrant 257

End Notes 258

Suggested Additional References 260

11 Recruitment and Selection 261

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 261

Definitions 261

Chapter Objectives 261

Introduction 262

Recruitment 264

Impact of Higher Education on Police Hiring Practices 265

Women in Policing 271

Minority Recruitment 277

Selection of New Hires 279

Preemployment Standards 280

Americans with Disabilities Act 283

Drug Testing 284

Written Tests 285

Psychological Testing 285

Background Investigation 286

Polygraph Examinations 287

Interviews 287

Assessment Centers 289

Questions in Review 290

End Notes 290

Suggested Additional References and Links to the Web 291

12 Impact of the Courts and Legislation on Police Management 293

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 293

Definitions 293

Chapter Objectives 294

Introduction 294

Employment Discrimination 296

Scope of the Act 296

Title VIⅦ Suits 297

Types of Violations under Title Ⅶ 297

Disparate Treatment 297

Retaliation 298

Constructive Discharge 298

Disparate Impact 298

Religious Discrimination 298

Affirmative Action Programs 299

Drug Testing of Police Officers 299

Sexual Harassment 301

Labor Relations 302

The Police Union Movement 304

Impact of Unionization on Professionalism 306

Impact of Unions on Pay and Working Conditions 307

Collective Bargaining 308

Police Strikes 309

Management Rights 310

Memoranda of Understanding 310

Off- Duty Employment of Police Officers 311

Conflicts of Interests 311

Other Limitations 312

Models for Off-Duty Employment 312

Police Response to Special Populations 312

Questions in Review 313

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 314

Do Police Officers Accused of Sex Offenses Get Only Slaps on the Wrist? 314

End Notes 315

13 Homeland Security and Policing 317

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 317

Definitions 317

Chapter Objectives 319

Acronyms Used in Homeland Security 319

Introduction 321

Homeland Security Act of 2002 322

Components of the DHS 323

Agencies of the DHS 323

Strategic Goals of the DHS 325

The DHS and Cyber Security 325

Law Enforcement and the DHS 327

Maritime Drug Interdiction 327

Treaty Enforcement 327

Living Marine Resource 327

National Incident Management System (NIMS) 327

Incident Command System (ICS) 328

Preparedness 328

Communications and Information Management 328

Joint Information System (JIS) 328

NIMS Integration Center (NIC) 329

General Police Duties aer a Terrorist Act 329

Guide to Personal Emergency Preparedness 330

Coping after a Terrorist Event 330

Reactions to a Terrorist Act 330

Practical Coping Ideas 332

Questions in Review 333

Biggest Mistakes Police Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 333

End Notes 333

14 Ethics 335

Key Individuals, Concepts, and Issues 335

Definitions 335

Chapter Objectives 335

Introduction: What Is Ethics? 336

What Constitutes Ethical Behavior? 337

Ethics as a Restriction on Behavior 338

Kantian Ethics 339

Moral Development 341

Values 342

Law Enforcement Values 344

Departmental Values 344

Management Tools 345

Organizational Culture 345

Personal Gratuities 346

Individual Guidance 346

Leadership Roles 347

Internal Affairs Unit 348

Ethics in Review 350

Ethical Exercises 352

Questions in Review 352

Biggest Mistakes Poiice Leadership Makes and How to Avoid Them 352

End Notes 353

Index 355

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